Stunning, truly stunning

M'aiq the Liar

The Exalted One
Jul 7, 2009
I for the first time have seen the trailer for Final Fantasy XIII Versus. The reason i had not bothered to look at it until now is because someone told me a long time ago that all it was was the same Final Fantasy XIII, but with turn based gameplay. That person was a liar. I saw the trailer, and it was magnificent. The fact that the game is leaning towards the realistic side is what really makes me happy. It reminds me of Final Fantasy VII, which i loved.
But watching the video gave me a mix of emotions, one of which was complete and utter happiness, and the other was hate and malice.

I knew that Final Fantasy XIII Versus was going to be a PS3 exclusive only, and after seeing what it was for the first time, i am really pissed in knowing i will never play it. I would rather play XIII Versus than the regular XIII game, which looks like poop in comparison.
Me too! I think Versus XIII looks so much better. I won't be able to play it either, because I know that I won't be getting a PS3 anytime soon, lul.

I just hope it doesn't turn out that bad, because it looks like an extremely good game.
To be fair, we haven't seen any of Versus XIII's gameplay yet, only the setting and some characters. I'll reserve my opinions as of now, but in honesty, the themes and characters so far in Versus XIII impress me more. Noctis and Stella will be more realistic than any other FF character hopefully. Sazh in XIII on the other hand, has a baby Chocobo in his afro. Snow can ride a gestalt Shiva motorbike and Vanille wears something she took from a killed bear apparently.
As of now, I prefer FFXII over FFXIII Versus. Maybe it because SE showed less than what they showed of FFXIII, but I still think I'll be more interested in FFXIII for a long while, if not forever.

The characters of FFXIII look more interesting in my opinion and I am not really into "realistic fantasy games". I am sure I'll buy FFXIII, but I am not sure I'll buy FFXIII Versus (I have a friend who will buy it anyway...).
I even more interested in FFXIII Agito over FFXIII Versus.
Which means I must get a PSP....
I'll like Versus XIII more than XIII mainly because it's more like Kingdom Hearts than Final Fantasy, which I prefer tbqh. I think the story as a whole could be better in FFXIII than Versus but the whole character design, battle system, darker plot etc makes Versus to be the superior title imo.
I'll like Versus XIII more than XIII mainly because it's more like Kingdom Hearts than Final Fantasy, which I prefer tbqh.

I haven't played any of the Kingdom Hearts games. How different is the game play from Final Fantasy?
I'll like Versus XIII more than XIII mainly because it's more like Kingdom Hearts than Final Fantasy, which I prefer tbqh. I think the story as a whole could be better in FFXIII than Versus but the whole character design, battle system, darker plot etc makes Versus to be the superior title imo.

Because it is somehow seems to be similar to KH, I feel that I am not gonna like it. I don't really like the gameplay of KH. It seems kind of limited and too much button smashing.

I haven't played any of the Kingdom Hearts games. How different is the game play from Final Fantasy?
Hard to say.

They are very different in the term of gameplay.

In FF (at least in the main ones) it is a RPG style battles, while in KH it is Action-RPG style battles.
You use magic, level up and such, but you control one character (with a few supporting ones which you can't control) and it is more about jumping, attacking, pushing buttons and doing crazy things.
Pretty much like an action game (as I said, Action-RPG).

The battle system somehow remind me of Devil May Cry series (if you heard of it)
I'm personally looking forward to XIII more than Versus. Don't get me wrong, I love games with a dark feel to it. But, for some reason, Versus just doesn't seem all that attractive to me. I've seen the trailers, but I still think that flagship XIII is going to be better than Versus in terms of gameplay, possibly even in storyline. I'm not saying it's going to be bad, okay? Besides, my opinion may change in the long run. I still think it's a bit too early to decide between the two anyway.
Well, good thing PS3's just dropped in price early thanks to They sold the new PS3 slim early, and Sony decided to ship them early instead of cutting off the sale until the date. So, PS3's just dropped 100 bucks. there $299.99 (usd)
I can't tell which I'll like more. But I am excited for Versus, mostly because of the first trailer. We still don't have that much to go on, but I'm keeping high hopes for this one. I think the supposed realism it's what's drawing me in. It can't be all that realistic with crystals and a guy controlling magic swords, but the setting (that car, amazing, those buildings, amazing) has me hooked for now.
The fact that the game is leaning towards the realistic side is what really makes me happy. It reminds me of Final Fantasy VII
I know exactly what you mean. As soon as I saw the world and characters from the screenshots and trailers of the game, I got really excited about the feel to it. This is definitely awesome. Not because of an FFVII comparison, but because, like FFVII, the "world" of Versus has a very realistic feel and look to it. That aspect alone has gotten me incredibly intrigued by it.

Between that, and aspects that have been revealed so far, I think I'd like the game a helluva lot more than XIII.

Btw, as for the gameplay, I've actually read in a few places that Nomura compares the gameplay to KH, with elements of Dirge (random) thrown in. And that they're going to be trying a lot of twists and spins in battle that are completely new. So actually, it sounds like it has very little turn-based element to it, if any at all.
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Is Dirge of Cerberus really as bad as everyone says it is? I never played it, so I can't tell whether Versus having elements of Dirge is good or bad.
I knew that Final Fantasy XIII Versus was going to be a PS3 exclusive only, and after seeing what it was for the first time, i am really pissed in knowing i will never play it. I would rather play XIII Versus than the regular XIII game, which looks like poop in comparison.

Man, do I feel for you. I'm facing the same problem! I don't own a PS3 and I probably won't until I'm 20-24!

Versus looks way better (if its the one with Noctis) and I really wish they wouldn't make it exclusive. *sigh*
Ugh, at first I was a little skeptical about this game, but now I want to see it come out before the first ff13. I just keep watching the trailers, and it's killing me how LITTLE they've told us. I mean, c'mon SQ, give us another hint! (I am now saving up for a PS3, special for this game =3)
I have watched the trailers only few times and they don't tell much about the game but there's something mystical that makes me to want to keep it my hands. To play it (but not to sleep keeping it under my pillow ;D). Noctis looks a lot like Cloud from VII and that might be one reason why I like him, even though I know nothing about him. x) Does anyone know has someone translated the subtitles from one of the trailers? I'd like to know what they are saying.
Versus XIII looks amazing! I watched the trailer today, and i must say that it is very visually satisfying.
But now I have to choice on which to play first....Which is out first? anyone help here?
I think Versus comes out later since there haven't been any news about the game. And of course, XIII is the main game so it's just logical that it comes out first. :)
a friend of mine said that he is more interested in versus XIII because not only that it has kingdom hearts battle system, he said it also has FFVII DoC battle system.. don't know where he got that kind of information.. but still, i want to play both.. if i only had some money...
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