Sticking to your new year resolutions?

Big Casino

Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007
Ok well mines was to get my arse back to the gym and so far im doing ok. Ive not been as much as i wouldve liked but at least ive been. I was gonna go today however i cba so meh.
How bout you folks? Your resolutions dissapear the moment the bells went on New Years Eve? No lying now xD
Ya I pretty much failed mine horribly. Was going to start doing all my homework a week before it was due not the day it was due and well I'm still doing it the day it is due.
Every time I say I am sticking to it, for some odd occurence, the week after I completely stop, but I'll risk it anyways.

My resolution was to drop 30 pounds in 2 months. From 218.6 to 188.6 and I'm 6'0 height. I have to much muscle in my arms and chest and had a small gut (till this). So my want is to slim down to show more definition rather than being a meat head like I have been this past year.

Here's the thing I have 6 animals (1 dog and 5 cats) and of course my girlfriend who's been living with me for 2 3/4/ths years now, so it's entirely hard to get in a routine with me going back to school for a shot at a double major as well as working 25 hours a week doing code testing.

So about 2weeks and 1 day ago I started busting my ass, starting at a moderate 2-3 miles on the treadmill at 7. Then doing military crunches with 25 lbs weights on a de-elevated surface. After a week I had lost 4 lbs in water weight, and after 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs. (208.6)

Of course on Sunday I grabbed me some Cracker Barrel and Chilis so I bumped back up to 211.6. So that's where I am at right now.

Hopefully it works out, but my thought is I might have exagirated, because past water weight, it takes forever to lose the actual fatty tissue. I shall see though...
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i totally forgot to think of something this year!
at least, i could've tried to follow it.. *sigh*
do you think, i still can pick some resolution to follow?? maybe, it's not the timing that counts..:lol:
as to what happened the years before: i failed.
Every time I say I am sticking to it, for some odd occurence, the week after I completely stop, but I'll risk it anyways.

My resolution was to drop 30 pounds in 2 months. From 218.6 to 188.6 and I'm 6'0 height. I have to much muscle in my arms and chest and had a small gut (till this). So my want is to slim down to show more definition rather than being a meat head like I have been this past year.

Here's the thing I have 6 animals (1 dog and 5 cats) and of course my girlfriend who's been living with me for 2 3/4/ths years now, so it's entirely hard to get in a routine with me going back to school for a shot at a double major as well as working 25 hours a week doing code testing.

So about 2weeks and 1 day ago I started busting my ass, starting at a moderate 2-3 miles on the treadmill at 7. Then doing military curls with 25 lbs weights on a de-elevated surface. After a week I had lost 4 lbs in water weight, and after 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs. (208.6)

Of course on Sunday I grabbed me some Cracker Barrel and Chilis so I bumped back up to 211.6. So that's where I am at right now.

Hopefully it works out, but my thought is I might have exagirated, because past water weight, it takes forever to lose the actual fatty tissue. I shall see though...
Looks liek you could use some time management dude. Workin 47 hours a week here goin to school and got football and I snag time for the gym 4 times a week just gotta figure out what revolves around your schedule me I found a 24 hour gym works perfectly that or do certain body parts on diff days so you limit your workout like chest one day bis and tris another shoulders and back another and legs another can cut all workouts to round and hour to an hour and a half maximum thats what I do on the holidays since I work 70+ hours then
I have been SORT OF sticking to mine. I'm trying to lose about 1/2 a stone to 1 stone by the end of he year, gettin' some diet and excersize in >_<. I've been mainly good so far but I had a bit of a cake-flavoured lapse recently o_o but now I'm back on track! ^_^ And I got a fitness DVD for getting physical (PHYSICAL!) in my living room
Every time I say I am sticking to it, for some odd occurence, the week after I completely stop, but I'll risk it anyways.

My resolution was to drop 30 pounds in 2 months. From 218.6 to 188.6 and I'm 6'0 height. I have to much muscle in my arms and chest and had a small gut (till this). So my want is to slim down to show more definition rather than being a meat head like I have been this past year.

Here's the thing I have 6 animals (1 dog and 5 cats) and of course my girlfriend who's been living with me for 2 3/4/ths years now, so it's entirely hard to get in a routine with me going back to school for a shot at a double major as well as working 25 hours a week doing code testing.

So about 2weeks and 1 day ago I started busting my ass, starting at a moderate 2-3 miles on the treadmill at 7. Then doing military crunches with 25 lbs weights on a de-elevated surface. After a week I had lost 4 lbs in water weight, and after 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs. (208.6)

Of course on Sunday I grabbed me some Cracker Barrel and Chilis so I bumped back up to 211.6. So that's where I am at right now.

Hopefully it works out, but my thought is I might have exagirated, because past water weight, it takes forever to lose the actual fatty tissue. I shall see though...
Best way to get the weight off is to get in bed with your GF. :P You'll lose the pounds and then some in no time.

Personaly I don't do resolutions. I'm a lazy fat ass and I'm ok with that. As long as I make it through the new year I'm happy.
Ok well mines was to get my arse back to the gym
That's been mine for the last five years. <_<

Last year was awful - I finally found someone who was as determined as I was to go to the gym frequently. We made it our last year's resolution to get a gym membership at the college (£15 a year!) and go everytime we're there for psychology. We've yet to even ask about the membership. We decided to renew the resolution for this year and, guess what? It's broken again. xD

I think the entire concept of keeping it up for a whole year is what throws some people.
Ehh.. every year i try to make the same resolution but give up. This year i tried to start working out, but i its hard to do with the crap equipment i have at my house, and i can't go to a gym because i live to far away from a town let alone a gym. I'm trying to eat healthier foods too but its tough because all my favourite foods are junk food. I can't give up the sweets so i try to pace myself on them. So far it's been failing but i intend on trying still.
I didn't have a new years resolution this year. I didn't have an official new years resolution last year either. But I did decide to quit drinking around this time last year and I haven't had a drop of alcohol since then. I don't know if that counts, but meh :/
I never actually make New Years Resolutions, I don't see the point. If I want to change something about myself then I'll do it whenever I want, and not just because it's a new year. Although I sort of made one, but it wasn't really meant to be a new years thing or anything. Last year I bought lots of books but never got round to finishing any of them because when I started one, I'd buy another and start that and so on until I had about 50 unread books, so I decided that I would finish them all by the end of the year. It worked out at one a week, and I'm on target so far so I guess that's pretty good.
Well my new years resolution was supposed to be do kinda better at school but it appears that My math skillz just freakin suck and I can not do anything in Math.
..It's a little tradition people do, so, there. Give people some goals to like look forward to or accomplish within a year.

Anyway, here's how mine are going:

- To keep my faith in God stronger then ever - going pretty well actually, Im praying more regularly, and reading more scripture and getting close to more Christian friends.

- To graduate from Uni (Uh, not exactly near the date yet...)

- To complete all or as many videogames as possible - finished Pokemon Ranger 2, now I'm focusing on Pokemon Link and FFVI. Also made a move on Rogue Galaxy and FFXII, so Im getting there.

- To complete all or as many books as possible - I've finished a fair few already : the DALI universe, Dali, Tiger, Elemental Galade v1, Magical Miracle v1. Currently reading through a novel done by a local author, plus a fantasy book and several Christian ones.

- To watch all or as many DVD's as possible - This I haven't really made a start on. Will do though!

- To get a job - Now Ive got my timetable pretty much figured out for Uni, I can start looking for stuff now.

- To lose more weight - Unfortunately, I put on 3 pounds...but with Christmas break just finishing, and my usual fitness regime slowly getting back into kick, I kinda expected it, though I was gutted. I can now go to the gym and swimming on Monday, both on a Wednesday, and maybe just swimming on a Friday, as I finish mid afternoon on a Friday, so if I did both the gym and swimming, I'd get home kinda late.

- To be a better person overall - I think I'm getting. I'm in the process of stopping doing things which made me kinda suck and feel bad about myself.

- To get into writing stories - I've written ideas down, just need to get into the writing mood.

- To complete FFXII and start a 3rd file - Aim to finish my 2nd file and start the next one by June.

- To pick up Japanese again - Probably do this once Uni is over and done with.

So...I think I'm doing alright. Some things need working on, but, I'm doing pretty good.
Yea, I'm actually doing a pretty damn good job of sticking to my New Years Resolution I think. I don't want to say what it is... but I've actually gone out of my way to get some help in accomplishing it and I have to say that its going really fucking well so far. :)

Azzy's a winner. ;)
it took me a month to start off and get into the habit of, but I finally got it going good now.

Since I'm heading into the Air Force in April, back in December I made a plan to run at least 2 miles a day, and continue in my push-up's + sit-up's pattern until the day I'm deployed. Well, with it being cold as junk outside, I put that off until Feb 1st. Each day since then I've up-held my end of the bargain and ran those 2 miles, and plan to do so until April 14th.

Let's just hope this habit holds strong for another 2 months.
Well, im in the process, couldn't say that i've been doing "terrific" cos, no i haven't. I'm taken a looooooong break from my resolution [: great excuse huh? lmao. well, mine was the same as Luganas Dream I've been doing it daily, but i should work hard to shed that extra fat from the holidays. I'm average, so im not fat o.o oh goodness no so i guess ehhhish :/
Ehhh, I feel like I'm spamming because I only posted 3 spots ago but it's technically been over a week since my last post in here. Whatever.

I'm still doing alright with my New Years Resolution but it's been slipping a bit. I've been going through a bit of stress recently, so maybe that's throwing me off. I've also felt extremely tired this past week so I'm thinking if I got some more sleep I might do better at keeping to my commitment. I'm still getting help in accomplishing my goal, so I think that's why I haven't completely lost the battle... but I can definitely feel it slipping and I really don't want to lose any ground.
Ive been slipping the last week aswell, i ve been off work the last few days due to illness so i havent been keeping up with the excercise. But even before i got ill it started slipping, could use the excuse saying thats its freezing outside and the time i spend indoors i like to enjoy wrapped up but that would be a lie. Nothing stoppin me from going down the gym or even doing excercises at home, because ive got all the equipment.
Gonna try harder when i start feeling better, if fall out of routine now il never get going again.