Stupid maze in a stupid game!!


New member
Nov 14, 2021
Screw this dumb maze! I am in the Flying fortress, and I had to waste my freaking time searching shit up to beat this dumb dungeon!! I am on the fourth floor, and I can’t find my way out of this freaking maze!! Apparently you are supposed to find another teleporter, that looks EXACTLY like the other WRONG teleporter to get to the boss room! Who the hell is supposed to figure some stupid cryptic crap like that??! I was lucky, because I had internet, but I don’t even want to START to think about how some children are supposed to figure this shit out in the goddamn 80s!! You even have to fight stupid random encounters left and right!! I hate this stupid crappy game and it just sucks!

That's how they padded games back in those days. It's the same reason you have to grind so much in Dragon Warrior but not as much in the updated Dragon Quest ports of the original game.