Original Strategies and Builds Thread

I've got a build idea for exdeath even though mine is only lvl 3.

[lvl100 Exclusive weapon (forgot name)]
Blue moon
Snowflake Sweater

Gaia ring
Hyper ring
Hyper ring
Spirit Stanchion
After summon
lvl 100
Back breaking straw
Phoenix down

Aome rates?
I've got an idea for a BRV boost tidus set even though I don't have many of the stuff.

World champion
Adamant shield, helm, vest

Elven mantle
Dragonfly orb
Pearl necklace
Empty EX gauge
Summon used/unused
Opponent's HP=100% (aim for OHKO)
Center of the world
Close to you
Force begets courage


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Ive recently come up with an awesome build for Seph and an Attack Booster for Jecht (tons of Strength Powder)

Sephiroth- the Iai striker

Smiting Soul
Summon Unused
After Summon
HP= 100
Pre HP attack
Pre HP damage
Opponents HP =100
Opponents Summon Used
Opponents Summon Unused
Large Gap in Brave

I guess its an OK build, got me a 50+ match chain in blackjack course
This is a build Ive been using everytime I play an Exdeath, Kuja, or Terra player, and Ive wone most of the time

Bartz-Staller/ Ex core collector


ArchAngel's Bell
Star earing


Large Gap in HP
Large Gap in Brave
Full EX gauge
Summon used
Opponent summon used
Level 100
30 seconds expiration
Enemy is in Break State


Fake Mustache
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That set didn't work for me. The EX charge was too slow. How do you get after 120secs? I thought only opponents can have that.
Its possible to get any accessory your opponent uses inside the game, nothing is limited to only the cpu's

The set is meant to go against real people, because while youre stalling, theyre being pressured to play offensively or risked being OHKOed by Holy
Do you personally have it? On FF wikia, it specifically says that some of the time acc. boosters are enemy only. Also, can we make it a set rate as well?
It took me a while, but I realized those are one of the supposedly hacked accessories, I actually got that accessory from my friend who said he got it from the black jack course(hes full of bull shit).

There, I edited my set
30 secs expiration is 1.2 times so can't you just go lv is a multiple of 5? Also, how do you tackle against the computer with holy spamming? Flood spamming works well against computer as if they are just using aerial recovery, you activate it and they get hit. Doesn't that mean terra is good with holy and flood as well?
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But the set requires a timed multipilier, its not so much the damage as it is the fact that it shocks your opponent when youre slowly dealing more and more damage, and makes them play more aggressively in an attempt to finish the natch sooner

I wouldnt know, I dont play computers, I just know that Terra's flood is longer ranged than Bartz's, but Bartz's holy is more useful than Terra's
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Opponents can look at you accesssories. Anyway, they probably won't even notice. Can you put equipment and abilities in your set?
hello everyone im new here in the forums and I would like to ask a question.
Zeromus Shard
materials ; asure's rod , Lone heart 5, destruction Orb 5...

can anyone tell me where do I get the asure's rod, lone heart and the destruction orb.
if its in the duel colliseum pls specify what course and if it is in the story mode please specify the stage and the character also... thx

anyone got a good build with golbez

Currently working on an Aerial Brave Breaker build for Terra, here is what I have so far:

Acc: Multiplier on Brave atk
Multiplier on long distance
Multiplier on being above opponent
Multiplier on Break
Multiplier on being Airborne
Hyper ring (hoping to upgrade this soon)
White Cloak (brave on dodge)
Multiplier on Ex-mode

Equip: (still in progress)
Terra's ultimate weapon
Gaia Gear
Crystal Armlet
Crystal Hairpin

Summons of Choice: Alexander, Tiamat, Magic Pot, Odin, Gilgamesh

The strategy:

Pretty simple and straight forward, keep your foe at arms length using Terra's arsenal of Brave attacking magic to keep them distance and keep them busy, Holy combo is your bread and butter as Ultima will benefit from the multiplier of your recent brave attacks (putting a hp mulitplier in may make it even more benefical)

Your attack pattern will alter depending on which, summon your using however:

Alexander, ruthless bombardment once you score the first break, get if your in an enclosed map rush in close and use tornado to try chain trap them in a corner, Alexander will keep your brave frozen for the duration so you will consistently deal heavy damage, watch out for speedy melee characters like onion knight, traps the emperor can lay for you and Bartz'es windsheer.

Magic pot, let them build brave, and once they reach high level of brave, steal it and send out a holy combo, if it misses follow up with either a second combo or use thundaga, ice and follow up with a fully charged meltdown, it might be slow but in compact maps it will rebound and hit them from behind

Tiamat, keep bombarding them with spells and switching up between holy and ice, keep them away and keep your brave going up, as soon as tiamat triples your brave, try to catch them with a holy combo, a meltdown or land behind a wall and use flood (the reason for hiding behind a wall is it makes it harder to dodge as they cant see your casting animation which is usually the dead giveaway)

Gilgamesh, pretty much the same tactics as Tiamat, except you can begin your main assault quicker, especially if you get excalibur.

Ex-mode: Once in ex-mode dont relent, with alexander, ex mode becomes pretty evil as you can catch them in a holy combo> flare> ultima > riot blade combo to finish the fight VERY quickly, chances are if your not using alexander, you will either break them or they will be on very low brave and hp.

More to come!
Your equips suck. Use seydlitz, thornlet and rainbow robes for terra. You haven't developed your items well yet. anyway, I've got a back to the wall shantotto set.

Shantotto - equips - Claustum, seydlitz, thornlet, reed cloak (yes, reed cloak)

Back to the wall, rebellious soul, hero's seal, Force begets courage, first to victory, blue gem, back breaking straw (to counter thornlet), phoenix down, quickstrike shar X 2.

Summons: Ifrit/Alexander.

Total pwnage!

Here's my current WoL set:

Excalibur II
Adamant chains set

Champion belt
Gaia ring
Muscle belt X2
Summon used/unused
LV = 100 (thinking of changing to Empty EX gauge and Force begets courage or large gap in BRV)
LV multiple of 5
(I forgot what were the 2 special accs)

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Exdeath, Block and Iai Counter

Brave Attacks:
O: Omni Block
O+<: Black Hole
O+>: High Block

O: Omni Block
O+^: Reverse Polarity
O+v: High Block

HP Attacks:
[]: Delta Attack
[]+<: --
[]+>: --

[]: Delta Attack
[]+^: Almagest
[]+v: Grand Cross

Basic Abilities:
Abilities worth noting:
Concentration++, Snooze and Lose: Essentially forces opponent to attack.
Counterattack: Crits while opponent is in attack.
Hat/Clothes Equips/Adepts: Snowpetal set
I don’t equip Riposte, because I have Enuo’s Scourge equipped.
The rest are personal preferences: Evasion/Block/Dash/EXP>XX.

Weapon: Enuo’s Scourge: BRV on Block +20% and Riposte.
Hand: Lunate Armlet: Snowpetal 1/3
Hat: Chaplet (req Equip Hats ability): Snowpetal 1/3
Body: Snowflake Sweater (req Equip Clothes ability): Snowpetal 1/3
Snowpetal Set: BRV on Block +30%, and Magic Counter Strength +300%

Spirit Stanchion: BRV on Block +10%
Smiting Soul: Iai Strike + 2% (chance to Break)

Boosters: (These are a personal preference, just pull boosters that benefit your style the most)
HP = 100% : (running with EXP > HP)
No BRV Damage : (Synergizes with High-Block)
Summon Used : (Asura/Ramuh; I like to get it out of the way)
Full EX Gauge : (I usually hold onto 100% EX unless I need an EXGuard)
Large Gap in HP : (again EXP > HP helps this out nicely)
Pre-HP Damage (OPP) : (Synergizes well with 100% HP and Large Gap in HP)
Pre-BRV Damage (OPP) : (Synergizes well with High-Block)
Large Gap in BRV : (With all the BRV on Block, and Riposte, my BRV goes up while theirs goes down)

With all conditions met: 1.5^8 ~= 25.6x => +256% BRV on Block; 51% chance to Iai Strike.

Just do what Exdeath does best: Block and Counter. Exdeath can counter twice using Sword Dance or Vacuum Wave, providing two opportunities to Iai Strike (leading to a potential 75% chance to random Break once all multipliers are active).

I also have a OHKO Blackjack/Lunar Whale farming build for Shantotto that gives her a full EX Meter and ~5000 BRV at the start of the battle.
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Almagest is needed for ground control as exdeath is a ground player. I don't quite think that lai strike is good on exdeath as it is better used on easy hitting opponents like sephiroth.

Anyway, new set:

Onion knight

Equip: (lv 100 exclusive), ensaugined shield, circlet (for BRV recovery), brigandine.

Accs: Rebellious soul, Force begets courage + Ex build OR regen + EX build, phoenix down

Summons: Cactuar

Important abilities:

EXP to BRV if regen setup, EXP to HP if force begets courage.

Sephiroth - non lai striker.

Equip: Heaven's cloud, genji set

Accs: Dragonfly orb and/or pearl necklace, archangel's bell, Champion belt, boosters of choice approx X 6, fake mustache, close to you.

Summons: Of choice
Almagest is needed for ground control as exdeath is a ground player. I don't quite think that lai strike is good on exdeath as it is better used on easy hitting opponents like sephiroth.

I personally have to disagree with the first statement. My Exdeath is very rarely on the ground.

The only time I'm on the ground is for a Black Hole>Almagest combo or if I see an opening to force Concentration/Snooze and Lose. A lot of the time, I'm pressuring with RP mindgames, and RP will invariably put Exdeath in the air.

Iai Strike is just a personal preference, and is not a required component. Sometimes, depending on the situation, I like to switch it out (along with some of the multipliers) and toss in +ATK. But a double (quadruple in EX Mode) Sword Dance counter has a pretty good shot at activating Iai.
Post your ability setups here!

Post up your character builds here, I am new here so move this if it is in the wrong section or anything!

Here is my build for Squall Leonhart:
Ability setups, not equipment setups.

Squall Leonhart

Land BRV
○ Solid Barrel
←○ Upper Blues
○→ Blizzard Barret

○ Beat Fang
↑○ Heel Crush
↓○ Mystic Flurry

Land HP
□ Revolver Drive
←□ Blasting Zone

Air HP
□ Aerial Circle
↓□ Rough Divide

Ground Evasion
Midair Evasion
Ground Block
Midair Block
Aerial Recovery
Omni Air Dash
Jump Boost
Jump Times Boost+
Controlled Recovery

EX Core Lock On
Evasion Time Boost

Snooze and Lose
Sneak Attack
Disable Counterattack
Yantra, exdeath appreciates not only high and omni block as low and mid block is much more instant. Almagest is better on ground and exdeath is safer there to actually attack.

Squall, you might as well put equips as these stuff are kinda obvious. I'd recommend EXP to BRV though. Why do you have these jump stuff? Speed boost is better.
not true, exdeaths rarely equip any other guards than high and omni
non held high block has less cool down than mid and comes out at the same speed as low

it also reflects alot more brave attacks than the 2 of them