Steve Irwin's Death Tape


Jun 6, 2006
Steve Irwin was recently killed by a Sting ray while fiming a documentary. He was shooting at the time of his death. The tape may or may not be released. Would you want to see it?
I would like to see it. It's only fitting that we see his final video. It should possibly, or definitely, be given an age rating, and be shown later at night. It's perfectly understandable for his family to deny access to the tape.
I do and don't want too watch it, im just so curious and i want too see it because of that, but at the same time seing someone die isn't nice x-x
I would wan't to see it, but at the same time I wouldn't want to. Steve was amazing and I would like to see his last film and the way he died, but at the same time I don't because I would hate to see his death. But I would end up watching it anyway, I know I would.
Same here.
I would and wouldn't like to watch it too.
I'm curious how he died, but hell...a film about how a person died?
And somehow, I don't want to see Steve die..:(
i would watch it after all he would want us to he would want us to watch not harm the stingray and not be upset for him i guess we have to respect his wishes but i think it should be let out and his family would i think because his wife knows that he would want it to be shown so i would watch it.
I would want to see it, but my eyes would deny it. I would be disgusted and scared when his death shows in the video, but still... I'm curious @___@
NO! Its sum1 dying! I kno i cry at fims tht rnt real n sum1 dies so i jst wouldnt cope wi i think its sick...u probably all jst want 2 c it because of was hot news...mean would u generally watch jst any1 die? no probably not!!! its disturbing!!!!!!!