[SU/D] Balamb Garden

I'm not entirely sure, I believe Zell is in bed, i am in bed and in the last post The Headmaster went that way.
I can post, or I can just wait for the time skip. I'm actually fully here now, done with classes and I have time for RPing again. I'll do whichever you want me to~
So who are we still waiting on before we go to the next day?

A few people actually, everything's gone quiet. I think people are waiting for everyone else to post XD

I can post, or I can just wait for the time skip. I'm actually fully here now, done with classes and I have time for RPing again. I'll do whichever you want me to~

A post would be nice if you've got the time, Caitlyn. It could be a post leading up to the time skip though. Good to have you back!

I might send a few PM's around to people soon to see if they're still involved. I know people are busy, but the RP has stalled a bit and I want to get it going again.
I'd make a post, but I've done more or less everything I can at this stage. Might wait till after the time skip to make another.
Sorry guys, I'm currently in the process of moving house and as a result, finding internet time very hard to come by!

Disappointed that there haven't been any posts in the RP, but I'm sure people will start up again soon :awesome:
Well my two are asleep now sooo cant do much at the moment XD who hasn't posted btw?

Edit: I'm still in this btw lol Love the RP D:

So are mine :awesome:

From memory, people that are still 'awake' are:

Sir Frately - Seifer | Robert Miasu

Rorolina Frixell | Sera (Not sure if Damon's still involved in the RP though...)

Subtle-Sounds - Mercy

Yaoi Master Gavin - Alex

Caitlyn - Rinoa | Xu (Could be that Xu doesn't necessarily need to have a post leading up to sleep)

Mitsuri Kirijo - Quistis

Miss Fortune - Irvine (Only posted once though...)

So there are a few, but maybe it's not 100% essential that each person has a post leading up to their character being asleep. If it benefits the RP, I'd be happy for them to post post-night skip. As long as they could make other people aware, of course!

(The name's highlighted in red being the people that may not be taking part any more. That's an assumption though, based on the fact that they haven't posted in a while.)
It's been buggign me for awhile that I haven't posted here, mainly because things have been hectic IRL. Loads of free time this weekend though and I think I'll have some extra time between lab and class tomorrow so I may make a post then, or at least start working on it. Fucking summer chem class.
Don't worry about it, Gavin. I think a lot of people around here have the same issue, myself included. All it's going to take is a few people to post which should hopefully get the ball rolling.
Given how I woke up (none too refreshed) I don't think there will be a post until at earliest late tonight. Gonna use the in between time to nap in the nursing lab if I can get in. They've got beds there; crappy ones and serviceable.
Now SS has posted (glad to have you back ^_^) I think it's best to say that we should push on from here. I'll be posting whenever I can - internet still being an issue! My next post will be Zell waking up, I recommend that's what we all start doing so we can get moving again.
has the time warp happened yet?

I have been out for a fwe days, indisposed due to family members visiting, but im back and ready to post
My examination-caused absence wasn't entirely disruptive! Good good, I hate keeping anybody waiting.

Although, I was hoping to be able to slap another Kaine post onto this RolePlay. Yet, when I do actually get the chance to post, procrastination (nation) 'ill come swarming in, blitzkrieg style.
yea, be interesting to see how relationships work out and what not,

also guys just a side note, I have added a Covert Ops Specialization to my character, including a personalized weapon, I will admit it is Very Tron Legacy as that is where i got the idea, i just figured it would be cool to have a Covert Ops Guy just in case.
The only thing that disappoints me is that a] I don't think vikki is coming back(for whatever reason - her net hates this site for some reason) and b] I don't think Aaron is ever gonna play Squall as curious about other men.

"Such a pity." - Jareth the Goblin King, Labyrinth
So er.. where's this going? I'd post but it's so dead right now that I don't even know how. I'll check back a few times a day to see if anything happens though.