Strongest Character

My strongest character is Wakka. But then again, all of my characters does 99 999 with one attack, so its kinda hard. But Wakka has his Attack Rels which results in 99 999 x 12. But as someone else said, they will all be equally strong in the end. And Yuna still has her Aeons after all. Even though I barely used them in the end.
I have never completed this game but the strongest charecter I've gooten was Tidus.
Hmm...I would have to say that my strongest character is Auron. Tidus would come at a close second mainly cuz hes as strong as auron but i can't get his damn celestial weapon >:( auron was really the only character who got his ultimate weapon with full power. Along with his phoenix bracer that has auto-haste, auto-protect, auto-phoneix, and auto-potion he just tears thru any enemy!
well if ur an experience player it wouldn't matter because u would probaly get everybody stats to 255 but if ur not at the end of the game at not maxed everybody yet i would say that yuna is the best character if u know how to use her and not because of summoning abilities.
My strongest character is Auron. :monster: Which Im sure isnt really surprising to hear since he's most peoples strongest character.Auron is like on level 23 while the others are like on level 19/20. :P The second strongest in my party is Tidus.
My strongest character is Tidus, he has most of his stats in the hundreds, my second has to be Auron.
Theoretically, Wakka is the strongest due to his Attack Reel overdrive being the most damaging attack in the game. (Except Passado....but Mindy isn't a main character is she?) Mine is Wakka, but my party also consists of Rikku and Yuna, who both have stats at 255. (disregarding Luck...which is difficult to increase, and not particularly important once it reaches the 150 mark)
Yuna, since she can call the Aeons or Auron alone (with just his sword!!!). The weakest is probably Rikku...
None of my characters were incredibly strong. xD Mainly because I hardly played it, and had my sister complete most of it. xD Pretty addicted but I kept in tune with the story. Our strongest character was Auron, followed by Lulu. We managed to get some of the ultimate weapons for at least half our party, and hardly got anywhere on the sphere grid. I need to dig out the game again since I lost it a while back and play on it again, hopefully 100% it this time, since for certain reasons the memory was wiped clean, and we had to start again but couldn't be bothered.
For me I guess it'd either be Tidus or Auron. They far surpass the others in terms of attack power! I'm so proud of those two! ^^
My Lulu is always flinging out Thundaras before we get to Mushroom Rock, making the boss battles a cinch. As my name suggests, between her and Auron, I tend to go through the game with a lethal black magic / armor break swordsman combination.

Although lately I've been more careful to swap everyone into each battle so they all get XP. That makes for a fairly balanced party. Even little Rikku levels up pretty fast when you do that.
Boya give a round for my Auron at first with max stats followed closly by Wakka, Tidus and Yuna. Easy training is the king tonberry if you equip the right stuff so everytime he deals damage my guys get exp.
Auron, Tidus, and Lulu have been my strongest characters through most of my runthroughs, although I've done a few other runthroughs where I've tried to turn Rikku, Kihmari, and Yuna as my main characters, and focus on getting them through the sphere grid, etc.. instead of just bashing my way with Lulu's magic and Auron's strength.

And usually I've always modified the weapon I have on Tidus, so he gets to attack first no matter what, and then as long as he has a higher speed, he gets to attack again right in a row, so getting him to 9999 attack as early as you can if you have the patience to train, and then modding his weapon is a very good tactic imo as well, that's why I've always, except for very few runs had him as a main character.
Yuna was always my strongest, with wakka always trailing behind in last. Its seriously boring fighting with a blitzball though-__-