Square-Enix talks Final Fantasy XIII to Digital Spy

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Jul 5, 2006
The first high-definition and multi-platform release in the franchise's history, Final Fantasy XIII is set to be one of 2010's most anticipated releases. We caught up with producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama to discuss its development cycle, the Xbox 360 version, end game content and how the team will approach future games in the series. You can read our preview of the game here.

FFXIII has been in development for some time. How does it feel to be finished, and how has the game evolved since development began?
"How it's finished we're really relieved, partly because we have achieved the vital mission, which is the time lag between the release in Japan and abroad, which we're very excited about. Development started in PS2 for two years, then a switch to PS3, since then it's been about three and a half years, so it's quite a long project. And about one and a half years ago, it's been announced for Xbox, so lots of changes have taken place."

When did 360 development begin, and what challenges have you faced developing for both systems?
"It was decided for Xbox about two years ago, six months later it was announced at E3 in America. There were challenges and difficulties, but the basic engine could already comply to other consoles anyway. When the decision was made, the engineers had a really tough time, however we were more or less prepared for that."

Who worked on the game? Many aspects, particularly the combat and levelling system, are reminiscent of FFX.
"As you say there were many of the same team members, and Toshiro Tsuchida worked on the battle system for both X and XIII. But as far as we're concerned, the battle system is very different between the two games. The one in X was turn-based, very slow and strategic elements were quite important. In XIII, it's real-time, speedier, and there's the Paradigm Shift, and tactics can be changed during battle, giving it the feel of an action game as well. To us, the battle systems are very different to each other."

The series is well known for side quests and hidden end-game bosses. What can we expect to see in FFXIII?
"As you know, the game comprises of two worlds. One is called Cocoon, where you start off. Cocoon is more described as magical spells and is quite realistic. The other is Pulse, which is more primitive, which is where all the missions are. If you remember FFXII there were mob hunts, and more than 50% of the bosses you can take on involve these missions, which are actually stronger than the last boss."

Are there any plans for downloadable content?
"We haven't decided yet."

Previous games have had international versions with additional bonus content. Any plans to do the same with XIII?
"This time round the content is exactly the same as the Japanese version. The reason being that the lag between the two releases is quite short comparatively, and as you mentioned, the fans overseas had to wait six months to one year, and therefore we wanted to make up some bonus elements. But due to the shorter time, the content is exactly the same."

Finally, was there anything you learned in development that you'll be taken into future Final Fantasy games?
"With XIII, we made a lot of experiments, and we attempted to create a game with lots of elements into an action-paced RPG, which has been going down well in Japan so far. So we might keep that attitude into the future to create some very speedy, action-packed games for the series as well."

Final Fantasy XIII will be available March 9 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Source: Digital Spy
Square dismisses FFXIII: International

Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama have said that there will be no international version of the title.

Previous games in the series, including VII, X, X-2 and XII, have had international re-releases in Japan with new content that was added for Western audiences.

However, the duo told DS that there are no plans to release such an edition for XIII due to faster worldwide localisation.

"This time round the content is exactly the same as the Japanese version. The reason being is that the lag between the two releases is quite short comparatively… fans overseas had to wait six months to one year, and therefore we wanted to make up some bonus elements. But due to the shorter time, the content is exactly the same."

They added that half of all bosses in the game will come in the form of side-missions, many of which are harder than the final boss itself.

Final Fantasy XIII will be available on March 9 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Source: Digital Spy
Final Fantasy to become more action-orientated

Square Enix has said that it will make future Final Fantasy games more action-orientated.

Producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama told DS that the success of Final Fantasy XIII in Japan will see other titles in the series take a more "speedy" approach.

"With XIII, we made a lot of experiments and we attempted to create a game with lots of elements into an action-paced RPG, which has been going down well in Japan so far," the duo said.

"So we might keep that attitude into the future to create some very speedy, action-packed games for the series as well."

Final Fantasy XIII will be available on March 9 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

Source: Digital Spy
Well, that settles it. The FF series is dead to us if they're going to head in that direction. FF was never meant to be an "Action RPG".
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The only fast paced thing I'm concerned about are release dates! :gasp:

But let's see here....I actually do like action-esque RPGs. Kingdom Hearts is the main example I use and is a series I luv a whole bunch. But on the other hand...FF is really FF for being turn-based, right? I'm willing to be open to the idea, but at the same time I can see many complaints about such a drastic style change in a game series :hmmm:
Action-based? I'm really more into the turn-based, though being like Kingdom Hearts is not much of a bad idea to me. I'm open to the idea, but if it sucks I'll just stick to the oldies. :)
What? That won't improve it that'll ruin it. It works with Resident Evil to an extent but Final Fantasy action oriented?

I love FF, but if they are really going in that direction i'll be done with the upcoming games.
Even though I've heard this time and time again, it doesn't seem to bother me.

The series has got to evolve at some point. I'm extremely open to this change, because I've found myself actually getting used to the action genre as of late.

I don't like the fact that they're going overboard with this whole Westernized deal... but after all it may bring welcome change.
It says action-paced, not action based. All they're saying is that they want the combat to move at a faster pace. It doesn't say anything about making FF an action-based RPG. They use FFXIII as an example, which isn't an action-based RPG like KH.
We really think the SE team should look back and think about the saying, "Don't fix what isn't broken".

They're quite literally tossing everything that built the series out of the window and replacing it with something else. You can say that you're open to change, but if what they're doing is the case, then the new FF's will never be a great as the old FF's.

Final Fantasy is going to hell in a handbasket. :mokken:
Hm.... I could see this. FF should probably stay turn based, simply because that's what the series is, but a faster pace isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Well I personally think that Final Fantasy shouldn't be more 'action orientated' just because I don't see it fitting in that category and I liked the previous FF for what they were and whatnot. Though, sometimes you gotta different things. I mean old is good an' all but throwing in new things is sometimes is a fresh breathe of air but I think it's the new thing nowadays and they just are saying that to maybe get more buyers in the future?? It might 'ruin' FF it might not. I'm not going to say it will because I have no idea.
As long as, and here's the key, 'they advance the genre', i'm all for it. As solid and lovable as standard, barebones, turn-based is (and I really enjoy turn-based RPGs and love the FF series), if they're not doing anything to push things forward, then it's partially a waste of time. (and unlike fallout and elder scrolls, i disagree that FPS is the way to go)

If i'mma spend 60 hours just mashing the attack button since I can 9999 every enemy I encounter to death, then please, just give me a manga, or a 27 episode run of something awesome, where I can have my hands free to eat or sketch or something.

As it is, "turn-based" is a bit of a copout. Not that it isn't fun, but they can come up with something, anything more engaging than that.
Seriously, this had better just mean it's faster paced rather than going full on action game. Wasn't the entire point of the first Final Fantasy back on the Famicom was that it was something OTHER than an action game back on a console where most of the games were action oriented?
Final Fantasy turning more into a action oriented type? Essentially Finalvania or Castlefantasy? The only thing I have to say about action-rpgs is that I find them more fun as 2D side scrollers then I do 3D button mashers. Action-rpgs don't really work for 3D games too well, when castlevania tried going in that direction for their 3D games on PS2 they didn't do as good as their 2D side scrollers like Symphony of the night or the GBA & DS titles.

I don't know, I maybe wrong or misinterpreting it but one would only think of "action paced" with rpg as Action-rpg. Even if you are trying to "reword" it. I personally don't mind action-rpgs if that's the type of style they're gonna try and go. Kingdom hearts wasn't bad, but they do have to be aware that it doesn't turn into a constant mindless button masher. I'm not skeptical about the idea, I could be dead wrong about how I imagine it being and it could work for them... I don't know. I'll just have to wait and see for myself how this turns out. It would be odd though, final fantasy is known for their turn-based rpg style, but changes are made over time.
DS said:
Previous games in the series, including VII, X, X-2 and XII, have had international re-releases in Japan with new content that was added for Western audiences.

That's not the whole story. International versions in Japan also have new, exclusive content and features not available anywhere else. X-2 has that tower where Yuna, Rikku and Paine climb up to the top for example, and XII's International Version has features such as new license boards and the ability to control your guest characters.

DS said:
However, the duo told DS that there are no plans to release such an edition for XIII due to faster worldwide localisation.

I'm not sure whether this is due to possible DLC in the future - but if not, I guess this is a good thing. I never liked seeing Japan get the International Version with new bonuses and features exclusive to them anyway.

DS said:
But due to the shorter time, the content is exactly the same.

That's fine with us, especially we Europeans who have had to wait ages after Japan and the USA to get things.
It doesn't say that Final Fantasy will become completely action-orientated. He just said with the apparent success of FFXIII's speedy battle system, they may incorporate that again in later games and speed it up a bit more. I don't see the mainstream FFs becoming full-fledged action games anytime soon because it will essentially no longer be an RPG.

It makes sense why SE want to evolve the series. The Japanese game industry is suffering a decline - once it was the epitome of all things gaming, now the west is the dominating force because apparently - Japan is too conservative with their games. Many Japanese developers realise now that when it comes to the west, traditional turn-based RPGs have lost the impact they once had. In other words - they're trying to appeal to the west.

I hope they don't go overboard on this. They have had funny ideas of what they thought the west likes. I hope they don't completely dismantle the franchise's base because of the westernisation. I like the idea of faster, more dynamic FF games because it sounds fresh. I like the old turn-based ones too, but I accept that SE's key to survival is evolution.
Pretty soon there will be 1st person shooter Final Fantasy. Can you imagine? Well for me.. I've seen the downward spiral since FFX. I mean you can't expect people who followed an entire generation of just turn based rpgs to just move to the action-rpg. Trust me.. it might be fun to the eyes, but the stories always get neglected.

If they do this.. I'll just stop playing FF's as a whole.. it was a good run, and a good life time.
Trust me.. it might be fun to the eyes, but the stories always get neglected.

I agree. I was kind of disappointed to hear this--after X there really does seem to be an indirect variation between the story and the gameplay--more exciting gameplay, less developed story. FF is really one of THE main game series out there with good stories, and that's what I play them for, and probably most of the series' fans do too. I'm not really sure what category they fall in, but I've noticed there are a lot of popular games lately--Prince of Persia, Devil May Cry, God of War, etc.--that are trying to bring more story/cutscenes into action games, and I'm concerned that the story-driven RPGs are going to do the opposite, to try to meet in the middle just because that seems to be what's selling right now. And now with the popularity of online RPGs, epic stories are even more on their way out--many of them are so open/customizable with their storylines that you're kind of just making it up yourself, using a particular world/setting as a template. While that's fine and all--I know a lot of people like that and it can be fun--when I go to play a game, I want there to be an elaborate, thrilling story set up for me already--I could care less about myself being "in the game", I just want to experience a good epic tale, like if I were reading a book or going to the movies (though better because games combine the best of both together). I dunno, maybe I'm just weird, but if I'm having to do all the work and customization etc. in a story, it doesn't seem as much like escapism. And it seems a shame for something as good as FF to start veering away from what gives them such a high quality.
Well, this kinda defeats what FF was... but at the same time I'm happy. Maybe now people will take this series more seriously and maybe people will open up to the games.

With really interactive and fast games like Assassin's Creed, Halo, Call of Duty, etc, FF won't survive if they're always the slow RPG. Maybe this will be a good thing for the series.

I just hope it's a good change.
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