Strongest Character

I like Auron because his attacks do quite a bit of damage, and I like watching him attack. I'm only a little over 20 hours into the game, so I suppose he isn't very strong atm, but I like him anyway. I also like his overdrives.
Tidus, Wakka and Auron, they're ma boys! not a fan of rikku and lulu tbh. yuna's god for the aeons, but that just feels like cheating! :P
Well that depends for me. My strongest caster was Yuna, and my strongest melee character was Auron. He seemed to deal out more dmg for me than Tidus,Kimahri,or Wakka.
your strongest x character

me personally was auron 9999 with a single hit although i couldnt break the damage limit but you might have a different character soooo let me know:)
mine is auron with 9999 every hit i never got his ultmate weapon infact i never got anybodys ultimate weapon but i made do with what i had and i managed to finish the game.
I trust you mean FFX? Auron doesn't appear in X-2...

Moved to Final Fantasy X.
My main three can all hit 99.999 anyway and my others would if I didn't delete half the nodes then get lazy.....anyway, overall I'l have to say Wakka coz he has the epicest of all overdrives: Attack reels. 12 hits of pure win
On my best file...Yuna and Lulu. Yuna takes of 50k with just her staff, and she and Lulu always hit for 99,999 with their spells :wacky:
Tidus Auron and Wakka could all do 99,999 with the most basic of weapons and could wipe the floor with the last boss in less than a minute flat.
Lord I suck in comparison XD

My Yuna currently does about 1500 with her staff, but her Holy spell does anything between 12000-24000 damage. She's uber in my file XD everyone else sucks.
Mine has always been Auron. But last time I played I decided to make Tidus a badass and sent him up Auron's track.

I think next time I play I'll make Rikku the badass.
I think Yuna is the strongest character I've ever had on any of my files, she could hit for around 80k with spells.

I didn't really bother with maxing out everyone's stats after I completed the story, I just faffed around and got a few Celestial Weapons for the sake of it.
Yea mine was Auron, my issue with the sphere grid was eventually everyone eventually turns into clones of each other, nobody really has any unique abilities except Yuna's summoning and their respective overdrive Abilities
Aww man!

I used to think I was so cool! -__-

Anyway, my strongest is Auron and Wakka. Just got their ultimate weapons.
They can do around 30-35,000 damage. (50,000 if they're really mad)

Tidus has the most points for strength, but I'm still striving to get his ultimate weapon.

I never really could be bothered with Celestial Weapons so the most any of my chartacters could do was 9999. Since all of them did 9999 I'd say Tidus was the strongest because he was fastest and therefore attacked more than the other characters.
For just standard attacks, oddly enough, I find that Yuna does by far the most damage, she can deal 99999 damage to almost any enemy, that's one good arm she uses to swing that magic rod she uses!

Also, I like to use her to summon the Bahamut Aeon, which I've increased the statistics of greatly, I'll have to get into playing FFX again sometime soon and see how high it's HP is, it has several tens of thousands of HP, if I recall correctly.

I have a method for getting lots of spheres quickly (99 in as few as 3 battles!), I'll play the game soon and give out the details, that is, if you guys don't already know what this method is, it involves the sphere distiller items.
Auron pwns all!

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