[SU/D] Destiny


All your username are belong to me.
Nov 20, 2009
Somewhere else

There exist an uncountable number of forces in this world; Light and Darkness, Life and Death, and everything in between; Earth, Fire, and even those less tangible forces, such as Love and Fear. It takes one who is extremely wise and powerful to combine these aspects into one binding, irrefutable force, and it comes as no surprise that, for centuries, people worshipped the nameless individual who came to be known as Trionfi, and his deck of cards, for doing so. Seventy-seven cards, consisting of twenty-one aspects of existence, as well as four suits of fourteen cards, to act as chains to bind them to his will, as well as the fate of any human who dared to invoke their power. Thus it was with his deck of cards that Trionfi ascended, ruling undisputed over all those who came to him with questions of their existence.

But then, power ever attracts greater power. An unknown anomaly, a seventy-eighth card, The Fool, came into being some time, seemingly out of nowhere. Thus was Trionfi cast down, and the power of his cards unravelled with him. The chains snapped, and the twenty-one aspects of existence were scattered to the winds, their powers no longer confined, their essences freed to seek hosts who would act as a vessel, a Querent, for their powers, towards a purpose that only they knew. The name of Trionfi was forgotten, and his cards themselves became legend amongst worshippers of the Occult, acquiring a new name – Tarot – and becoming little more than a diviner of fate, with no real power to speak of.

Years have passed, and those who have become Querents for the essence of what are now called the Major Arcana have found their lives irrevocably altered, as their very lives are now shaped by these beings that reside within them. Their questions that led them into this situation have not yet been answered and, indeed, have only multiplied, as they find themselves in danger from others of their kind who covet their power. Yet this is not the only danger they must face, for The Fool, with an army at his back, is not yet done with the power of Trionfi’s deck…


In this life, is it not natural to have questions? Yet the mundane questions, such as “Will I be rich?” or “Will I ever find happiness?” those that deal in absolutes, they are never answered, for some knowledge is beyond that of even the Gods. Yet those who seek to change themselves from within by questioning their own existence, rather than attempt to set it down in an absolute; they are the ones who are met with success, should they call upon a being of power.

Thus are the Querents born; those who hold the essence of one of the Major Arcana within themselves. They are rewarded for their attitudes, ideals and beliefs with the power of the one best suited to them; power with which they may shape their own destiny, in order to answer their questions.

However, the Major Arcana are powerful, corrupting forces, and the nature of the spirit housed within the Querent will often irrevocably shape the mind of the mortal that seeks to contain it. Some Querents become taken over utterly by their host, and seek nothing but the powers of others. Others lose their identities, and yet others do not, their Major Arcana being naught but a quiet whisper in their ear.

Regardless of the nature of the Querent and the Major Arcana, it is still a symbiotic relationship: together, Querent and Arcana are a devastating force. Divided, they are considerably weaker. Those Querents who are able to defeat others in combat will also acquire the power of their Arcana, making them stronger, and that much closer to filling their ultimate Destiny, and finding their answers.

The Major Arcana

Formerly nameless essences contained within Trionfi’s deck, the Major Arcana have gained separate identities along with their freedom, and have become aspected, rather than being pure elementals. The Major Arcana cannot exist without a human host, a Querent, as little more than bodiless spirits; yet one more power among the uncountable millions in this world. Yet, with a host, they gain tremendous power, and may manifest themselves in the form of weapons, Diviners, for their host to wield in combat. Whilst the spirits themselves have changed, their nature remains the same: they are, above all, creatures whose primary purpose is to survive, no matter what the cost.

The Major Arcana and their abilities are listed below:

The Magician

The Magician is a spirit of great power, for he possesses the ability to manipulate all elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Darkness, Light, and all that resides in between; one of the only three Arcana (the other being The World and the Fool, both of whom are considerably more powerful than he) to be able to do so. The Magician is limited only by his own imagination and, whilst his control and power over the elements may not match other Major Arcana, his versatility gives him an edge, and makes the Magician a formidable and cunning foe. Despite his potential for great destruction, the Magician prefers to conquer his opponent through skill and sleight of hand, rather than physical strength, and can create illusions that are indistinguishable from reality, for their stimulate the senses and fool the mind into accepting them as reality…and, indeed, perhaps they are.

Diviner: Wand
Element: All

The High Priestess

The spirit of the High Priestess is a powerful, seductive presence. For women, she represents an ideal state of being, or perfection. For men, she is an object of desire, a Goddess to be worshipped. With a single word, she can lift a spirit into the stratosphere…or send it spiralling downwards into a never-ending despair. She possesses a great strength of spirit which, when channelled through her Diviner, is capable of great physical destruction. Whilst her destructive power pales in comparison to that of other Major Arcana, the High Priestess’ true power lies within her charm, and there are few who can resist her when she exercises this charm, be they endowed with the power of another Major Arcana…or simply another hapless mortal.

Diviner: Silver Cross
Element: Spirit

The Empress

The Empress is the most gentle of the Major Arcana, and will choose to co-exist peacefully with her chosen Querent, acting as a spiritual guide, and never taking her host over completely without con-sent. Of all the Major Arcana, it is she who has changed her nature, for she now chooses to nurture, rather than fight. Like the High Priestess, she possesses an extraordinary strength of spirit. The Empress’ powers, when channelled through her Diviner, are formidable indeed: she can raise barriers that none but the most powerful of attacks can penetrate, and is capable of drawing the very life force from others, or returning it, bringing back even those who are but an inch from death. The Empress is passive and, whilst she possesses iron strength of will, she will not enforce this upon others, unless she is left with no other alternative.

Diviner: Silver Sceptre
Element: Light (Healing/Protection orientated)

The Emperor

The most vicious of the Arcana, and one of the few that takes over the body of his Querent entirely, leaving their spirit little more than a remnant of what existed before. Whereas Death is indiscriminate, and the Devil is fuelled by rage, the Emperor is fuelled by the desire to rule, the need to command. He is calm and pragmatic, yet ruthless, and can enslave any mortals to do his bidding with but a single word. The Emperor brings stability and security, yet he also brings war and destruction, and it is a very delicate balance. Through the power of his Diviner, the Gold Sceptre, he can bring destruction through devastating dark-based magic as easily as he can bring peace and prosperity. Freedom must be sacrificed for stability, and the Emperor enforces this with his iron will. His rule is absolute, and any who resist he will immediately crush; indeed, few of the Major Arcana can rival the Emperor’s power.

Diviner: Gold Sceptre
Element: Darkness

The Hierophant

Seeker of Knowledge and Truth, the Hierophant walks many paths on his quest to enlightenment. Yet Knowledge is a brutal thing, and the Truth, that can be obscured, or twisted entirely. The Hiero-phant is the most totalitarian of the Major Arcana; more so than the Emperor, he seeks the path to ascension, and he will go to any lengths to uncover his ultimate destiny. The Hierophant leaves no stone unturned, no possibility unexplored, and guards his knowledge jealously; he is equally likely to lead people astray as he is to reveal to them what they seek. His is an indirect (but no less powerful) form of control: curiosity. Through the power of his Diviner, the Ivory Staff, the Hierophant wields both the powers of Light and Darkness…although on a considerably reduced scale when in comparison to others blessed with these powers. Yet the Hierophant’s knowledge is such that it is extremely rare that he has to battle.

Diviner: Ivory Staff
Element: Light/Darkness

The Lovers

Originally one, now two. The Lovers, more than any other Major Arcana, have been shaped by hu-man emotion. The Lovers seek experience; to understand what it is to be human: they have taken more Querents (indeed, on occasion they shall take two, bringing them together to watch the re-sults) than any other Arcana, exploring every possible emotion within them. The power of The Lovers fluctuates; it has great potential, but it requires time to reach that potential, and there is always the danger of that strength dwindling in the heat of battle. The Lovers grant their Querent Twin Daggers to utilise in battle, one endowed with the power of Fire, and the other with the power of Ice. The strength of these daggers depends entirely upon the emotions running through the Querent at the time, making them either extremely potent, or entirely ineffectual.

Diviner: Twin Daggers
Element: Fire/Ice

The Chariot

The Chariot is an Arcana of Conquest, it constantly seeks a battle, a challenge, be it internal or external. Reckless, stubborn and determined, the Chariot wields unwavering power through both faith and ignorance. The Chariot is possessed of great strength of will and courage, and it has an absolute control over its Querent’s emotions, overriding all caution and common sense in the face of a challenge. More than any other Arcana, the Chariot is possessed of a fanatical desire to win. It matters not what the activity is, be it cards, a life-and-death struggle, or an internal, much more private matter, the Chariot demands that things go the way it has envisioned them to be. However, for the Chariot, defeat is an absolute. Whilst the Chariot’s confidence has yet to betray it, as it seeks greater challenges, it is but a matter of time before the momentum becomes too great for it to handle. The Chariot grants its Querent a Claymore as their Diviner, with the power to split the Earth asunder and deflect even the most powerful of attacks, as well as enhanced strength and agility with which to use it.

Diviner: Claymore
Element: Earth


One of the Four Cardinal Virtues, cornerstones of human society, Justice is an extremely powerful Arcana. Possessed of an absolute sense of what is right and wrong, and with the clarity necessary to enact it, Justice is interested in one thing only: delivering the virtue for which it was named to those who deserve it, be they mortal or Arcana. Justice is not an emotional creature; it is rational, calculated, and impartial. Because of this, it is incapable of understanding human emotions, and this is a characteristic that is reflected upon its Querent, who will find themselves losing their emotions, as well as their inability to see any alternate perspective, should they accept Justice into themselves. Justice takes no account of the circumstances. The Diviner of Justice is a Rapier, embodied with the strength of Lightning, and allows the wielder to summon tremendous storms.

Diviner: Rapier
Element: Lightning

The Hermit

The Hermit is a passive, comforting Arcana, and will rarely assert himself. He is the only one of the Arcana who knows true peace, is content with the power that he has obtained, and is content simply to exist, free from the confining prison of his card, to travel and experience the lands. Nothing drives the Hermit, for he has seen it all; it is possible that he is oldest of the Major Arcana, although this is unknown. The Hermit will, by choice, isolates himself from all others, even his Querent, who he will bond himself to simply for company. The Hermit’s Diviner is a Lantern. Whilst capable of channelling Spirit Energy for some rather spectacular results, its primary function is far more destructive: it allows the Querent, and the Hermit, to see into a person’s soul, to strip away their facades and illusions and force them to recognise exactly who they are. The Hermit is, after all, always looking for an honest man, and the best way to find an honest man is to make one.

Diviner: Lantern
Element: Spirit

Wheel of Fortune

Luck is often the first thing to be celebrated when things go according to plan, or to be cursed when they go horrible awry. The Wheel of Fortune embodies the concept of Luck; the push and the pull, the sudden twist of fate. For the Wheel of Fortune, what matters is not whether the game is won or lost; it is the thrill that the game brings the power, and the experience. The higher the stakes, the greater the power. The Wheel of Fortune can even alter the odds to a certain degree, making the Querent extremely lucky…it is, after all, better to be lucky than good. The Wheel of Fortune grants its wielder a Longbow for a Diviner, with a full quiver of arrows, blessed with the power of the Wind. Much like the nature of the spirit itself, the potency and accuracy of these arrows is left entirely to chance. At its best, they are enough to level entire buildings. At the worst, the bowstring snaps, leaving the Querent open to assault. Luck can be a fickle bitch.

Diviner: Longbow and Arrows
Element: Wind


The second of the Cardinal Virtues. Strength, much like Justice, grants its wielder an astounding clarity. However, this clarity is an internal force, rather than an external one. The Querent of Strength will be, emotionally, unstoppable, possessed of an iron discipline and self-control, and a compassion bordering on the holy. Strength has been tempered to perfection, and can represent both the most unshakable of allies and the deadliest of threats. Whereas Justice is an external force, Strength is an internal one, although no less absolute. The Diviner of Strength is a War Hammer empowered with the element of Ice, capable of causing glaciers to rise from water, or turning the very air to mist.

Diviner: War Hammer
Element: Ice

The Hanged Man

The Traitor. Perhaps the most hated of the Arcana, after the Fool. The Hanged Man exists to destroy, to betray and, in those moments of realisation, capture the very soul of its victim, and so increase its powers. The Hanged Man brings nothing but ruin, to both itself, its Querent, and any who come into contact with it, and it revels in this ruin. It is adept at wielding deceit and lies, even more so than the Hierophant, and can easily lure others into its net, making them place the nooses around their own necks and even being glad of it. However, there is an inner calm to be found within the Hanged Man, even as the storm of betrayal rages around it, and it has a supernatural patience, which it will often transfer to its Querent. The Hanged Man’s Diviner is, appropriately, rope. However, this is a rope of a seemingly infinite length and considerable durability and strength, able to crush stone and cut through steel. Whilst it possesses no element to speak of, it is highly versatile, and powerful in its own right.

Diviner: Rope
Element: None


One of the most powerful Arcana, and without a doubt the most feared, Death is, in reality, entirely indifferent. Indifferent to the struggles between the other Arcana, of humankind, of anything and everything. Even more so than Justice, Death is without morals, and unmindful of circumstance. It is the absolute; everything, eventually, is subject to its dominion, and Death is content to wait for that to happen. It harbours no malice and, even if confronted, it will retreat if the option is available. Death signifies the end, and with each ending, be it physical or spiritual, its power grows. Death’s Diviner is, unsurprisingly, a Scythe, which grows in power with each soul harvested. In a graveyard, not even the Fool could best Death in combat. Whilst Death is capable of creating destructive flames, chilling ice, splitting the earth and even summoning an army to do its bidding, the power is derived from the spirits of the fallen, and not the elements they may appear to be.

Diviner: Scythe
Element: Spirit


The third of the Cardinal Virtues, Temperance represents the idea of Balance. It enforces balance, and this is something that none of the Arcana, not even the Fool, can deny. Whilst Temperance cannot enforce unity, it can enforce balance and, if Temperance joins in a battle, that battle will be decided very quickly. However, the Querent of Temperance will find that she is a demanding master: whether they like it or not, they will be forced to intervene in unbalanced situations, even if they are in favour of what they would perceive as “evil”. Temperance has become far more than what it originally was, and its influence can potentially far surpass that of any of the other Arcana. However, Temperance’s influence is indiscriminate, and the Querent will not be able to use its power in any way that would upset the balance it enforces. Temperance grants its Querent the Diviner of two Challices, one silver and half-filled with water, and the other gold and half-filled with wine. Both of these liquids can be controlled by the wielder to strike out at opponents with the force of a tidal wave, if the situation demands it.

Diviner: Silver Challice/Gold Challice
Element: Water

The Devil

There are many kinds of chains in this world, both physical (for example, substances such as alcohol) and emotional (such as fear, or the lack of belief in oneself) and it is from these chains that the Devil gains its strength. For the Devil, enough is never enough. No excess is too great, no level too low, and the things that many humans regard as sinful or selfish are the Devil’s forte. However, the Devil has perhaps the most symbiotic relationship of all with his Querent: the chains that bind the two of them together are freely worn, and both experience great freedom from all but each other. The Devil does not create depravity and excess, he simply encourages it and, whilst he invariably brings out the worst in his Querent host, he also frees them from the constraints of their lifestyle. The Devil’s Diviner is a Great Axe of immense size and strength, which becomes melded to the Querent by thick, white hot chains. However, the Devil’s fire-based abilities are the most powerful and destructive of all the fire-based Arcana.

Diviner: Great Axe
Element: Fire

The Tower

The one Arcana that even Trionfi himself did not dare to use within his games, The Tower is consid-ered an ill omen by all practitioners, and its summoning is never intentional. All who are drawn to its enticing mystery are soon destroyed, unable to contain its power, or are driven mad by the secrets that they uncover. The presence of the Tower is sufficient for even the Fool to put aside his schemes, at least temporarily, to witness the coming revelation. The Tower is a mystery; what is a locked within its spirit not even its Querent knows. The Tower grants its Querent two rings, which are endowed with both fire and lightning elemental abilities respectively. Individually, these two elements are not a match for any Arcana, yet combined; they are capable of causing unfathomable ruin. However, a full unleashing of these powers will not spare any, even the Querent, for they draw from the Querent’s very essence. When one plays with fire, one must expect to get burned in return, and lightning is an indiscriminate force; it strikes where it pleases. The Tower is as dangerous to the Querent as it is to others around them.

Diviner: Two Rings
Element: Lightning/Fire

The Star

The Star is an Arcana that heartens all who are fortunate enough to invoke it. The Star embodies Hope, be it renewed or newly found, and draws its strength from the purer, more desirable side of human nature. The Star looks ever forward and upward which, whilst making it somewhat naïve and eternally optimistic, makes it a comforting presence for others. The Star is a serene and gentle spirit, preferring co-existence with her Querent, and seeing violence as a last resort and a tool of self-defence only. The Star’s Diviner is a Trident, imbued with the elements of Earth and Water. Much as the Star brings harmony to those who war with each other and within themselves, it allows the Querent to blend these two forces together for some extremely potent attacks.

Diviner: Trident
Element: Earth/Water

The Moon

The Moon is forever striving to realise itself, to purge itself of the self-doubt, the psychological conflict, within it. A true solipsist, the Moon is unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and its power is such at night that it does not need to, for it can make of its fantasies a tangible reality. With the Moon, nothing is as it appears to be. In the darkness, the Moon wields spirit magic to rival that of even Death, although by the light of day it is powerless, much as The Sun wields no power in the darkness. The Diviner of the Moon is a Crescent Axe, which allows the wielder to unleash whatever their heart desires in the form of devastating spirit magic. Often, these desires and fears will manifest themselves in the forms of animals. The Querent of the Moon will also find themselves able to enter the minds of others, although they are unable to influence the reality contained within their mind.

Diviner: Crescent Axe
Element: Spirit/Darkness

The Sun

Whilst the Star represents a feeling of renewed hope, the Sun is a spirit of contentment. The Sun has acquired all of the knowledge he sought to possess, and is now simply content with the life he leads. As such, it is rare that he will involve himself in matters relating to others of his kind, or control his Querent entirely: the Sun is a generous spirit, and he gives his gifts of optimism and vitality freely. The Sun possesses an indiscriminate form of innocence in his gift-giving, however, and is perhaps too quick to trust. The Querent of the Sun wields a Sabre as a Diviner, allowing for powerful Spirit and Light-based elemental attacks…however, only during the day. The Arcana of the Sun draws its power, much like the Moon, from the object from which it was named, and is powerless in darkness.

Diviner: Sabre
Element: Spirit/Light

The Angel of Judgement

Believed to be the spirit of the angel Gabriel by practitioners of the Occult, the Angel of Judgement is one of the strongest Arcana. He is absolution and the hope of a new beginning for those who are truly damned, or those who have simply lost their way. Unlike the Star and the Sun, who bring joy and contentment to the lives of those they touch, the Angel of Judgement wipes the slate clean, allowing for a new beginning. His judgement comes upon many forms: he may simply forgive one of their past misdeeds, grant them the strength to forgive themselves, or smite them down with his fury, capturing their soul in the process and denying them death, allowing them time to repent for their wrongdoings before they are reborn, or send on their way. The Angel of Judgement is unique in that the unleashing of his full power will kill his Querent host. However, their soul will live on within the Angel, until such time as he sees fit to reincarnate them. His Diviner is a War Scythe, and his light-based elemental abilities are the strongest of all light-based arcana, and are of such a magnitude that he can deny death itself.

Diviner: War Scythe
Element: Light

The World

The fourth of the Cardinal Virtues, and the most powerful of the Arcana, the World is perhaps as close to ascension as one can become. She is known by many names, and represents nothing more or less than existence itself. To kill her or to possess her power is the goal of many, both Arcana and mortal (perhaps even the ultimate goal of the Fool himself), yet to do so is so no easy task, for she represents nothing more or less than the sum of all that has ever been, and perhaps all that will ever be. She shares her essence utterly with her Querent, so that they are inseparable, two integrated souls within a single body, and when the Querent’s body dies, their spirit joins with the World, as much a part of her in death as they were in life. Yet, despite her awesome power, the World is not capable of realising her own existence without a Querent host, and this is reflected in the fact that she, like all other Arcana, grants her Querent a Diviner; a Quarterstaff, through the which the power of the elements can be channelled.

Diviner: Quarterstaff
Element: All

The Fool

Granted a place amongst the Major Arcana, yet given the ambiguous number (or lack thereof) of Zero, the Fool is an enigma. He appears to be a spirit in search of experience and wisdom, much as the other Arcana are, yet his very manner – and considerable power – suggests that he is in search of something else entirely. The Fool possesses formidable strength. He is capable of physically manifesting himself without a Querent, and none of the Major Arcana can match him in a contest of brute force, for the Fool possesses all of their powers, even those of the World. As she is the Goddess of the World, it is arguable that he is the God. Yet the Fool’s motives are shrouded in mystery, and it is rare for him to ever actively take to the field of battle himself. He seems simply content to journey along a path invisible to all but him.

Diviner: None
Element: All

The Minor Arcana

Servants of the Fool, those who are known as the Minor Arcana are, like their master, capable of manifesting themselves without a Querent host, and appear to draw their powers from the Fool himself. Despite their servitude to the Fool, the Minor Arcana each have an agenda of their own, and are no more keen to be imprisoned in their shackles than the Major Arcana are…


1) Godmodding and metagaming is forbidden.
2) Please, use a decent level of spelling, grammar and punctuation in RP posts. Fail in this and I WILL kick you out of the RP.
3) Please try to keep your RP posts to a minimum of a paragraph (three to five sentences)
4) Be polite. If you’ve got a problem with another member, take it to PM, and don’t clutter up the OC thread with it.
5) If you need something clarified, just ask!
6) Maximum of three characters per person. For the moment, two reservations only, although interest in other characters can be expressed, and will be noted.


1) This RP is set in the present day, and will take place across the entire world. Unless you have a plan worked out with other characters though, you should start somewhere in America, so we can go from there.
2) Some of you may recognise the theme going on here - this is not a re-imagining of Fate, but it was inspired by it, and this point is my acknowledging this. I received permission from Diar to start this up, and that is all I care about. Don't like it? Too bad. I don't like a lot of things, but that isn't going to make them go away, and there is nothing in the rules that forbids me from starting an RP inspired by someone else's.
3) This is just a compilation of my own ideas that uses Tarot as a base. If you want absolute accuracy, go start your own damned Tarot RP and stop pestering me about it.

Application template

Age: (no younger than 16)
Diviner: (See the Arcana bios above for information on your Diviner)
Element: (See the Arcana bios above for information about elements)
Character theme:
Battle theme:

Character list

Major Arcana

The Magician – Reserved [Martel]
The High Priestess - Reserved [Channy]
The Empress - Lucie Robinson [Liv Liv]
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers – Alexis Tripp [Channy]
The Chariot - Reserved [Liv Liv]
Justice - Gemma Clancy [Liv Liv]
The Hermit
Wheel of Fortune
The Hanged Man – Jamie Irelia [Diar]
Death – Meredith Chase [Martel]
The Devil - Reserved [Squid]
The Tower - Vivien Elendril Clancy [Ringo]
The Star
The Moon - Noire De La Ville [Meddy]
The Sun - Mariella Opus [Diar]
The Angel of Judgement
The World - Unavailable [NPC] [PM if interested]
The Fool – [Martel]


Those of you who have received invitations and responded, feel free to post your bios in here whenever they are completed. Those of you who have yet to respond, until the point where either all the spots are filled or we have started, you can reserve your character at any time, either in here or via PM. As always, first come is first served.

Once everyone who was sent an invitation who is participating has reserved a character I shall allow reservations of up to two more characters.

Those of you who have not received invitations but would like to participate; feel free to drop me a PM about it. Once I have determined how many people will be participating, and how many spots are open, I may decide to throw the playing field open. Or I may allow you specifically entry. It all depends.

This RP will start on the 3rd of June at the earliest.

This gives people plenty of time to complete their bios, get their exams/schoolwork out of the way (hopefully, keep me posted if you are participating and have exams/work that will take priority) and plan some schemes for the RP with me and each other for when it finally does kick off~
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Name: Jamie Irelia

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Arcana: The Hanged Man

Diviner: Rope

Element: None

Appearance: Short at five foot seven, with a lithe, slender form slightly underweight, Jamie has a smooth, handsome face, lightly tanned and youthful, without facial hair, making him seem a couple of years younger than he actually is.

Short, dirty brown hair is arranged in a tousled style, with a red and white striped bandanna around his head when he is dressed casually. Round, dark blue eyes complete his facial arrangement.

Jamie can be found in a number of clothes fitting for whatever situation necessary, be they casual, formal, or whatever else is required for his current location and situation.

Personality: Dignified and graceful in everything he does, Jamie places a great emphasis on perfection, and demands it in himself, and to a lesser extent in others, although he is unlikely to directly demand perfection from those around him.

Everything he does is calculated and weighed within a second to reach every possible conclusion. Jamie is practically unflappable, having aces within aces for every possible thing that can go wrong in a given situation.

Seeing other people as mere tools, he lies with frightening ease and unflinching consistency, feeling no guilt or shame for his actions thus far. Very little of Jamie is genuine, and to him nothing is true, and everything permitted. His true emotions are almost always hidden behind a false smile or cold threat, and it would take something major to break the mask. Not even he fully knows who he is beneath the ever present mask.

Bio: Born to an "old money" family, nothing was particularly easy in Jamie's easy life. His mother, who had never been stable, suffered from a form of post natal depression that only manifested itself fully when Jamie was two. Jamie would often develop odd bruises and cuts in the next three months until Jamie's uncle became aware of what was going on and told his younger brother. Jamie's mother was summarily given treatment, but committed suicide shortly after the therapy began.

Moving to a new town, Jamie's father raised Jamie as best he could, and truly loved his son, but unfortunately, due to the life of a businessman and single parent, Jamie was only given the basic necessities, and very little in the way of parental nurturing.

A confident and charismatic child, Jamie soon made his presence known in the local elementary school, becoming popular. However, a few spats of bullying and exclusion broke out, though nothing so severe that anything was made of it.

When he reached high school, the incidents mysteriously switched place to there. Although the students there were a little more vocal about any oppression they underwent, Jamie managed to wheedle his way out of any punishment every single time,.

By the time Jamie had reached fifteen, his father had remarried to an older woman from a middle class family. Their love was genuine, and Jamie's stepmother tried to get to know her new stepson better, but Jamie denied her maternal advances, and downright intimidated the woman to the verge of tears with words alone.

Seeing that his son and wife were not getting along, but not wishing to directly remove his son from his home, he suggested his son pursue a third level education. And to his surprise, Jamie agreed.

Trying out for a prestigious college, Jamie was denied before long. Shortly afterwards, an allegation of sexual assault was made against the elderly headmaster of this establishment, and shortly afterwards, several people mysteriously echoed this scandalous accusation.

Shortly afterwards, Jamie began his first year at Oxford, and the sexual assault allegations vanished, never to be heard from again.

Upon his second year, Jamie was without money, and so returned home for a brief stint, leaving with a black eye and bloody lip. That same night, a police report was filed against his father and his wife, stating that they had assaulted their son/stepson. Of course, such an allegation would kill his father's reputation, and an out of court settlement was made, with Jamie leaving several million richer.

Since then, he has lived a quiet life. However, the occasional misfortune befalls those around him, while Jamie sits calmly in the center of the tempest.

Character theme: To be determined.

Battle theme: Also to be determined.
[FONT=&quot]Name[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Gemma Clancy[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Age[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: 19[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Gender[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Female[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Arcana[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Justice[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Diviner[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Rapier[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Element[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Lightning[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Appearance[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Physically she is ordinary, standing at 5”6, an average for a teenager of her age. She maintains a slim physique, though her face is very slightly gaunt. Her hair extends beyond her shoulders to her elbow and gleam dully of a hazel colour, while partially wavy in appearance, unstraightened. In contrast with her dull hazel hair, her eyes gleam a radiant emerald. Once one gets past this initial beauty, he or she will notice the slightly supernatural qualities about her, particularly her eyes as even in the darkness the unmistakeable essence of the green can be distinguished. Perhaps this is partially the perplexing nature of this girl. Physically she appears to very ordinary in appearance – like nearly all other teenage girls of her age – yet simultaneously there is something ambiguously unnatural about her appearance. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]She is predominantly seen with a casual bubble hem top with a light cream pink patterned ribbon knit cardigan buttoned by her waist area. She wears a necklace around her neck, which is adorned curiously with a small, sword-like shape gleaming fervently with a silvery glow in the sunlight. She wears a short dark skirt and long dark tights with a plain modcloth belt around her waist. Footwear-wise, she has opted for a pair of dark vintage crown boots. Rarely does she ever stray from this particular fashion sense and she stubbornly maintains that whatever the weather may be.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Personality[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Prior to what she calls “That Day”, Gemma was often the life and soul of the room. She had a consistently sunny outlook and often positive, able and willing to chat incessantly with her friends and family – the joys of gossip and lively banter never eluded her. She also maintained a consistently high standard of her grades whilst at education, loving the sciences and aspiring to be a marine biologist due to her love of dolphins and other marine wildlife. By no means was she exceptionally studious, she would occasionally play truant whenever the prospect of class failed to appeal to her and her talkative behaviour often landed her into brief moments of conflict between her and her tutors. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]At least that was her personality. Ever since “That Day” occurred, an irreversible turning point of her life was reached. Confronted with the trauma and the despair, hatred was eventually brewed within her up to the point where she cast aside her sunny disposition and could no longer smile like she used to. Cynicism crept in along with the newfound anger and hate, until what remained of her was only the battered shell of what remained of her. All she could do was swear vengeance towards whoever perpetrated the horrendous crimes of “That Day”. To her, vengeance by her own hands was the only ideal method of justice. There were to be no other exceptions and despite emotionally fragile, she swore not to let anyone or anything hinder her whatsoever.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Her fractured, cynical and hateful personality was soon eroded with the advent of her Arcana within her. It enveloped within its host, quickly erasing her emotions entirely. She was beyond nonchalance, for now she could no longer feel what an ordinary human could psychologically. What emotional fragility she had is now cast away and she roams an emotionless young woman, unafraid, undaunted, and unaffected by the goings-on around her. Her own goal of seeking justice on the one who had originally caused such pain to her previous self remains intact, as well as the additional new goal of seeking justice on those who have wronged others. To anyone, mortal or Arcana with the audacity of seeking to disrupt her goal, then by the scales of Justice and her Diviner, the Rapier, she shall strike them down with no hesitation or mercy. Whatever side she has taken she shall remain in with a stoic refusal to be swayed. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Bio[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Born into a prosperous family in Southampton, England, Gemma is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who had built his fortune on a goods shipping company. Her mother worked as a marine biologist in Southampton, who often worked with various forms of marine wildlife in the sea centre, most notably dolphins. It is perhaps unsurprising that through her mother’s work with dolphins that Gemma grew to love the beautiful mammals. She lived with two siblings, a younger brother two years her junior (Thomas) and an older sister three years her senior (Jessica), who had already moved on to be an administrator of a small computing firm. Thriving on enterprise, the Clancy family enjoyed a fairly undisturbed life until “That Day” arrived. The global recession had hit the country hard, especially the Clancys’ shipping order company. Employees after another were laid off as the company sought to frantically balance out the books. While the layoffs were the absolute last resort, one of the employees made redundant who had known Gemma’s father descended into madness, distraught at what looked like an act of betrayal by his former employer. He was able to remain on the executive chair, accumulating vast wealth while he was laid off and would surely struggle under the weight of the economic crisis. It was his descent to madness that he sought to exact revenge. Methods would not interest him, only results.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Surely she is fortunate, a very radiant girl with a happy and content childhood, destined for a future of great enterprise, affiliates of the family would often comment about Gemma. In many ways, this was particularly true. Her childhood has been relatively easy. She was content with what she had and appreciated how fortunate she was to possess what she had. She never grew too spoilt and often looked upon her older sister as a role model, and Jessica was therefore a very influential figure in her life. She studied at the prestigious Marlborough College in picturesque Wiltshire and applied to the University of Cambridge to study the sciences. Her chatty nature earned her quite a reputation without her school environment while her occasional bouts of truancy would often irritate her tutors. Nevertheless one could not deny that she was the heart and soul of much of the college. Gemma was popular with her peers and easily earned their trust. There was no other school environment, she thought to herself, where she could be this happy. It was during work at a garment store in Marlborough town where she met her boyfriend and since the pair had been almost inseparable for several years.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]That all changed on the day after she received an offer to study at Cambridge University. The irrevocable joy emanating from her was tremendous. Despite being half-hearted in her studies at times, managing to earn a place in Cambridge was surely an impressive feat for her as she prepared to finish up her last year at Marlborough College. As Marlborough is a boarding institution, it was also Gemma’s home during term time and she would return to Southampton regularly to be reunited with her family. It was in the early hours of the morning following the preceding day of the received Cambridge offer that she was requested to answer a horrific telephone call. Her father certainly had an enemy – a man who had been made redundant by the company and who while facing a period of madness decided to exact his revenge. The Clancy residence on the outskirts of Southampton had been burnt down by an inferno as wretched and potent as Hell’s sanctums themselves. Her mother, her father, Thomas and Jessica – what became of them now; only as illusionary memories? Gemma could see them before her very eyes like mirages; there they were, smiling gracefully at her, as if all sense of danger and fear had never befallen them. Indeed, suffice to say, they never felt the danger or fear. The family had been asleep when the madman struck, igniting the household with such sadistic pleasure before having fled into the darkness while the inhabitants laid so ignorant and so vulnerable. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]To have such happiness torn away so cruelly from you – surely you could never understand such evil unless you have encountered it, right? It surely leaves everything else within you – everything positive – withering away like rotten flowers…unless all that is left but an insatiable void of loss, of despair, of horror, of loathing and anger. This was the void that was left within Gemma and “That Day” sought only to change her completely. Gone was the bubbly and chatty girl that she was. What emerged was the opposite. Almost unrecognisable in character, she now began to seek immediate revenge towards the perpetrator. This was justice in her eyes and she was driven by pure emotion. A wreck was all that was left of her. Emotion was piling up inside her and would surely destroy her, while the void was growing bigger and bigger with each day. None of her friends could reach her and she grew more and more distant from them. She could have taken the easy way out and be reunited with her family in the ethereal lights of the other world, but driven by emotion, she would not cease until she finds her target. She did not create the evil, but she felt increasingly like the doomed Victor Frankenstein on a pursuit with what looked like an unattainable goal to avenge for the family and happiness taken away from her.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]An emotional wreck she often was, but this void within her and the strong sense of delivering justice made her an ideal target for her Arcana. With Justice enveloping within her, all that remains is that same sense of justice, albeit on a broader scale now no longer dedicated to exacting justice on that one man she has sought for. Justice comprehended not of human emotions and wiped the slate clean. All emotion wiped from her, Gemma Clancy now appears to be no more than a shell of what she once was. The time for judgement calls on this new Querent. A year on, leads have reached Gemma, stating that her target may have fled to the States. Abandoning Britain, she left its shores to America, where the hunt would really begin.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Character Theme[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: TBA[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Battle Theme[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: TBA[/FONT]
The Stars Bio:

Name: Mary Bennett

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Arcana: The Stars

Diviner: Trident

Element: Water/Earth




Character Theme:

Battle Theme:

(to be finished)

The Emperor Bio:


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Arcana: The Emperor

Diviner: Gold Scepter

Element: Darkness




Character Theme:

Battle Theme:

(to be finished)
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Name: Vivien Elendril Aldian (goes by “Vee”)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Arcana: The Tower

Diviner: Two rings

Element: Fire/Lightning


Vivien is somewhat of a tall girl, standing in at around 5’10. For her entire life she has been rather slender. With a fast metabolism, she could eat three times her weight and not gain a pound. Due to her slender form, she’s not exactly strong. In fact, it would be a rare feat for her to actually be able to lift fifty pounds. Her hair is bright red and naturally straight, as her hair is not curly or wavy in the slightest. Vivien always makes sure, out of everything else that her hair is always taken care of as she prides herself on it. Whenever she goes out, her hair is always tied back into a rather long pony tail. The only time she unties it is when she is at home.

Her eyes are a rather dull green color, and are usually the last thing noticed as her hair typically overshadows everything else about her appearance. While some would claim she is “cute” or “beautiful”, Vivian simply doesn’t care much.

Contrasting her somewhat ordinary looks is her out of the ordinary daily attire. Most girls go around wearing clothes that magazines tell them to buy, or wear something skimpy to attract attention… Vivian simply wears what she likes… and what she likes isn’t what others consider to be normal. Her undershirt is a white, short sleeve button down collared shirt. Above that, she wears a black “vest like” shirt with white trim. She wears a pair of shorts that are short enough to permit movement, but long enough not to show anything. For shoes, she wears a light pair of shoes that tie around her ankle.

For an over garment, she wears a bright red thin light robe. It wasn’t until the discovery of the two rings that he began to wear it much more than usual.

Personality: Vivian described in three words would be “cocky”, “self-centered”, and “cynical”. When it comes to just about anything, she believes that she can not only do what everyone else can, but she can find a way to do it better. Vivian has a very horrid case of a superiority complex. Not only does she have to be better, she can’t stand being worse, the only thing that she hates more than useless people are useless people that have no desire to become better than what they are.

However, that isn’t to say that she’s a bad person. In fact, she can be very nice when she wants to be. The trick is getting her to actually want to be. To people she doesn’t know, or simply doesn’t like, she will be rude and quite mean about it. Completely contrasting this, anyone that manages to get on her good side will find a great friend who will always treat them with courtesy. Therefore, Vivian is very picky and judgmental when it comes to people. Most would think her choice in friends is completely random, when in all reality it’s quite the opposite… it’s very methodical.

Most people are turned off by her god complex. She sees herself as something great, holds herself as something great, and she doesn’t let anyone else tell her otherwise, for she believes that they’re all lesser than her anyway. After all, people tend to hate what they can’t understand, and very few can understand just what Vivian is thinking anyway. Vivian is very honest, and very, very, direct, even when being direct isn’t the best choice of action. Often, she’ll act on impulse alone and kick logic completely to the curb. Vivian is also very intelligent, even though she never shows it. She is also stubborn to a fault as she will not ever admit she is wrong, and she will not give up... even if it costs her everything.

Part of what drives Vivian is her need to be constantly entertained. The only thing that she hates more than idiots and useless people is being bored, which is why Vivian is always planning and plotting, if she’s not doing something, she gets bored. Speaking of boring, boring people are more often than not openly criticized by her. Why waste good air on boring people?

With The Tower as her Arcana, she finds herself constantly under pressure by her own high standards. She feels as if she isn’t doing well enough, and that she needs to push herself further. However, at the same time, the power of her Arcana is slowly corrupting her. She feels the need to keep using it, yet she knows she shouldn’t because her power slowly damages her. At times she’ll randomly get tired and need to rest to recover. Her breathing will pick up and her judgment will be off because of it. It has also made her outstandingly paranoid. She’s always worried someone will jump her going around a corner, so she’s always got her powers ready to go.

Bio: Vivian was born in London, but her parents moved to America when she was thirteen years old. Her family is rather rich as her Father owns a large business. Because of this, most of her life she was provided for and well taken care of. Because of that, she was often bored and left with little to no excitement in her life. The only excitement she ever got was the move to America, and after that was all said and done, it had turned out to be just as boring as every other day… now it just had different scenery and accents.

By the time she was 18, the boredom had convinced her to move out as soon as possible. While her family had offered to pay for everything, she knew it would be little, to no different from when she was younger and living with them. Instead, she chose a life of what she liked to call “modest crime”. It was fun, exciting, and she made a rather good living off of it. In all reality, she became a con-woman. She would lie, cheat, and manipulate her way anywhere, and steal what she could carry.

For two years she lived that way, escaping boredom with the enthusiasm of a man trying to escape from prison. Her bank account was filled with money she had rightfully liberated; her loft was full of assortments of antiques and gadgets that she paid for with the money she stole, and everything was going rather well. She had little complaints, but something still nagged at her.

A part of her was convinced that she wasn’t doing enough. She had made the choice of life that satisfied her… but she felt empty. It was like a victory she obtained, but it was empty inside. She continued to lie, cheat, and steal… and continued to have that nagging sensation in the back of her mind. She wanted more, but she didn’t know what. She needed to do something else… but she hadn’t the slightest clue as to what.

At least, that was the case until she found two rings in a mansion one day. While she was surrounded by diamonds, gold watches, and other, shinier jewelry… she couldn’t take her eyes off of two ordinary looking rings. She wanted nothing but the rings… they called out to her as if they needed her more than she needed them. The feeling she got was more amazing than anything she had ever felt. She grabbed the rings and put both of them on her right hand, one on the pointing finger, and the other on her middle.

It was then she heard “her”. A subtle voice in her head that explained what she had just “chose” her for. She had the powers to control fire and lightning, the power to do things Vivian had only read in books and seen in movies. Most people would have been scared… but Vivian was excited. For the first time in her career, Vivian took nothing else from that place. She went home and spoke with whatever was in her mind.

After that day, there would be times when Vivian would get the urge to do something for no reason. The Tower would call to her… never explaining what it was the “she” wanted, but simply urging Vivian to do, and she would obey. At times she would use her powers, and they would take a slight toll. The more she used them, the larger the toll. At one point, it became too much. Vivian had pushed her limit as red and black marks started appearing on her body… but “she” wanted more. She urged Vivian to go further, and she obeyed.

It was then that Vivian learned that The Tower didn’t care for her… but “she” needed Vivian. However, if push came to shove, The Tower was willing to put her into harm’s way. A normal person would call it quits… but The Tower had bested Vivian. “She” picked a woman who got bored easily and showed her a world of excitement, “she” know that Vivian wouldn’t give the powers up, and to make sure of it, the powers were corrupting and addictive to boot.

Vivian couldn’t give them up if she tried. She had successfully been made a slave of The Tower.

Character theme:

Battle theme:
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Question: Are we using Factions again? Cups, Swords and all that? I'm looking over my old bio and adding to it, and nearer the end I found something about joining the Cups faction. Have you abolished that? And if so, what is it that will bring our characters together? Sheer chance and fate on the street perhaps? (bee tee ubleyuu, if it was elaborated in the thread somewhere and I missed it, I apologize.)
Oh yes, I can't create a new character for a new RP without a piece of concept art. :mokken:


Gemma Clancy, copyrighted by Fleur.

Doing the hair was a complete pain and I think I fucked up the lips no matter how many times I attempted it. Still, she's looking good and while the outfit doesn't 100% match up with what the bio says, it's close enough. :olivia:
Diar, Liv Liv and Ringo, you are all accepted. Delightfully long and detailed bios :yay:

Also, yay for artwork! :griin:

Channysaur, we are not using factions. This was only inspired by Diar's RP, it isn't an outright copy of it. Seeing as how this is invitation-only, and there probably won't be more than ten of us, the Major Arcana should be more than enough, especially since I doubt most people will want more than a single character~

What will be bringing people together? Scheming, in here, on MSN, via PM or shoutbox with me and everyone else participating. Plus The Fool will serve (at least, initially) as the primary antagonist of the Ar Pee, and he has an army of Minor Arcana NPCs (so, all the factions united under one) at his disposal. Some characters (for example, the Emperor) would no doubt seek out others, as well.

I'll get my bios up when I'm of a fit state of mind to do so...and when I've fully decided who I want. I might even take the World for a fourth character...

Anyone not taken when we're all ready to start I'll just write in as an NPC. Also, for those of you who wanted to reserve a second character, I shall allow you to do so on Monday, since I know a couple of you had ideas~
Name: Noire De La Ville

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Arcana: The Moon

Diviner: Crescent Axe

Element: Spirit/Darkness

Appearance: Standing at a height of 5”7 ½ , Noire is actually considered one of the tallest in her family, though she's aware that she's not the tallest girl in town. She weighs 118 lbs, so her figure is mostly slim, but not too scrawny. She was born with dark brown hair, but has dyed it raven black, it reaching down past her shoulders and towards the chest area while there are several waves put into it. Her skin is blemish free and slightly pale as she doesn't spend too much time outside during the day, and her eyes are a dull concrete color – nearly dark enough so it almost looks like her eyes are black. The only distinguishing mark she has is a birthmark – a small mole located diagonally near her left eye. Her eyes are often enhanced in appearance due to her wearing some dark colored eye makeup.

For her usual style of cloths, Noire prefers to wear dark shades of colors or black – liking the contrast it creates from her attire to her skin. The usual outfit she wears is a small black tube dress that wraps around her figure considering it is very tight. In the torso area, she wears a large studded belt around it – the studs on it being a silver color. She also wears a black floral crochet vest that hardly weighs her down as it might as well be a scarf with two large holes for the arms. On her legs, she wears satin leggings, having a dark garter worn around her right thigh in case she needs to keep anything small out of her hands. Black flat wedged leather boots are worn no matter the terrain she's in. If a person she doesn't know were to see her in the street, the first though that would probably go through their head is 'gothic'. Though she hears these comments often, she prefers to wear mostly black just because she thinks the shade looks good on her.

Personality: Sociable, but not totally insane (as some people would consider her), one of the things that Noire hates is being alone with no one to talk to. She doesn't judge anyone by appearance, and prefers to decide how she feels about them once she's learned an interesting thing or two about them. On a first meet basis, she can usually converse about anything that may link to her own opinions – whether if it's about medication, the cities' popularity, or anything unrelated to the sort, she likes someone that can hold up a good discussion. Preferring to sleep during the day and go out of the house for the majority of the night, she likes to wander in places where there are things to learn, people to learn about, and inspirations to discover, for she doesn't entirely know what she really wants to do for the rest of her life.

Disregarding her somewhat socialite behavior, Noire is known to have a temper. Whenever someone does something wrong -whether to her or to a task being done- or if something happens that dissatisfies her, she'll make it very clear. At times when she is extremely irate, she is at high risk of saying things she may think she means at the time they're being said, but later on would feel guilty knowing that she may have very much hurt a person's feelings. She is nothing but honest to the people she talks to, whether if its opinionated honesty or brutal honesty, for she hates the concept of lies – even 'little white' lies. This was an attitude that she had gained since she was a toddler, which most of her family usually disliked. She believed that if a person is human and has a brain, they are grounds to hearing whatever she feels about them – no matter who they are.

Despite that behavior, she had admitted that she doesn't enjoy giving the hurtful truth all of the time – even though she can't help herself. Although it may be a bad habit, the one way she mainly tries to control her anger is by self medicating, rather than taking the anti-depressants that she was subscribed to and stopped taking more than a year ago. She instead takes several types of illegal narcotics, often to the point where she's hallucinating, and is at heavy risk of creating an addiction. When asked about her drug use, she describes her reasons as to 'escape the nuisances of the world'. She prefers to see things the way she wants them to look, putting her in a tranquil state as the phantasmal scenery calms her down, oblivious to what goes on around her in reality.

However, these kinds of reasons have often led people Noire cares about to worry, as the aftermath of the narcotic use can be very dreadful. Despite that she is often in a happy and carefree mood when under the influence, when the effects finally wear off, her mood is often worse than it was before. She may wake up feeling very weak or sick, and finds herself sleeping more than she intends to.

Judging from her past friendships and relationships, Noire has began to believe that she is more than likely to get along with guys than she does with girls. In the town she used to live in, she wouldn't take too kindly to the snide remarks or the comments that some women made towards her. The same went with guys, only they somehow understood her more. She is very much judged often by people, given the title 'desperate' because of how much more male friendships she's started compared to her girl friends, but she doesn't argue when it comes to her preferences.

Biography: Noire was originally born in France, but eventually grew up in America once her birth parents had moved there not too many months after she was born. Her mother, Cecelia, was originally a housemaid that was often teased a flattered upon by the owner of the householder – Marcus – the father of Noire. Unfortunately for her, Noire wasn't aware at her age that she was an accident, and her mother would have had her aborted if one of her own relatives hadn't suggested a better means of not having to raise her. Several weeks after their transfer, they had abandoned Noire at a resident where the family was looking to raise another child of their own. Once they discovered that someone had put their baby in the family's hands, they had become overjoyed.

This family was run by Greg and Brianna Laticus, but as Noire got older, she decided to stick to her original surname. The way she was raised seemed rather dysfunctional, and often questioned her parents' methods. Due to their often lost track of time, Noire wasn't admitted into a school until she was 8; some kids thought she was intimidating due to her being older than most of the students, others found her interesting to talk to. She was a very creative child back then, and was fascinated with topics that involved fantasy or literature, and was one of the smarter kids in Reading and Art classes – mainly for her 'unusual imagination'.

By the time Noire was nearly finished with middle school, the family went even more downhill when her mother was suspected of having a job in the black market. The household was often interrogated and questioned – especially Noire's mother, who was a teacher at one of the town's universities and was suspected of selling stolen school equipment to other staff in the district. Noire often got yelled at for not defending her parents, since she didn't know herself if it was true or not; that and she didn't really feel like it was any of her business, so she had never asked about her parents' careers until the interrogating had begun. It had reached a point where she was accused of not contributing enough to the family, and she has to face the fact that her real parents don't want her back.

After that moment of time, Noire had lost much respect for her new family. She eventually found a job running an antique store and spent many hours working (mostly during the evenings), just so that she could spent less and less time at her house. She had spent her free time either concealed at her office or in her backyard reading topics that were considered fictional or unrealistic. Until the day that her parents would get laid off for whatever reason, Noire showed no care as to what they did in the work force.

By the time Noire turned 17 and entered into high school, she found work to be even more exhausting. Due to her nocturnal schedule and usually sleeping during the day for most of her life, she had began to get a condition of insomnia, and was lucky to get at least two hours of sleep per day. Thoughts often ran through her head like what she was going to do once school was over, was she going to stay to support her parents and their probational condition, would she ever see her birth parents again, and so on forth. Noire often went to the library to find out ways to cure her sleep disorder as well as a doctor, but none of the suggested methods did much help for her.

Times had only gotten worse as it went by. Nearly a week before Noire's high school graduation, her parents had been confirmed for selling stolen items, and were sent to prison for a sentence of ten to twenty five years. At that point, not only did her second pair of parents end up not being able to support her, she had to take care of herself sooner than she thought she was prepared for. To try and calm her thoughts from time to time, she turned to drug usage to ease herself and possibly help with her sleeping issues. Needless to say, Noire had turned more to narcotics that her prohibited rather than over-the-counter prescriptions. Her grandmother had found out about her condition and how she was living, and forced her to move it with her and take anti-depressants. They had worked on her system at first, but combined with the PSP and methamphetamine she occasionally sneaked in, the after effects were very harmful. Eventually, without her grandmother knowing, she had stopped taking the anti-depressants and stuck mainly to her self medicating.

Noire realized that her grandmother was becoming very old in age and ill in health, and decided that it was time once again to prepare to live alone. Not too long after her grandmother passed away, Noire managed to find a loft in the central city area pass where she used to live. Her job at the antique store took less time to go to, and she ended up buying some of the items that were on stock. Things had gotten odder very soon after she bought a crescent axe which was believed to be used nearly a century ago – even though she refurbished it. The dreams that she had when she managed to go to sleep weren't realistic in the slightest, and the highs that she would get from the hallucinogens lasted longer than they used to; even on low doses. A voice of a man would often speak to her in her dreams, claiming that she could do much more than see the illusions she would often get. It claimed that it would always be with her during the night, as the moon, and foresee that she would discover her power to alter reality.

During a trip to one of the national parks, Noire decided to test the voice's theory. To her shock, what the voice had claimed was right as she put a vast amount of concentration on the surroundings around her. An aurora in the form of a bridge had shaped over a waterfall, more lifeforms were created in the forest region, and the scenery itself had warped itself in unsimplified directions. She herself had thought that this was the effects of the drugs she'd take, only she wasn't on any at the time. She almost had the idea that if she was capable of creating a fantasy-like environment, she could finally attempt to quit her drug abuse, but ironically, the voice -who claimed to be The Moon- only encouraged her use. It elaborated that not all things should be practiced when visible in reality, and she she take her time to get used to her abilities whenever she's in a slumber or under the influence (where she's not really doing anything physical).

Noire decided that it would be safe not to tell any of the locals about what she was capable of doing, and despite that she thought her abilities were exciting, she wanted to limit her usage of them. After learning that the only way to strengthen her powers was to build them up while she was (rarely) asleep or during a high, she knew that the effects were going to be very damaging to her health. She eventually discovered the reason being told of having these powers was because an indescribable evil was going to hit the world she lived in, and that she would be needed in order to keep herself and others safe; so she knew that she wouldn't be able to ignore her powers for long. Until the problem with this 'evil' was taken care of, she would end up weakening herself gradually, fearing that she would get an addiction, and hoping that she wasn't the only one that had to deal with the circumstances ahead.

Character theme:

Battle theme:
Meddy, you're accepted~

For those of you who wanted a second character, you can now reserve it. Just drop me a PM or post in here telling me who you want and I'll put them by for you.

But. Butbutbut. I've decided to have the World as an NPC. For the moment. I have some plans, so unless you have a very specific plan for her (which I will want to know, in depth) then I'm keeping her as an NPC. Similarly, the four Minor Arcana, unless anyone wants them, shall be NPCs, for people to control as and when it pleases them...makes fighting easier. That way, there can be more than those four, as well.

I'm still trying to find time to finish my bios :rage:
As well as Gemma's Justice, can I also reserve The Empress for my second character, please? I want to pull off an Alicia/Silmeria-like type of relationship with her, and this is the perfect excuse to. :britt:
Oh you are such a Valkyrie Profile fangirl, aren't you.. :britt:

I'll reserve a second character, less strain on you that way, right? I'll make the final choice after the completion of my first character profile.
Of course~
You tempt me, Liv Liv, to take The Angel of Judgement and act as your Hrist. xD

Any characters not taken by the time we're ready to start will be either written off, thrown open, or put as NPCs, Galmski. If you'd like a second character, its your call. I'd appreciate it, though~

In any case, here is the first of my bios, Meredith. Its a wee bit crappy, so I may edit it at some point...

Name: Meredith “Merry” Chase
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Arcana: Death
Diviner: Scythe
Element: Spirit


Meredith is roughly 5’4” and has an emaciated, bony figure that suggests malnutrition…which wouldn’t be far from the truth, as Meredith only eats now out of necessity, enough to keep her alive and reasonably fit, but not ideally healthy. Her hair is waist-length and dyed a fairly glossy black; an effect that comes as a result of, perhaps, how thick her hair is. A natural blonde, she now dyes it herself; her father would change the colour depending on her mood, but since Death manifested itself within her, she has only ever gone for black…although whether or not this is a conscious decision is a matter of speculation. Her eyes are a deep blue, yet flat and lifeless; taking in everything and giving back nothing, and at times appear to be almost grey; the result of overactive imaginations, no doubt. She has rather plain, ordinary features, unmarred by age lines or stress, and yet the coldness in her eyes and complete lack of facial expressions (unless she forces them) makes her look a great deal like a doll, only one not so dressed-up. Much of Meredith’s appearance is the product of human imagination: a likeness here, a distinct feature there, subconscious attempts so that others can relate to her. She gives off the distinct impression of an empty shell and, beyond the cold, external perfection, any internal characteristics perceived from this are purely a product of an individual’s mind, and not reflective of the reality.

Meredith’s attire is unremarkable: a pair of tight-fitting navy blue jeans that are tattered around the bottom, and have a small hole over the left knee. She wears a plain, unmarked black turtle-neck top, with sleeves that are too long for her and fall down just past her fingertips if she doesn’t keep them rolled up. Over this she wears a black cotton trench coat that falls down to mid-thigh, which is buttoned up and cinched around her midsection by a belt with a plain silver buckle. She does not bother with either jewellery or makeup.

Personality: Meredith, like the Arcana that resides within her, is extremely detached from her surroundings. She sees the world as it is, yet sees herself as little more than an observer, and not a participant; this is due in no small part to the fact that she was excluded from every kind of social activity as a child, and also a by-product of her Arcana: after all, Death never personally takes a hand in things. She is quite content to allow life to simply pass her by, until she sees something that piques her interest…if such a thing even exists, which is doubtful; nobody would like it if Death took a sudden interest in the affairs of the living, after all. Indifference once feigned has now become habit, which has now become reality: from not allowing herself to care, Meredith is no longer capable of doing so. If to feel is to be human, Meredith can no longer be classified as human for, if she does possess the capacity to feel, she has long since lost the ability to recognise it within herself, and to be ignorant of these things is, essentially, the same as not having them.

However, she still displays some subconscious need to be recognised as a human being. She insists that people call her “Merry” (her father’s pet name for her) and refuses to answer to anything else. She will often attempt to mimic other people’s emotions, smiling when they smile, laughing when they laugh (although it sounds little like an actual laugh, since she forces it out) and will even go so far as to record people in a particular state of mind, or take pictures of them on her phone, so that she can more easily recognise the emotions if they crop up again in conversation. She often has to ask for clarification about what sort of emotion someone is exhibiting and her blunt, entirely indifferent manner and oft inappropriate responses make her an extremely difficult person to converse with, much less want to be around. This seems contradictory to her obvious incapacity to feel, yet it is little more than lifeless mimicry, without purpose and perhaps she is not entirely aware of her actions…after all, the dead will often mimic the living. Or is that the other way around?

Regardless, despite her complete indifference to everything, a part of Meredith creates a need to be human. Perhaps because of the fact that she is the Querent for Death, which is anathema to life, but also because for her entire life Meredith has been told that there is something wrong with her, and some part of her is attempting to correct this by having her try to act like everyone else, a residual of her human life that Death cannot erase from her entirely, merely reduce it to a behavioural pattern, as empty of meaning as Death itself. The end result of her “emotions” is little more than disturbing for those she speaks to, as she conveys no real emotion whatsoever and seems to be little more than a doll. She personally sees emotion as a process, something people go through to convey what they’re thinking, and attempts to copy them as though they were such; she does not understand the more subtle meanings behind them…or perhaps she simply chooses not to. Meredith has a rational, realistic mind-set, and in such a world, there is no place for distractions like emotions. The world, to her, is as simple as it can possibly get: there are those who are living, and there are those who are not. Those who are living are objects to be observed, although why she observes them is not something she is aware of – that is a truth her Arcana chooses not to disclose – and those who are dead are to be kept, in death, until they are needed.

Bio: Meredith was born in Inverness in Scotland, an only child. Her father, a qualified ICAS accountant, was a presence that she rarely saw; he worked late hours, would often travel to different parts of Europe or the United Kingdom for meetings on things that she never understood and her mother, a kept wife, was more interested in her dalliance with her “secret” lover (in truth, her husband knew everything; he simply chose to look the other way, comfortable with the familiarity of a family, even if it was in truth little more than that) than she was with her own child. Meredith was raised by various different caretakers in a large house that wasn’t quite a mansion and, since she never really knew the loving embrace of a parent, she didn’t really miss it. She was content, and little else mattered to her child’s mind at that point.

Since before she can even remember, Meredith has been surrounded by spirits, who would show her visions of their lives, whisper in her ear and, on occasion, even quarrel with one another, and give her not a single moment’s peace. Her parents dismissed it at first: after all, it was only natural for children to have imaginary friends, and Meredith had always been a rather reserved child: she hardly ever cried or laughed or even smiled, and she avoided children her own age. It was disconcerting, but it wasn’t anything to worry about – some children were like that. However, when she disappeared from the house one night, wandering out into the hills looking for the body of a man who had been missing for three years – a body that she did indeed find, and had half dug-up when the police found her – both of her parents, who had affected a very controlled indifference to her (perhaps because it wasn’t entirely clear as to who her father really was, and neither one wanted DNA tests to find out) suddenly became very concerned.

From that point on, Meredith was not allowed to leave the house by herself, saw a psychiatrist on a regular basis, and was diagnosed with first delusional disorder, and then later schizophrenia. However, her psychiatrists were baffled, as none of the treatments tried on her worked, and she exhibited no other classic psychological symptoms: whilst she was a little taciturn and reserved, she was perfectly healthy, both physically and mentally. They could find no apparent cause for her claims that she could speak to spirits, and her sessions were often little more than chat sessions…ironically, It was perhaps these sessions that stopped Meredith from coming down with the disorders she was diagnosed for, and others besides: an outlet for her confusion and occasional frustration was extremely helpful for her during her younger years.

As she grew older, Meredith became more accustomed to her power, accepting it as a normal thing, much as children do. When she was old enough to understand that her ability was not something ordinary people possessed, she simply stopped talking about it; her regular visits to the psychiatrist, constant medication requirements, and tendency to talk to herself, alienated her from others her age, and she was bullied quite badly because of it. However, the older she became, Meredith found herself more and more detached from the proceedings. Some part of her inside knew that she should be alarmed by what was happening to her, yet this was little more than a voice in the back of her mind.

She moved with her parents to Chicago shortly after her fifteenth birthday; her parents hoping to start afresh: Meredith, by this point, had become almost entirely detached from everything; she showed no interest in schoolwork, in making friends, or even in eating. The only sign that she was still alive, often, was her breathing, so shallow and infrequent that it could be missed entirely, unless one was watching her closely…which, of course, someone always was. However, with her parent’s coaxing – her mother had left her affair by this point, and her father worked more sociable hours, allowing him to patch things up as such with his wife - she got a part-time job working at a local supermarket (although it was in the stockroom, for it was clear that she was not going to make a very good customer assistant) and built a semblance of a new life; although, like her old one, it was one that she had no interest whatsoever in, simply a tool to satisfy her parents, who were trying, very hard, to start a new life for themselves, with her at the centre (perhaps they had, indeed, had the DNA test) of it.

Shortly after the move, however, Meredith came into direct contact with the Arcana that had been residing in her for her entire life: Death. She assumed, at first, that he was simply another ghost reaching out to her, yet was quickly dissuaded of that notion when he manifested himself. Suddenly finding herself with a scythe in her hands, as well as the spirits of the dead crowding around her, practically bleeding power, Meredith simply…vanished. Leaving her parents, her job, and her entire life behind, she now wanders wherever the spirit of Death takes her (their conversations are brief, and he discloses very little in the way of his objectives to her…but then, his objectives are fairly obvious, given his nature), gathering the souls of those who have fallen, and simply witnessing events as they unfold.

Character theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVY91ryNnNk&feature=related
Battle theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmQm_PySHCk
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I'd like to reserve secondary Character The High Priestess. I've got an interesting, bondable character idea for my current one :hmmm: If it gets to be too much, I may drop the idea but I'd like to see it pan out.

I'll have my first bio up tonight (on another computer atm)
I'll take up the Emperor as my second, need to make a more manipulative character...even though I have the genius of a billy goat... :brooding:
Name: “Ali” Alexis Tripp

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Ali keeps to herself as an introvert. Her eyes are always watching the world around her; hardly ever interacting with others unless her intentions are selfish. She was once a young aspiring artist who had enrolled at NYU to get her Bachelor of Arts degree, her life took a definitive turn one day. Now she just toils away in her lonely little apartment. She had always wandered too close to the danger zone, however when she met The Lovers she was ruthlessly shoved across and could never turn back.

Ali still holds true to her old self, to a point. She’s charming and magnetic, able to sway a man to look her way with either her crooked smile or a flip of her hair. She knows how to manipulate those around her, even before acquiring her Arcana this was a skill she had mastered years ago.

With The Lovers on herself her manipulation tactics increased tenfold. Along with her charisma, she knows how to use her body with a subtle gesture to get what she wants when she wants it.

Alexis once felt something for the race of humankind. She felt compassion for a child who had scraped his knee on the sidewalk, and once cared for a dog who would be limping down the street. However that fateful meeting with The Lovers caused the young girl to feel nothing else, if not utter desire and lust. She loves, only herself. She cares for a man after the throes of passion are through, by sending him on his way with a safe cab ride home.

She hasn’t made a friend in years and sees no point if it doesn’t lead to sex. What good is a companion without a little something-something on the side?

Appearance: Alexis is gaunt, yet voluptuous. Her arms are thin and wiry after shooting up for a couple years. Her shoulders frame her square body, and her collarbone sticks out, maybe a bit too much. Despite dabbling in drugs, she prides herself on her figure and otherwise tries to stay in shape by going for a run every now and again. She had curves in all the right places for a 24-year old young woman, perfect for seducing any man into her bed.

Long blonde hair with dark roots reaches to her waist, and tattered fringe brushes against her forehead, sometimes catching in her cerulean eyes. Her eyes are a deep shade of blue, heavy with a pain in the past, and condemned future of selling herself. High cheekbones accentuate her apple shaped face, and pale pink lips shine bright against her pale complexion.

She doesn’t ever wear anything fancy out. Perhaps tattered jean shorts with a leather brown belt that hug low on her hips were her favourite. A white crop top, showing off her midriff with several zippers on the shoulder cut sleeves and underneath the breast, just for show. She believed to dress to impress, but when you’re a whore on the street, who are you out to impress?

Diviner: The Daggers: Alexis has two trusty weapons she keeps at her side. Her Lover’s daggers she keeps close to her at all times, her trusty and loyal companions above all else. They had aided her many times before when dealing with an out of hand client.

Major Arcana: VI: The Lovers

Alexis grew up in lower Manhattan in a normal family. Her parents were hard working citizens who believed in a hard earned dollar. They had high hopes for their little girl to go to school and make something of herself. While feeling a little pressure from her folks, Alexis strived hard in school to be the best she could be for them. She thrived on the attention and loving support they gave her. An A+ on a test meant an outstanding achievement for the young girl, and her parents beamed with pride.

At the age of 15, Alexis’ parents had split up. Her mother was having an affair with their neighbour in the apartment building. Her father, furious with this revelation, left without hesitation. He had still kept in contact with her daughter, but not as often as she had hoped.

Seeing her mother spiral downwards poised her own downfall. Alexis witnessed firsthand what it was like to live in a crack house; strange men always walking in and out of the building at all hours of the night. It was one night when Alexis came home, she was 17 years old, and her mother was passed out on the living room couch, a stranger attempting to rape her. Through drunken disorientation he attempted to move towards Alexis, but she fled the scene. Her faith and love in her homebound family was shattered. There was nothing left for her.

Straying through the New York Metropolis at night, Alexis found herself in a club. Nursing a few drinks to quell her depression she was approached by a couple. A man and a woman of supernatural orientation. Alexis cared not; all she wanted was to be loved for and cared for. She left that night with the couple, and spent the following few weeks under their care. It wasn’t until the man had made a pass at her that she started to feel differently about them. Having crept into her bedroom one night, the man and Alexis joined together, and experienced her first time in the act of ‘love’. However it was nothing like she had imagined it. The man’s insatiable lust for her demanded more of her, always wanting, always yearning. Later that night the woman came after them, and joined them in their tryst. What happened thereafter could only be unimaginable.

It was through that act in the night, that the three of them had joined as one, the couple; Inana and Ishtar, The Lovers, embodying themselves within Alexis. By joining with them, she had defeated the two at their own game with each other.

Shortly after that, Alexis had changed. Her personality could easily embody either of the two Lovers, her insatiable appetite for a hot piece of ass, or the yearning to spend the whole night with a man before sending him off. She started to dabble in drugs, much like her mother had before she left. It soon occurred to her that if she didn’t change soon, she would either end up in jail or dead. One night while seduce a man he tried to pull a fast one on her; attempting to leave the night without paying for her attention. As she fought with him over compensation, he pulled a gun on her, pressing it to her right temple and forced her to back off, allowing him to walk away a free man.

To see her services go without pay infuriated Alexis. It had only been mere moments ago, and she demanded pay. As the emotions welled up inside of her, The Lovers spoke. Two daggers had manifested themselves on her undergarments, seamlessly as if they had been there all along. Inana spoke of their physical powers within the divination and how it was meant to protect their Querent. With a swift, natural flair for handling tools in her hands, Alexis sent the dagger into the man’s back, dropping him to the ground in a single instant. It was then that Alexis had her first taste of bloodshed and power. From then on, she could handle any client with a greater confidence and dominance than the last few years, and she really began to understand The Lovers for what they could do for her besides protection.

Character Theme:

Battle Theme:
Name: Mariella Opus

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Arcana: The Sun

Diviner: Sabre

Element: Spirit and Light

Appearance: Slightly tall for a woman at five foot seven, Mariella has a smooth, pale complexion with little in the way of acne or any other blemishes. Dark brown eyes are set in a thin, round, young face, and she usually wears deep red lipstick in stark contrast to her pale complexion.

Her hair is naturally brown, but she has dyed it a dark red. It reaches her middle back and an artificial purple lavender is tucked into the side between the right ear and the scalp.

Preferring clothes that aren't exactly the norm, Mariella tends to show some skin, to put it lightly. Most of her outfits consist of short skirts, low heels, t-shirts in maelstroms of colors with rips in the sleeves, and colored beads around her neck and wrists.

Personality: A free spirit through and through, there aren't many people Mariella wouldn't happily befriend. Behind the odd fashion sense is a friendly, relaxed girl who just wants to have fun.

It takes a lot to phase Mariella. She takes most things quite calmly and speaks in a slow, even tone which has had people questioning whether she was on drugs in the past, but really she just takes a relaxed view to everything, and believes that if something is set in stone, there's no point in fussing over it.

Lazy when it comes to stuff she isn't interested in, Mariella will often simply drop off to sleep with superhuman ease when she is bored, and she can't easily be distracted or convinced to perform hard labor, which she sees as a waste of time.

However, when she gets interested, she really gets interested, becoming animated, excitable, and loud, and a large supply of horse tranquilizer would be needed to bring her back down to earth.

She doesn't really like the dark, and becomes despondent and sulky when she's in the dark, and bumps in the night will outright freak her out. Those within a two mile radius will experience the joys of Mariella's screams should she be scared in the night.

She is also quite flirtatious and light hearted, and rarely serious. She will flirt happily with anyone, man or woman, and laugh at any awkward reactions she gets.

Bio: Born to a family that just couldn't let the 60s go-ironically through artificial insemination- Mariella was raised to enjoy her own freedom and life, and her parents weren't big on discipline. While Mariella didn't quite become the extremes her parents did, she took their lax approach to parenting to heart, and swiftly decided she didn't like school, not paying attention when she wasn't playing truant.

Mariella swiftly flunked every exam she took over her ten year education, and left happily the moment she hit sixteen, taking a part time job while still living with her parents, and spending her time off the payroll with friends or asleep.

The Sun's advent within her was to be expected. Her vitality, love of the simple life, and general relaxed nature immediately drew the Sun to her, and they joined willingly, enjoying each other's company from their rise at dawn until their setting at unison come night.

Character theme: TBD.

Battle theme: TBD.
[FONT=&quot]Name[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Lucie Robinson[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Age[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: 18[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Gender[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Female[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Arcana[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: The Empress[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Diviner[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Silver Sceptre[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Element[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Light[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Appearance[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]

[FONT=&quot]Lucie stands at 5’1” and despite the fact that the average height of girls around her age is only several inches taller, she continually insists that she is diminutive, perhaps reflecting this physical characteristic with her own internal self. Figure-wise, she is relatively slim despite her large appetite, particularly during times of stress. Her ability to maintain her slim figure is perhaps due to her high metabolic rate, or perhaps due to the presence of her Arcana within, or a combination of both. Her hair, gleaming with a gentle light-brown colour with the occasional darker locks here and there perhaps indicating past hair-dye usage – extends below her shoulders, naturally straight. Her eyes exhibit that similar light-brown colour and particularly compared to her face in terms of proportions, her eyes are notoriously wide. When her Arcana takes temporary command of her host for whatever situation prompts such an action, the switch is made noticeable by the slight white glow that emanates from her eyes. Her nose shape in comparison is moderately small in length and diameter while her face is typically make-up free. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]A couple of hair bands are worn across her head just above the forehead, hazel in colour to keep in congruence with her natural hair colour. A simple pearly necklace decorated with various coloured beads mainly of white hang from her neck while a silvery-white wristband adorned with beads is worn around her right wrist. As expected of Lucie, her clothing follows this typical bright white-coloured style, with a peachy-white v-neck top with some nondescript abstract text adorned on the front with a patterned pale-aquamarine cardigan top over with remarkably large rounded buttons undone. Out of personal preference particularly in outdoor locations, Lucie prefers to roll up her sleeves up to her elbows. She commonly sports a pair of denim shorts as well as short white socks barely visible above her trainers – also white and with cream-pink highlights. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Personality[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: There is a form of inferiority complex that commonly holds her down. By no means is Lucie incapable of socialising and talking to others, but her continuous mindset in believing that she is far too timid and uncomfortable to achieve this leaves her readily giving up often without even trying. As a result she is often quiet and reserved, opting to shy away from conversing with other individuals and at times allow herself to converse only with the Arcana within her. Lucie is not tremendously shy on the extreme level that she cowers from whoever she meets all the time, but is very reluctant to strike a conversation with anyone unless prompted to for whatever reason. Her shyness does mean however, that talking to her is often awkward to the point that she would commonly look down at the floor or at her lap without directly looking at the converser, and even blush at the slightest of things. Kind compliments given to her often land on deaf ears because of her consistent belief that she should not deserve them. She may occasionally stutter now and then when she does decide to speak to an individual outside of The Empress and as expected, Lucie would be one of the last people anyone expects to be publicly loud or keen on being in environments with tremendous amounts of people at once. Often she complains that noise is “simply not for [her]” and it is then that she would cower away from excessive company and noise. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Lucie’s inferiority complex also means she is not averse to putting herself down despite the unreasonableness of doing so. She acknowledges the fact that socially she is shy, easily frightened and awkward and easily accepts it, claiming that this is just a characteristic of how useless she is. Secretly she admires her fellow classmates who act like they lack a single care in the world with their wild socialising in real life or over the internet. Lucie would never publicly admit this to anyone bar The Empress, but she desires to be like them as well as try and make an effort to change herself and be like one of them, despite her Arcana’s disapproval. In truth, Lucie’s own continual feeling that she is always inferior to others stops her in her tracks, preventing her from pursuing this goal and often leaving her frustrated with herself, which does nothing to mitigate her own negative view of herself. It isn’t just socially where Lucie readily puts herself down; she repeats this in other areas such as her academic and physical skills – or allegedly, the lack of. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Despite claiming over and over again that she lacks any passion or talent, the reality is she’s a passionate enthusiast for hockey and swimming. In fact, were she on her own on a hockey Astroturf or in a pool, she would exude tremendous talent with a hockey stick or in the water. Yet when faced with company in the same environment, she is so readily distracted by the fact that there is company that she would falter almost completely. The taunts and bullying that were a frequent part of her daily life were another hindrance to this and what it managed to do through time was cloud Lucie’s own judgement of her own natural talents and enthusiasm, bolting onto her mind instead, a false perception that she is not capable of anything, even in school, which is another untruth. The inability to believe in herself is a major cause of her mixed grades. Her teachers are perfectly aware that Lucie harbours much potential, particularly in Geography and the Arts subjects, but to unlock his potential when Lucie’s own personality is proving to be the biggest padlock of them all is certainly a great challenge to herself and to her educators. Because of her past relating to her real parents, Lucie has only managed to delude herself as well that few people want her or really care that much for her, bar her Arcana. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]When The Empress is to take temporary control of Lucie’s body (Lucie herself would become the passive watcher, to her consent), the personality shift to any listener would be very apparent. The quiet, occasional stutters would vanish and all of a sudden with The Empress’s influence Lucie would suddenly speak in a clear, commanding, authoritative tone if needed for whatever reason demands it. She would also be able to communicate with others without faltering, though retain the kind, just nature that the Arcana herself is known for. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Bio[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: The origins of Lucie’s inferiority complex can perhaps be traced back to her early childhood. She is the daughter of a very proficient Republican Senator of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Wisconsin[/FONT][FONT=&quot] and an air flight attendant of whom the former had a brief secret affair with whilst married. In accordance with the Senator Robinson’s own beliefs about the sanctity of marriage and while conscious about his own public image, he immediately sought to conceal the existence of the child and whatever means to prevent this from being made public knowledge. To that end, he offered to financially assist the mother of the child (of whom had to gave up her job of flight assistant because of maternity leave) in secret until she was able to procure another form of employment to make ends meet not only for herself, but for Lucie as well. When Lucie reached the age of seven, her mother married another man, but retained the Robinson surname nonetheless. She had few recollections of her stepfather ever actually treating her lovingly, as if one of his own. In fact, her stepfather cared little about her – he would openly womanise and drink almost incessantly. As the years progressed, he was certainly no longer the man of whom Lucie’s mother had known before the marriage. Lucie recalled frequent moments of torment faced predominantly by her mother and being caught up in the middle. In terms of freedom as a child, it had been very limited. Lucie had few opportunities to befriend girls of her own age and her stepfather was anxious to prevent her or her mother from informing others of his behaviour and actions.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Lucie was intimidated by her stepfather to the extent that she could not even face to tell her peers or her teachers of anything at school. Worse, her demureness and quietness made her an easy target for bullying, be it in the classroom or the corridors. Rumours circulated around stipulating that Lucie had no idea who her real father was and that she had been abandoned by him since after birth. The teasing would continue, particularly with the taunts suggesting that Lucie was abandoned by her father and that her stepfather would not even want her anymore let alone care about her existence. She had next to no one to confide her feelings to, or many people to consider as close friends, so she remained isolated and withdrawn – easily emotional to a large extent. That changed on one curious day. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]When she was fifteen, she volunteered to help clean the Principal’s office when something mysterious occurred. A lone voice somewhere – it seemed to be calling for her. The startled teenager frantically looked around, attempting to decipher the source of his disembodied, ethereal voice. It was a gentle voice, the complete contrast to most of the brutish, malevolent ones she had been hearing for much of her school life. The Principal was certainly a remarkable man. He kept dozens of trophies in his office, claiming proudly that this was his “Grand Collection”. Where he had attained such treasures from was always a mystery to the school faculty and students, but nevertheless there was a rich array of golden plates, trophy cuts and a beautiful silver sceptre. Its radiant beauty gleamed brightly in the sunlight and it drew Lucie in more than anything. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The voice was unmistakably emanating from the sceptre itself. This inanimate object of such ethereal beauty – was this calling for her. There was something unmistakably divine about this sceptre that made it wholly incongruent compared to the rest of the treasures composing the Principal’s “Grand Collection”. Perhaps it did not belong here at all and was awaiting release. Upon touching the sceptre for closer examination, this was to be her first encounter with The Empress, though not on a physical level. This kindly Arcana would reside spiritually within her and offered to be her guide upon sensing just how distressed and – to put it very frankly – pathetic this girl appeared to be. At long last, Lucie had found herself a close companion to talk to, to confide to, to pour her internal feelings and admissions to. The Empress was certainly a patient and kindly listener, constantly reminding her host that there was no reason for her to continuously put herself down as being a failure or anything. She also warned Lucie that her deepest fantasies to change herself into a type of person she secretly revered in (the socially-apt individuals who were a complete contrast to her), was not something she should aim for. The greatest person to you can often be yourself, and she did not advise Lucie to attempt to artificially change who she was, but instead, she should develop into the person that The Empress believed she was capable of being. At the same time The Empress would agree to temporarily assume complete influence over Lucie’s body whenever a situation demands it. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The presence of the Arcana relieved Lucie completely – her lone burden quickly lifting and for the first time in a while she could be sufficiently happier, garnering positive attention from her peers. This relief also meant she never really questioned the existence of The Empress or the real significance of what her goals appeared to be. Moreover, there was a drawback to her frequent conversing with her Arcana. She had to physically speak out loud to communicate to The Empress, while her responses would be telepathic in nature. This had the unfortunate effect of making it seem like Lucie would frequently talk to herself and this re-evoked more negative attention towards her. Her stepfather noticed this and labelled her “a mad bitch” and eventually felt comfortable enough to forcefully kick her out of the house. Lucie sought to find her real father and travelled to Madison, Wisconsin to find the ageing Senator, but was shocked to be rejected by her real father, who angrily exclaimed that he had no idea who Lucie was and that she had no daughter. When The Empress helped interject, the Senator received word that the ex-flight assistant that he had fathered a daughter to all those years ago publicly revealed the truth that had been long suppressed. Lucie’s stepfather had recently been arrested for being drunk and disorderly, allowing her mother to finally publicise the tale of everything that transpired between she and Senator Robinson – as well the consequences that followed. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Senator Robinson attempted to deny the existence of a daughter despite the revelations, and he refused to acknowledge even in private that the teenager who had stood before her was the daughter of whom he abandoned all those years ago. When he died soon after from a stroke, The Empress convinced Lucie to move on from everything. Convincing her however that she was not a waste of space and a barrier to people’s happiness, was to be a challenge in that Lucie would so stubbornly look upon herself in a negative light. With her dysfunctional family to be behind her, Lucie decided now that she had attained the age of adulthood and henceforth no longer a child, that she could start afresh a new chapter and pursue the passions that she had always wanted to aim for, be it in swimming, in hockey or in the Arts. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Character Theme[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: TBA[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Battle[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Theme[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: TBA[/FONT]
Channy, DeeArr, Liv Liv, your profiles are all accepted, and I'm looking forward to see how they all interact with one another in the Ar Pee :jess:

On a minor note, we're still on course to start next week, assuming I get replies back from everyone participating that they're OK with it. I've already written about 80% of the intro post...when I should have been writing my other bios. xD

If there are untaken spaces by the 3rd (and I expect there will be) I'll invite a couple more people in...I missed some people out by accident in the original PM :gonk:

Come Monday, I'll probably allow people to reserve 3rd characters...if anyone actually wanted to, anyway. xD

I'm also considering cutting out the Minor Arcana, and just having them as NPCs. That way, people can fight against/use them as and when they need to, etc~

In the meantime, here is the profile for The Fool...FINALLY. I'm still working on the Magician...

Arcana: The Fool
Diviner: None
Element: All


The Fool is a tall, elegant man, standing at three inches over six feet. He has a willowy figure that does not seem to possess an ounce of muscle, yet this would be a misconception, as he is capable of surprising feats of strength. The Fool does not strike a very imposing figure, however: he is dressed in a glossy black velvet tuxedo that is almost garish; the jacket having three buttons (all of which are usually done up), bow tie always tilting slightly to the left; trousers of the same material as the jacket, and a formal, laced white shirt. To complement the ensemble, he also wears a pair of white opera gloves. The Fool would not look out of place at an English dinner party…were it not for his eccentricities in attire. Over the top of the tuxedo he wears a long black cape, also made of velvet, with a scarlet cut inside; a stark contrast to the black and white of the rest of his attire, somewhat similar to a magician’s cape. He also wears a gentleman’s top hat, with a slightly wider brim than what was commonly seen when the items were commonly worn.

What little of his face can be seen suggests a man anywhere between his early twenties and late thirties: smooth, unlined skin, a clean-shaven, fairly angular jawline, and white, even teeth that are ever quick to smile through faintly bloodless lips. The top half of the Fool’s face is covered by a simple white opera mask, unmarked, although with no eyeholes, begging the question of how precisely he can see through the mask. He has short-cut black hair, which appears to be as glossy as the rest of his clothing, yet not in a greasy fashion. The Fool also carries around a pocket watch on a chain in his breast pocket, which he is forever checking, and often he will walk with a polished cane, with a large, gaudy diamond on the end of it. Some believe this to the Fool’s Diviner, although on the two occasions he has ever actually fought in combat, he has never used it, and he replaces it quite often with an umbrella, and even a ceremonial sword on occasion.

Personality: The Fool is an unsettling character, for he is possessed of an all-encompassing sense of whimsy. It is quite impossible to tell what his mood really is; The Fool never raises his voice, and his tone rarely changes either, it is the feeling that he conveys in others that shows what his mood is…or, at least, what it is not. Whilst some of his actions would suggest joy or anger or sadness, the Fool’s tone and stance rarely change at all, making it difficult to tell for those watching him as to whether or not he is truly expressing these emotions, or whether it is responses his words have triggered within themselves.

The Fool enjoys wordplay, making him an extremely aggravating individual to talk to over a prolonged period of time; he will lead a discussion around in circles about anything and everything before he finally makes his point, and even then, he will simply allude to what he would like (never wants, the Fool does not issue commands, nor does he reveal anything of his true desires) done, leaving others to interpret that however they like…or even to ignore it entirely, if they so choose. As the Fool rarely comments on the actions of his underlings, it is extremely hard for them to tell whether or not they’re doing a good job, or whether he’s about to impale them for failing in their designated task…whatever that was. He is constantly quoting from various unknown sources to over embellish his points, on those occasions that he actually has a point to make.

Often, it seems that he will simply start a discussion with someone because he is curious to hear their viewpoint…before he talks their ear off regarding, essentially, how wrong they were to think. He never explicitly states things in a derogatory or positive manner, but the implications behind the Fool’s words are so numerous and complicated that he can often manipulate others into precisely the state of mind he wants them to be in. He casts himself as an equal to those around him, yet there is an undercurrent in his voice, in his very presence, that will always remind them of their inferiority to him, and that it is because of his generosity that they are being treated with respect – the Fool is nothing if not polite, and he seems to take a genuine interest in what others have to say. The Fool is a master at manipulating people to feel exactly how he wishes them to feel, to think exactly what he wants them to think. He does not attempt to control people; he simply speaks to them, and allows them to choose for themselves what they wish to do.

The Fool is the worst kind of individual who loves the sound of his own voice: the kind that can’t be blocked out. Whilst much of what the Fool says is either nonsense, at a level beyond comprehension of others (i.e. they don’t care to think about the topics he thinks about in such a great depth, because they don’t see them as particularly important) or so dramatic it would be more at place in a novel or a bad television series than real life, he has a melodic, strangely alluring voice that compels others to listen to him. It is impossible to take everything the Fool says seriously, yet at the same time, people can do nothing else, for to do anything else may anger him…although the Fool has never been seen as anything other than in a state of whimsy. People follow him because he is an inspirational – if slightly odd – figure and, whilst they do not outright worship him, if he were to ask for a monument to be built in his name, it is likely that several of his followers would take on the task willingly, and even go so far as to offer sacrifices before it.

Bio: To be revealed...

Character theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOP26WOOMbc
Battle theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8ygX2tKn6g&feature=related

...I feel dirty for not having a bio section, but I don't want to spoil his objectives and stuff :sad3:
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