Strife Lovers

Hi I'm new and I'll join this club. Reason being I felt Cloud Strife is the most realistic game character ever produced^^...and of cos I like him.
Welcome to the club guys. ^_^ Sorry about not adding you guys, I forgot about this club almost lol.:lol:
I'd love to join! I adore Cloud ^_^ I have some artworks I've done of him
MasterX: Hmmm...what do we have here? A "Strife Lovers" club, eh? Mind if I hang? *puts feet up on coffee table and eats Aerith's cookie* Wow, this place has EVERYTHING! Except a back massager. HEY, CLUB MEMBERS! MY BACK ISN'T GOING TO HEAL ITSELF!
Anyways, I greatly respect the godly figure that is Cloud.
Random voice: So much that you'll do some sorta skit upon entry?
MasterX: Sure, why not. I've got time for one of those.
Random voice: Like a song... or a pledge? Or maybe a random guest speaker to sing for you.
MasterX: If you sing, I'll kill you.
Random voice: You said that about your last three guest speakers.
MasterX: Let me join in peace.
Random voice #4: If there was a greater good than he... Then I'll join another club, yessiree...
*gunshot goes off*
*you hear a "plop"*
*Fourth guest speaker dies from... a sudden "headache"*

Seriously, I'm requesting a position in your fancy club.
The original creator of this thread has been absent for quite sometime. I'm going to be moving this thread and starting a new, active club for Cloud, that way I can update it as members join.
