[SU/D] Destiny

Double poast, because I can :mokken:

OK, those of you who want third characters (all one of you? xD) you can now reserve them. Even if all the spots aren't filled, we can still start on time...we can have NPCs, or something~

Over the next couple of days, expect PMs or MSN pestering (whichever is applicable) from me so that we can sort out where people are going to be and what they are doing. Structured planning FTFW.

I'll try and have my Magician bio up before we start, but I'm not promising anything, given that I still have an exam left and I'm forever being distracted in the evenings by shiny things :ffs:

Also, since Galmski has dropped out, his reserved characters are up for grabs again~
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EDIT: Changed my mind, I'll probably use the Wheel of Fortune instead.

Application Template - Finished.

Name: Lachlan (Locky) O'Keere
Age: 26
D.O.B: 7th July
Birth Place: Ireland
Profession: Professional Gambler (Stars as the Champion in the World Series Poker Tournament)
Arcana: Wheel of Fortune
Diviner: Long Bow and Arrows


Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Dark Green
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5'11
Weight: 75Kg
Locky's obsession with gambling results in him often forgetting to eat which is the reason for why he is so thin. Luckily for him although he is quite skinny, Locky was blessed with a body easily toned and with little effort he is able to keep it in top shape.
Clothing Style: Fashion is very important in Lachlan's eyes, it shows who you are and sets you apart from everyone else, this is why he dresses in such a manner, to be...'unique' He's often seen wearing strange out of place hats, his favourite being a brown top hat with a decorative ribbon around it finished off with two buttons, he added those himself. He wears very tight black skinny jeans with converse shoes often missing the laces or boots. He likes to wear vests with nothing underneath and depending on his mood he'll wear a wacky coloured tie loosely around his neck. Sometimes he will wear checkers suspenders for added uniqueness. He has an image to keep up with after all.
Accessories: Trying to be different Locky will wear many unusual accessories with his outfit. His most noticeable are the cards he wears in his top hat to symbolize his hobby, he'll wears many different necklaces, mostly of a Gothic variety, aviator sunglasses and he also has a large ear gauge in each ear.

Self-centered, confident, flirtatious and arrogant are some if the things you will hear people say when describing Locky. His lucky nature has given him the impression that he is invincible, and that with minimal effort he can achieve almost anything. He is Lazy, barely lifting a finger through his entire life as things just seemed to fall into place for him.

Fame has made him arrogant and Self-centered, he will treat people as though they are beneath him unless they are a beautiful woman or a man of power, in which case he will be found sucking up to them and acting as though they were long lost friends, most normal people can see through this but he has luck on his side and finds that most people in show business put up with him for their own reasons; women mostly because he is handsome and rich and men because of his 'connections'.

Locky has a sarcastic and witty sense of humour which is seen during his television appearances making him seem quite lovable to his fans, the females often swoon over his Irish accent and bad boy looks almost as though he was a rock star, this brings much needed attention from the female crowd to professional Poker. The world series Poker Producers love it. Unfortunately he does not take too kindly to jokes about himself and will cause trouble if someone takes a jab at him.

Being the centre of attention most of the time he finds that he tries too hard to please people and gets quite down when he fails. He'll put on a brave face until alone where he will beat himself up about his recent failures, even if it is something as small as making one mistake during a game.

Lachlan's catchphrase is "I was born lucky" as he was born on the 7th day of the 7th month.

Locky was born on the 7th of July and died on the 7th of July. There were complications with his birth and the doctors had given up hope trying to revive him and began to call his death when he suddenly woke, gasping and crying for air. The doctors rushed him to intensive care to monitor his brain, being dead for over 7 minutes could do serious harm to a new born's brain. Luckily for Locky no damage was done and he was released from the Hospital along with his mother in a matter of days.

He was raised by his mother alone in their small Dublin home in Ireland. She called him her Lucky boy and coddled him through most of his childhood, obviously she was traumatized by almost losing her only son in the past. Locky took advantage of this, he never had to lift a finger as he was given everything he could possibly want. Things just seemed to fall into his lap. He was born with great looks even though his family were no super models and by the time he was 13 he already had girls swooning over him.

At the age of 16 he discovered online poker. Given his lucky nature he decided to give it a try, winning $200 on his first try. He'd just happened to have the right cards in hand. He slowly grew addicted, a little voice in his head kept telling him over and over that he had to do it, that he was lucky, nothing could stop luckiness. Instead of fighting the voice Lachlan gave in, spending his days and nights playing poker. He'd lose some but win most with minimal effort. He became so addicted to winning that he quit school in 11th grade, he didn't need schooling if he was making money this easily.

Visiting the casino when 18 he was spotted by gentleman who worked in America as a TV show producer, he was out scouting for new talent for his show, World Series Poker Tournament. He noticed how well Locky was doing and offered him a spot as a challenger.

Locky accepted and left his Dublin home, moving to New York with the winnings he had collected from his years of online poker. He entered the TV show and made it up to the champion, beating him with a lucky sweep of cards. The boy was now the face of TWPT.

One night the voice in his head grew louder, it told him he was an Arcana, fused to him at birth on the day he died, this Arcana was the reason he was lucky enough to wake that day. Locky thought he had gone mad but the voice wouldn't go, it was fighting him. It told him he was only lucky because of this power blessed upon him. It explained his power to alter wind, his power to manifest a weapon when he so chose to and that if he didn't accept this power he would take it away and Locky's good luck would disappear and turn sour. The boy's fear of failure lead him to embrace the power that had been teasing him his whole life, allowing the wheel of fortune to take over.

Now at 26 years old, Locky is still the champion and his luck has not run out. He has been undefeated for all those years, people often skeptical of him, calling him a cheater, but he just winks and tells them he was 'born lucky'.

He's rich, powerful and treated as though he is a rock star. Little does he know things will take a turn for the worst as all the Arcana are gathering to find one another.

Character theme:
(will get back to this)

Battle theme:
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As already mentioned in the PM, I'll take The Chariot. It won't be a teenage girl again this time, I promise. And don't expect a lovely sketch either. Total burnout and all. :gonk:
Ok I *think* my bio is done :)
Lemme know if you want anything added/subtracted from it <3
[FONT=&quot]Name[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Agostino Bertolli (alias: Velis Elpresy)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Age[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: 45[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Gender[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Male[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Arcana[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: The Chariot[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Diviner[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Claymore[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Element[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Earth[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Appearance[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: A gluttonous gentleman, Agostino (or Velis as he would rather be known as) weighs at around [/FONT][FONT=&quot]230 lbs[/FONT][FONT=&quot], and I’m not on about much muscle composition either. This man enjoys his rich food and he can care less about his appearance as long as his desires are met. In fact, considering your typical Mafia boss would be portrayed in fiction as being gluttonous, perhaps this is a rather expected characteristic of this self-proclaimed Don. What is also characteristic of this voluptuous man are his perky pink cheeks that at times comically appear to inflate whenever he kicks up a rage. His eyes are a cold greyish blue colour among – oddly enough – substantial layers of mild makeup applied across much of his face for reasons not too descript. His hair is a dyed jet black colour and resembles a mullet, though greasy and gleaming in sunlight, slightly uncouth and uncombed. Many speculate what his face shape resembles. There is certainly a double chin – and an emerging triple chin – and were he slimmer, perhaps he would possess a characteristic flat base chin, but at the moment his face shape appears amorphous, like a potato. When he rages, it certainly shows; for layers of wrinkles suddenly develop and his complexion would then resemble that of a man twenty years his senior.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Like all dons and perhaps hippies in general, Velis Elpresy adores his bling. He wears a gold necklace, as well as a similar platinum one that would fetch a price so high in a market that even the President would be hard-pressed to afford one. His chubby, sausage-shaped fingers are adorned with large, gold rings and one special ring in particular has a rare cut of diamond so priceless that anyone would bet that it was pilfered from some upmarket [/FONT][FONT=&quot]New York[/FONT][FONT=&quot] jewellery store. Not forgetting to decorate his arms with bling, he wears around four pairs of thick gold rings around his arms, along with a very attractive silver Prada watch on his right wrist – most likely also pilfered from a [/FONT][FONT=&quot]New York[/FONT][FONT=&quot] store at one time. Whenever the Don cares about his presentation, perhaps when meeting with other underground members like him, he would don a dark, leathery jacket with golden accents. Normally however, he sticks to a bleach-white suit with a scarlet carnation flower in his breast pocket. The top button is unfastened and his collars untidy, with a tie absent. Underneath the suit is a pale yellowy layer – a rather hideous match to be very honest. His trousers go with the suit and are the same colour, though with faint silvery line patterns running vertically down. His shoes are a size 11, genuine leather and a rich brown colour – perhaps also stolen. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Personality[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: The Don is a straightforward character. There is no bullshit with him, and neither is he too bright at times. If he seeks to have you “ghosted” for screwing with him and his criminal Syndicate empire, he will say so with his strong Italian accent with partial [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Brooklyn[/FONT][FONT=&quot] mixed in. During his time as a Don, his Syndicate members remember him as being a cruel, voluptuous man who enjoyed gorging on rich food, expensive material objects, money and of course, women. In fact, his Syndicate owned a hovel somewhere in [/FONT][FONT=&quot]New York City[/FONT][FONT=&quot] where Elpresy would regularly visit in weekends doing God-knows-what in there. He cares not what kind of woman he seeks to lay his hands on, as long as they are attractive enough for him and demure. In short, women are only objects for him. As long as they keep him happy, he cares not about them. Their own life and aspirations? Nah, he couldn’t care less. It isn’t his problem and he certainly is not aspiring to get to know them at all. A similar thing can be said about his Syndicate members. Yes, they’re criminals and probably scum, but they’re probably misguided people, and yes, are still people. What does the Don think about them? He cannot care less about them. They’re simply his tools, running around [/FONT][FONT=&quot]New York City[/FONT][FONT=&quot] and the upstate working for him and giving him what he wants. He cannot care less about how this one member here is in fact forced to work for the Syndicate not out of free will, but for money – desperately. The Don displays his ruthless personality regularly. If he suspects treachery and general disloyalty, it’s off with the perp’s head. If the cops catch any of them, he would rather assign to have them silenced permanently to avoid risking the destruction of his Syndicate. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Money makes the world around. In this instance, money makes the Don go around because it’s practically the only thing in this world he cares about, along with his material items pilfered of course. In this world, there are many evils. Sloth, envy, gluttony to name a few; the Don acknowledges that, although in his quest for his ultimate lifestyle of bliss and luxury, these evils are a necessity. Organised crime is no different. Crime is of course, a necessity to attain because, as the Don believes, because he does not believe in the ordinary definition of the American Dream. Men can work as hard as they can against this capitalist society and reap the rewards of this hard work, but does this always work? The Don does not believe so. To him, this definition of the American Dream is just a fallacy, unattainable for many. To move up to the top, the only way to manage this is crime. Money is his elixir, without it he will probably perish, or so he says. The problem with the Don is that keeping onto money can regularly be a difficult feat.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Don Agostino “Velis Elpresy” Bertolli adores his gambling. It’s been an addiction attained years ago on a visit to the gambling capitals of the world – [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Las Vegas[/FONT][FONT=&quot] and [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Macau[/FONT][FONT=&quot], [/FONT][FONT=&quot]China[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. What he has learnt as a criminal Syndicate kingpin is that the thrill of indulging in risks would give him a powerful rush. To attain this rush as often as possible, he gambles frequently and enjoys assigning risky underground operations much to the chagrin of other Syndicate members weary of the mighty and organised NYPD. As more and more money is lost in the casinos, Elpresy seeks to attain more and more money to replace what he has lost, and to that end he assigns more and more risky criminal operations, which would ultimately be largely used to feed his gambling addiction. His psychological detachment from the possible dangers that his risks might lead to has moulded the Don into a man unable to assess the potential downfall of his plans. This has largely contributed to his deposing at the hands of a treacherous subordinate.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Despite no longer being a Don, his selfish nature remains. He continues to seek money to fuel his urge to gamble again, and he vehemently protects his bling and personal possessions. His misogynistic attitude to women remains intact as does his inability to comprehend danger. Elpresy continues to indulge in crime, though is easily stopped by the NYPD on a number of occasions. His lack of success has sowed a new desire within him, to return to the ranks of his Syndicate, conquer his way back up the criminal underground ladder and depose the very man who had deposed him. He likens himself to the famed Japanese daimyo and conqueror, Oda Nobunaga who sought the conquest and unification of his kingdom. To Elpresy, the whole of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]New York City[/FONT][FONT=&quot] is his kingdom, a paradise of which he should have free reign to do whatever he desires. To re-conquer his way through the [/FONT][FONT=&quot]New York[/FONT][FONT=&quot] criminal underground would be also to purge it of undesirables and unite it all under his command. It is unsurprising therefore that this man is to become the Querent of The Chariot, a Major Arcana whose total influence would accentuate the Don’s pre-existing characteristics significantly.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]When he is not trying to gamble, get rich quick and conquering people, the Don idolises Elvis Presley, even sporting an anagram of his name as an alias and with Love Me Tender being one of his most-watched films ever. He even owns a [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Labrador[/FONT][FONT=&quot] named [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Graceland[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Bio[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Born on [/FONT][FONT=&quot]January 8 1966[/FONT][FONT=&quot], he shares the same birthday as his idol Presley himself, though bar the year of course. While Presley was born in [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Tupelo[/FONT][FONT=&quot], [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Mississippi[/FONT][FONT=&quot], Bertolli was born in the city of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Arezzo[/FONT][FONT=&quot], in the Italian region of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Tuscany[/FONT][FONT=&quot], as the son of a carpenter-turned politician and a schoolteacher. He grew up as an only child due to the fact that his brother was stillborn, a tragedy that his parents would often grieve about, much to his annoyance as he failed to understand what the deal was. His family left Italy and moved to the States when Bertolli was 13, residing in Memphis, Tennessee. He quickly became a fan of American culture, particularly its music and aspired to be a man as famous and idolised as Presley, who sadly died two years prior to his arrival in the States. At the young age of 11, he purchased his first guitar which he promptly named “Elvis”. Originally he intended to purchase a rifle after witnessing some impressive television adverts issued by the National Rifle Association, but his parents quickly grew suspicious with the freedom to possess firearms in American society, so his mother convinced him to purchase a guitar instead. His parents preached the idea of the American Dream, which sounded like drivel to the young boy. The idea was that by hard work anyone can achieve their dreams, but young Bertolli had met many people around [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Tennessee[/FONT][FONT=&quot] and was aware of others in the South who were dirt poor through various circumstances of no fault of their own. The American Dream did not appear to be a reality to them.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]He would attain average grades of a C in school and regarded as a loner. Rather than socialising with others, he preferred to sit against an oak tree in the corner and play on his guitar, singing at the same time. Unfortunately this was not going to be an Elvis repeat – his voice was actually unbearable according to many. Bertolli persisted with his guitar and vocal sessions in the corner of the school, ignoring complaints from fellow students and staffers that his guitar was confiscated. For years in school, he was already bullied almost incessantly for his funny Italian accent that he inherited mainly from his parents. He was also regarded as “just an immigrant” who wouldn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the community. For years he bottled up anger, humiliation and frustration. He was not going to allow others to walk all over him. The confiscation of “Elvis” was to be the final straw for the 15 year old teenager. He attacked several of his classmates, badly wounding one by smashing a glass jar of paint against his temple before rampaging in the teachers’ lounge, destroying as much as he could find within and subsequently ending with a knife at a teacher’s throat. Subdued and arrested by police easily, he was detained in a detention centre, where his anger towards the injustices of society continued to grow. Why was he the villain here? He was only a victim. He was the immigrant boy who was being vilified for goodness-knows-what and the boy who seemed unlikely to get anywhere far with this “American Dream”. He cared not that this quiet, lone boy aspiring to sing despite the unlikely nature of his dream had suddenly gained infractions and a record for violent behaviour. All he could think about was the fact that society wronged him and that he was not going to play by the rules anymore.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]As his teenage years progressed, Bertolli’s parents grew concerned with their son’s new unsavoury friends. He would now frequently hang around with a shady Latino named Rodriguez and a skinhead from [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Houston[/FONT][FONT=&quot], [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Texas[/FONT][FONT=&quot] and both of whom appeared to be the violent types. Indeed, Bertolli grew to understand in the company of his new friends that they shared much in common. They all saw society as being something that should be screwed with and they developed the common goal of getting rich quick and not having to play by the rules. The three-man gang became known as simply “The Syndicate” and began looting various stores around [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Memphis[/FONT][FONT=&quot] – and soon enough – the whole of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Tennessee[/FONT][FONT=&quot] state. The Syndicate would grow to be a huge nuisance for the [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Tennessee[/FONT][FONT=&quot] state police and on one occasion, even state troops had to intervene because Syndicate members were reportedly threatening residents of a town near [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Nashville[/FONT][FONT=&quot] with shotguns. The Syndicate was quickly rounded up and disbanded by state police and Bertolli endured several months in prison for his part, much to his parents’ utter dismay. When news broke out that The Syndicate had murdered a wealthy accountant in Knoxville (though the precise identities of the assailants remained a mystery), Bertolli’s mother developed traumatic stress, realising that her son held a proficient position in that violent group and soon died when her son was 24. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Bertolli had already detached himself from his kin a while ago, and even to his former comrades’ surprise, he could feel nothing when hearing that his mother passed away. All he could say was that he thanked her for bringing him into the world but she had been a foolish, misguided woman for believing in the integrity of The American Dream. After serving his term in prison, Bertolli quickly sought to revive The Syndicate, but at this time, his father was already seeking to cooperate with the police to stop The Syndicate and his son once and for all. Fearing that his own father would seek to bring about his downfall, Bertolli had to act fast. His father may be family – the only family left – but he was nevertheless a threat to his criminal life. After some deliberation, he arranged to have the man silenced once and for all, but did not anticipate what Syndicate members would actually do – assassinate him in his own bed. Shocked at what had happened – even he had no desire to have him killed – and fearing that police would nail him soon enough for the murder, Bertolli decided to flee from Tennessee and head north, through Kentucky and then north-easterly to the Eastern seaboard of the States. By now, he was in his late twenties and sought to station himself and The Syndicate in the Big Apple itself – [/FONT][FONT=&quot]New York City[/FONT][FONT=&quot], particularly in [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Manhattan[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. Agostino Bertolli to him was no more, merely a past self that had long curled up in the grass and died. Cherishing Presley, he created the alias of “Velis Elpresy”, an anagram of his idol’s name. For many years, Elpresy would develop The Syndicate into a professional underground criminal organisation that would give the NYPD – as well as the FBI now and then – much hard time. By 35 he became the undisputed Don and lavished in his lifestyle of crime, women, money, bling and gambling. Whenever he could, he would fly out to the deserts of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Nevada[/FONT][FONT=&quot] to seek out [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Las Vegas[/FONT][FONT=&quot] and gamble to his heart’s content. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Though a year ago, The Syndicate decided it had enough of the Don’s disastrous risky operations and casino lifestyle. A man whom Elpresy thought was a loyal subordinate – Vito Corleone – deposed him and became Don instead, elevating the Corleone family to prestigious positions and as the new antagonists of the NYPD. Ever since, Elpresy/Bertolli swore revenge towards this traitor and to take down his Corleone Empire, seeking to re-conquer and revive The Syndicate. The Chariot responded to this desire and took over, reducing Bertolli to being a mere vassal of the Major Arcana, though ultimately a vassal of The Fool himself, though The Chariot wanted nothing more than to conspire against its master and overthrow him, much akin to the desire of its Querent. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Character Theme[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Battle[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Theme[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: TBA[/FONT]
Squid, you're accepted, and sorry for the delay~

Liv Liv...Gods below :rofl:
You're accepted, and I can't wait to see how well you're going to get along with the others with that bio :wacky:

In other news, we've started! I FINALLY got off my arse and poasted the thread, as well as a hopefully good enough intro poast. The Fool and his cohorts shall start in Vegas, in his poorly named Court of Miracles casino (if you know what that name was inspired by, you're awesome) and will go from there, and everyone else can start where they wish...although I'd prefer it if you didn't start in the casino. We need to build up to a convergence, yes?