Square release English dub of TGS FFXIII trailer!!

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I fell in love with Serah even more. Finally I was able to _watch_ the trailer, not just read the subtitles and maybe glance what was happening. Now I can just watch and listen. Voice acting was good, especially Serah's. She didn't sound so youg anymore.
Looks like Serah will be gone though. Good riddance.

We've only been formally introduced to her. What do you have against Serah anyway? The fact that she appears to be the save-the-damsel-in-distress sort of character?
I think the Opening Post should contain spoiler warnings about the trailer.

The story seems to be shaping up pretty well. It's good to see inter-character stories (and not just everyone interacts with Lightning and nobody else, a bit like the FF8 crew).

Overall i'm impressed.
im impressed how the lip syncing was in english

the only things im curious bout r if the songs will be dubbed into english and where cid fits into the picture :P

im still in awe at how good thye graphics r.
Yay! :) I had completely given up hope on any new Final Fantasy games being any good, I didn't find XII that good and assumed this was going to be similar. However it looks like this game actually has a story and seems interesting. The characters also look great as does the gameplay and graphics! I'm so looking forward to playing it! Now all I need is a PS3. :)
We've only been formally introduced to her. What do you have against Serah anyway? The fact that she appears to be the save-the-damsel-in-distress sort of character?

Pretty much Yah. That and the fact her character design is completely unoriginal.

The writing in it is pathetic? How so? Because you saw a few scenes with dialogue? Oh yes! It's instantly pathetic! OMG!!! I think your expectations are way too high. You can't judge an entire game based on one measly 7 minute trailer. Serah will be gone? Right, nobody knows that so it may end up making you look ridiculous in the end here by making assumptions.

I say the writing is pathetic in the trailer. It's insanely over the top and melodramatic, and the dialogue and delivery is both laughable and cringe-inducing at the same time.

The soap operaesque teen angst is just stupid. Maybe I'm just getting a bit old for the majority of JRPGs. When I was really big into JRPGs, I was 14-15 at the time, and 7 and 8 really hit at just the right time for me being an angsty teenager...so I loved the melodrama. But as I'm older this shit just comes off as cheesy and stupid.

I guess I'm looking for real drama now, not corny teenage-targeted melodrama.


Now I could be wrong, and with how bad the trailer is the game itself could still be amazing, (I've seen the reverse true, Harry Potter 6 had an amazing trailer and was an incredibly disappointing movie) But I'm not going to lie and say "This looks awesome" when frankly, it looks like shit to me. I'll pick it up day 1, but I'm not holding my breath on it blowing me away.
I'm extremely underwhelmed by the voice acting, particularly Lightning and Snow. None of it really had a lot of emotion, even during the emotional scenes. And Lightning still doesn't seem all that interesting to me.

That being said, the trailer did get me interested. It looks like it might be a pretty good game story and gameplay-wise.
it's cool, but i guess for me there's a thing that is missing in the game, some kind of love story..sad but overall love i...
it's cool, but i guess for me there's a thing that is missing in the game, some kind of love story..sad but overall love i...
There most likely will be, there'll be Snow/Serah and Serah/Lightning, the latter being family love.

In fairness to the trailer, I think it's a bit early to criticise since it's only 7 minutes of a 50 hour storyline, so it's obviously not all going to be like that. Though, I don't see what problem people have with the voice acting >.>
Tbh the trailer was better in japanese when i didn't hear their english counterparts. If only the japanese version of FFXIII had subs i would even forget about buying the english version
Part of the reason for so much complaining is many people saw the Japanese trailer first, and are somewhat accustomed to the voice tones of the seiyuu. Another is that they have expectations (yeah, that word again) of how each character should sound, and if the voice actor doesn't match that expectation they become dissatisfied.

The last is that some like to hear voicing with over-the-top emotion put into their lines (an example of such a VA is Liam O' Brian, albeit he does it very well), while others think that the VAs put too much emotion into their lines, making it melodramatic (Zerokku). The bottom line is, Squeenix is damned whichever direction they take, the FF fanbase is large and there will always be a crowd who hates what they're doing in some form or another.

...Keep in mind, I wasn't attacking anyone just now, just making an observation, in case someone feels defensive.

EDIT: And finally (how could I forget?) there are the ever-present Japanophiles who hate everything English-dubbed.
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In fairness to the trailer, I think it's a bit early to criticise since it's only 7 minutes of a 50 hour storyline, so it's obviously not all going to be like that. Though, I don't see what problem people have with the voice acting >.>

A lot of it sounded kind of bland and emotionless to me. Snow's voice bugged me the most. I just don't like the way it sounds. I'm sure I'll get used to it though. I have this problem with a lot of video games with voice acting. It just takes me a while to get used to some of the voices but eventually they grow on me. Unless it's Tidus or Jansen (Lost Odyssey). >_>
Tbh the trailer was better in japanese when i didn't hear their english counterparts. If only the japanese version of FFXIII had subs i would even forget about buying the english version
Square Enix have actually considered that, whether they implement it or not is another matter. They were looking at putting both the Japanese and English voice acting onto FFXIII, but again, I'm not sure whether they'll end up doing it. Either way, they've said that if they do it'll only be available on the PS3 version of FFXIII.
There most likely will be, there'll be Snow/Serah and Serah/Lightning, the latter being family love.

And to add to that...

Sazh and Dajh, and Sazh and the chocobo.... And Dajh and the chocobo.

I think the family love bonds are going to be pretty strong between those three.

It is likely there will also be some between Hope and his father or whatever.

And perhaps the relationship (though not a loving one) between Snow and Lightning will develop. They seem to dislike each other at the begining, but perhaps over time Snow will come to love Lightning as a sister.

I have to say FFXIII seems to actually have a lot of love, friendship and family ties within it.
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