Strongest Beings of FFVII


Chocobo Breeder
Oct 22, 2010
Hey! So fun Idea...

Who are the strongest beings in FFVII?

Personally I think It might be the Minerva that genesis saw.

I think it goes Minerva, then Sephiroth......

So what you guys think, make a list!
Wouldn't Cloud be the strongest being seeing as you beat everyone in the game with him? (and his party)

anyway, I vote cloud haha (maybe Seph after cloud)
Hmm....Interesting thread.

Well I suppose that title goes to Sephiroth due to the fact he is state to be the strongest of FFVII verse. So we kinda have no option on that.

But if i had to list it would be, in order of strongest to weakest:

Top Tier:

High Tier:
The WEAPONS(bar Chaos e Omega)

Mid Tiers:
Average 1st Class SOLDIERS
AVALANCHE(Bar Vince e Cloud)

Low Tier:
Various monsters
Infantry Man
Regular Humans
In all Honesty I would have to say Jenova. She..he??? it... whatever the thing was, had the power to manipulate peoples thoughts, there will, and even there Gene's and had the power to create virus's and even threaten the planet enough to make it make Weapons to destroy it!

After Jenova would be the Weapon's. Those things were created by the planet to destroy any "harmful" things to it.
How about the Ancients, the Lifestream, or Jenova? Don't those three entities have to be the top 3?

I am not sure how to "rank" things, I mean techinically Sep is way more powerful than anyone else who is an individual, I mean you use your whole party to take him on.
Ranking them by power and who would win in a fight,

Sephiroth, Cloud and Zack are stronger than minerva, the WEAPONS, and Jenova(Sephiroth is stated to be above her afterall).
I think this had been discussed before, It was Sephiroth who in cooperated Jenova's powers in him and control the Jenova cells. Since Cloud have Jenova cells in him Sephiroth could control his mind/actions

There was really no proof of that, there was proof that Jenova did in fact control Sephiroth though, do you really think that if Sephiroth did pull the strings on Jenova that he would want Jenova to be resurrected? Also do you really think that Sephiroth would think that his "mother" is over 1000 year olds?
There was really no proof of that, there was proof that Jenova did in fact control Sephiroth though, do you really think that if Sephiroth did pull the strings on Jenova that he would want Jenova to be resurrected? Also do you really think that Sephiroth would think that his "mother" is over 1000 year olds?

haha, I deleted that part from my reply, Didn't expect you would saw it first! lol! I realised it was a complex topic.

Anyway, I'd read a lot about this Jenova controling Sephiroth vs Sephiroth controling Jenova before. It would be interesting to see what people in the forum will think. Yeah, Square never make it clear who is controling who, but we know that Sephiroth went crazy after he found out he was experimented. So if Jenova was controling Sephiroth, when and how did it started? cause Sephiroth was already out ot his mind (burned down Nibelheim) before seeing the Jenova's body.

Btw, Jenova, before she was defeated by the Ancients was indeed powerful and scary.
Not counting the Compilation shit because almost all of it is terrible and only serves to decrease the quality of FFVII's lore, the most powerful beings would be Jenova/Sephiroth (As they're practically the same being throughout the course of the game), the Weapons, and then Knights of the Round/Bahamut Zero or something, I guess.
For a long time I thought that Jenova was the most powerful creature in FFVII, but after I figured out that it was Sephiroth who was manipulating her/it I think I've got to go with Sephiroth.

He can revive himself, he had the will to control an alien that wiped out a whole race and his skills when he was a normal (sane) person were the best in SOLDIER! I realise that Cloud defeats him but I think a lot of that has to do with Sephiroth underestimating him. :x3: