[SU/D] Gundam Λ

Noblesse Oblige:

My Bio is still in the process of creation. My character's personality is being crafted. He'll look like another one of my characters, as I can't seem to find any others who fit the model for him.
It is a mercenary group Iron. So more likely than not, we'll be hired out to other corporations.
Indeed, though there will be cases where more than one player will be accepting the same mission (and trust me, I will be the one issuing the missions and handling stuff in the Arena) I will ensure that everything is as straightforward as possible.

Aaron, your bio is accepted, so that means it will be two members already Ravens (of which I will issue your ranks in the Arena shortly) and two others who are to take the Raven Test so they would be registered as a Raven and participate in the Arena. (Which means they will start as Rank 50 and 51, I'll probably do a toss up to see who gets that.) Now Rankings don't really contribute to how the missions go out, it instead deals with who you face in the Arena.

The RP will start this week, Tuesday at the earliest, Saturday at the latest.
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Unlike some of my prior RP's where I have an Information Thread, instead I will put all info regarding NPC's here in this section, and can be brought up on the OP of this thread. These NPC's will play a part in the story I will tell. I will start off with this one since he will be of importance right from the start of the RP.

Julius "Strung" Joyner




Julius shows a gruff appearance, standing at 6'8" and weighing 285 lbs. He is of muscular build. Strung has brown hair with a few grey hairs dotting it. He has blue eyes, a square jaw, and a pale complexion.

Julius' flightsuit is a skintight outfit standard for combat with mobile suits and Gundams of the sort. His flightsuit matches the colors of his Gundam, black and sand yellow, the outit seperated by a white line running from his neck to his crotch and up to the back of is neck.

Julius is likened to a realist, yet wisened individual. Having been a member of Nerves Concord since it's inception nearly 25 years ago, he has seen much action in the ongoing conflicts between Zio Matrix, Emurade and Balena Corproations. He can be likened to a mentor figure, taking the time to reflect on the Younger Raven's skills and see how they can improve. However, he does not really take too well into idealism, and doesn't really believe that any form of victory would change their situation for the better.

Julius was born March 4, 173 EY in Old Soleanna City in the former Italy. The son of an influential banker affiliated with the former Earth Environmental Reclamation Committee and later the Earth Government. They were responsible for providing resources dedicated to the restoration of many old and decrepit buildings scattered across Europe and North Africa. As a young child, he was told stories of the Raven's of Raven's Nest by his uncle, a former member of the Raven's Nest. He was taught by the Earth Government's military academies, where he would be taken under the wing of the Legendary Ninebreaker and current leader of the Earth Special Forces Division, Leos Klein.

Through his years of training, Leos applied Julius to join him in the Mars Terraforming project. It was there, on EY 193 that he served as bodyguard detail, and began using Gundam's. He saw Mars through the Second Terraforming, and the rise of corporate activity, and corporate violence that came with it. Klein's departure to Earth and the suibsequent weakness in Government capability to do anything disillusioned him, and by EY 207, cut all ties to the Government and became one of the Original Ten, the Founding Ravens of Nerves Concord.

In the 25 years since becoming a Raven, he had always been ranked anywhere between 5 and 12, focusing more on Missions. To date, he has boasted a 100% mission success rate, attributed to his ability to complete his mission using any means necessary.

Gundam/Mobile Suit Template:

XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock (Judas Custom)


The differences between Sandrock and the Judas Custom is the removal of one of the Heat Shotels. It also sports a Black and Gold Paint Scheme (replacing the White and Black areas respectively)

Armament and Additional Equipment:
1x 300-mm Bazooka, carried with one hand
1x Heat Shotel, Hand-carried in Use, Stored on Back
1x Shoulder-Mounted Vertical-Launching Missile Launcher, Mounted on Right Shoulder (Optional)
1x 250-mm Shoulder-Mounted Chain Gun, Mounted on Right Shoulder (Optional)



  • Strung Emblem.png
    Strung Emblem.png
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NPC Number 2

I have an idea right now, so ill right it up. If its a no go, then just say the word and she's gone and ill write another.

..... i think i put too much effort into Rhodey

Rhodesia Saravejo.

Rhodes is what everyone call her. Those she likes call her "Rhodey".
Derogatorily referred to as "Wires and plugs", "Wires" or "Plug"

64. Bodily function ceased at 27

Female originally. Consciously considers herself genderless as of now




#2 #3 #4

75 kg

166 cm

Eye Colour
Ice blue. The only ting she has that is originally her own.

Rhodesia is unique would be an understatement. Her entire being is robotic besides parts of her head and her spinal column and is the result of her heavy weight. The rest is all mechanical. While her body still retains some form of femininity, such as the flared hips, the long hair extender and an ever so slight chest protrusion. Besides those points, she consider herself genderless. Rhodesia has predominately white panels across her entire body, including her legs, arms, chest and the hair extender. Underneath these metal panels are thick, strong, double joints and skeletal structure that are black. Her hip and legs are particularly robust as is the mechanisms in the hair extender and her spinal area. While she lacks a proper foot on each leg, she has no trouble walking normally. However, her hands have perfectly normal human like digits for delicate manipulation. Her upper and lower body is connected by a ball core and is the most robust of her entire body. Her remaining human spinal column is connected here via nerve cabling. The core acts like a relay and booster station for the cranial signals, ensuring that there is no reaction delay and also is the lower part of her power core. The front chest is more thicker than her other areas as it covers what is essentially her energy core/ "heart". It is what powers her entire being, and as such, has a skeletal ribcage and her front chest piece protecting it. The back of it isnt covered since the ribcage is completely enclosed around the core and a back piece would restrict back movement. Therefore, it is left open since the trunk, spine and ribcage is sufficiently protected.

The hair extender resembles long hair, which was what she had before. It has joints at the head and down near the middle, allowing articulation. At the very tip of the hair and on each foot is a single motorised wheel, allowing her to essentially skate around on just her legs or use the extender in conjunction. Rhodesia's head, or whats left of it, is encased within metal plating and contraptions, all then enclosed within the white metal panel head. On the inner most area, is her flesh parts. Her brain, nose, eyes and whats left of her neck and upper head. Her jaw is replaced with a prosthesis made to resemble her original face. Over these parts are her skeletal structure. The dome of her head is covered with a cap that protects her forehead, top and rear with protrusion connectors sticking out to link in with the hair extender. The complete rear of her head and neck is integrated with the black skeletal structure, with high durability and strength metal cabling and structure that encases and protects these fleshy bits whilst conveying data and information in and out. Her jaw has a breathing assistor connected to it that covers her jaw and lower nose. Contrasting much of the black skeletal structure, she has white panels protecting her temple and lower cheek. Rhodesia's eyes are mostly her own, with the being ice blue in colour. Covering this is a white metal panel mask that covers her eyes with teal electronic ones, her ears covered with electrical audio devices and has the ability to slide up over the white dome panel, revealing her inner face. Finally above all this, Rhodesia has one last half mask placed on top. While it has technical advantages and does help balance and sync her mind and her body, Rhodesia subconsciously chose this more colourful mask in a hidden desire to look good. It has three blue flaring electronic feathers pointing backwards and the mask is ceramic brown with intricate symbols splashed across the front. This, like her white face, can slide up. The final touch of vanity comes in the form of a pair of black cursive patterns flanking both side of her extenders. Despite everything, Rhodesia was originally very fetching. The only remnant of her original beauty are her eyes and the shape of her upper face.

Rhodesia has lost all function of her body, hence why she considers herself dead in some sense. Her breathing and all essential life support are provided mechanically. Any nutrients that are needed are periodically provided via drips when she is at home, though she does have internal supplies, which does put her above humans in terms of needs. When she breathe in, her voice makes a slight inward hiss and when she exhales, it is a short exhale hiss and does not affect her speech in anyway. Like her drips, Rhodesia has back up air supply and self air scrubbers.


Monomolecular Forearm Blades x 2:
Mounted inside both forearms. Very useful against armour due to the monomolecurlar cutting system.

Large Caliber, High Capacity Pistol M12:
A large caliber pistol, holstered on an external left shoulder holster. Carries a round with the equivalent of a .500 Magnum in EY 223 setting.

DX-3 Silenced Pistol: A momento from the dirtier days with Zio Matrix. Silenced for more stealthy approach. Holstered on the right shoulder holster.

Rhodesia is blunt, straight forward, relatively callous and serious.Originally, she was much more optimistic and warm. Now, she treats almost everyone in a terse, strict manner, even if she likes the person (just a bit) above others. Despite this, people can tell where they stand with her and would tolerate and wave her terse personality aside as just being her. Generally, people simultaneously respect and fear her, part due to her mechanical nature and part due to her really having no obvious soft side. It is either she is satisfied with them, or not. On contrary, Rhodesia does have a soft spot for a select few hobbies she does in order to relieve stress, though this doesn't really extend to humans. If someone did manage to catch her after one of these hobbies, she might be less stiff. While she does not abhor other people's company, one should not expect her to join in any merriment. She would give no trouble to those that do, but would sit out until her companions are done.

In terms of combat prowess and intelligence, it varies in area. With such years of experience, Rhodesia's combat abilities is superior to many, as is her tactical and strategic capabilities, mechanical knowledge and most things in the science wing. While she has some knowledge on other subjects such as history, economics and philosophy, they aren't in depth and there are many others that would far exceed her. When in mission, Rhodesia does not panic, nor does she lose her emotions. Countless years of combat has caused any emotional error to be eliminated or incorporated into fighting. It has become second nature to her. While quite capable of leading and coordinating, the countless number of dead comrades have made her more inclined to solo or be relieve herself of leadership.
Although she doesnt show it, death of someone she knows does eat away at her and as much as she is mechanical, there is only so much death one can blame themselves for before they chew away at whats left of her soul.

Born in EY 159, Rhodesia was born in the early days of the Earth Government and the waning years of the first mega corporation war between Murakumo and Chrome. In her youth, she was always an adventurer. The confines of the underground cities were stifling at times and all the books and data about space attracted her with its openess. Sick of being tethered to Earth, Rhodesia joined Raven's Nest Operations as a support staff on EY 175, allowing her to travel off into space and all over the world. Despite the government beginning to crack down on Gundam restrictions, the short four years she was there was fun and fulfilling. The first two had her working from engineering to CIC to laundry, but through the third year, she began to dabble in piloting, after managing to convince the old ace "Sergeant Major" into teaching her. As he reluctantly taught her, the better she got at an exponential rate. Only after flying a few missions was Raven's Nest Organisation disbanded. To the Sargeant Major's relief, as a silver lining, Rhodesia was now deprived of the dangers of MS warfare. He always had the bad feeling that something bad was going to happen to her, but she laughed it off. Going their own ways, Rhodesia managed to get some recommendation and referral from Raven and managed to snag a job with Zio Matrix and their terraforming project.

Again, Rhodesia was relegated to supporting roles as well as in engineering due to her experience in Raven's Nest. In fact, her actual training with Gundams had helped her in being chosen to man mini mechs (think SCV) for construction in hostile environment. It was no super weapon, but it did give her a wonderful view when she was out and about. As she continued on with her life of hard, but satisfying work, new corporations began to emerge, with Emurade coming first, then Balena. Whilst on the surface, all seemed relatively peaceful, corporation violence was beginning to boil up once more, with "rogue" raids on construction sites. By EY 185, over dozens of Zio Matrix worksites have been hit, with some resulting in rather severe losses. Of course, Zio Matrix wasn't going to take it lieing down and had hired their own "rogue" units to defend their sites. As Rhodesia's site was rather far out and of lower importance, it had little protection besides a few powered construction armour exoskeleton jurryrigged to be armed with weapons.

In EY 186, on the grand scheme of things to Zio, Site "513" was a negligible loss, but to those there, it was quite literally hell. While it was written off as another raid, it was unspoken truth that they were either Emurade units or hired by them. While Rhodesia was out with her suit fixing a minor clog in a pipeline farther down, the rest of the crew enjoyed their time off. They told her to leave it for later as it wasn't worht the extra effort, but she went out anyway. As she was hammering and tweaking away, three suit and a transport ship flew right over head towards the site. There was nothing out here except them and it was almost certain that was their target. Pushing her robot to its limit, Rhodesia rushed back. By the time she reached back, her worst fear has happened. The site was easily overrun and these "bandits" were playing games. One of the exoskeleton suit layed smoldering on the ground with a charred body remains obviously inside and the second was in a lopsided arena fight with a MS. They were playing around as the MS slowly delimbed it piece by piece. With that over, there was several minutes of silence before the airlock bursted open and Maddie flew out, naked and grasping at her neck for air. Shortly, Ben came out as well, beaten brutally and when it hit Rhodesia what was happening, out of their crew of 10, two laid dead in the exoskeletons and 5 were floating in line in zero gee. Emotions took over and she charged towards the closest MS. It was too busy enjoying the live cam from one of his friends inside to realise the small mech coming at him, at it was only when his suit flashed red that something was blow torching through his neck did his suit burn out as Rhodesia shoved the sparker down into the exposed wiring. Without waiting, she went for the next one, landing straight on its cockpit, too close for it to use its own weapons and before it could spool up its head vulcans, Rhodesia bashed out its optics and began working on the neck armour. The constant shaking of the MS didnt help and all along, she heard two final gunshots before 6 EVA soldiers came running out. By now, Rhodesia managed to short out its right arm, damage its head optics and was going for its cockpit when the third MS, ignored the safetly of his friends and punched her small mech. It was crushed like a tin can, but it only managed to get the lower body. With one final jab with the sparker, Rhodesia shorted out the cockpit and force ejected the pilot before his friend landed a straight hit on her mech, crushing her. Fading out of consciousness, she heard the reverberating blast of heavy weapons before she went out.

Rhodesia made it out alive. Crushed and close to being meat in bag, but alive somehow. From what she had heard, when they recovered her, the only thing keeping her body intact was her EVA suit. Her head was the most intact part of her entire body, but even then, parts of it was irrepairable. Whether it was a symbolic gesture against Emurade and their raids or an odd moment of charity, Zio Matrix spent three years in helping her stay alive. Bit by bit, after they stablised her, they tried to salvage her broken body. Throughout the process, she had regained semi conscious several times when they tinkered with her body and head, but medically, they considered her a living dead person. Despite their best efforts, all they managed to keep was her head and a large portion of her spinal column. During replacement operations, other parts just failed with cloned organs, but robotic parts were surprisingly accepted. When they finally allowed her to awaken in EY 189, she was just a head and a mechanical torso, limbless. Bit by bit in the next year, they outfitted her with her robotic form, with slow rehabilitation as she was rebuit. By EY 190, Rhodesia was more or less complete, being able to move unassisted. It was then that Zio Matrix showed a bit of self interest. They figured that a close to robotic pilot would prove very profitable for them... particularly with proper motivation, but Rhodesia wasn't stupid. She knew they both had similar agenda, but she wasnt going to be a pawn for them. So instead, they came to a compromise. Until a new avenue was open up for her to go to, she was to assist in the defense of Zio Matrix work sites. They were willing to provide an MS, upgrades and bodily check up and adjustments for free if she was to work for them in the most dangerous of situations for 15 years, starting when she is fully combat operational. With an additional year of pure rehabilitation and specialised adjustments, Rhodesia was ready to go. Her drive for revenge against the people that have wronged her and had brutalised her friends.

Under the idea that sooner or later, the corporation war was going to get to a point where she WILL meet the same band of Emurade units again. She toiled on for the next 15 years, defending Zio Matrix's work sites during Mar's second terraforming, but was also used as an asset for more... risky missions such as assassinations and espionage. Her lack of bodily needs, her actual make up of herself and her drive made her perfect for missions in which would have been suicidal or impossible. Rhodesia's prediction of meeting that unit again was true when in her 10th year, she caught the same unit going for one of Zio Matrix' more remote outposts. Without a single shred of hesitation, Rhodesia tailed them and caught up to the rebuilt unit at the outpost. The foot soldiers only just went in and without delay, Rhodesia laid waist to the MSs, decapitating and delimbing them all within landing. As the trio flailed inside their cockpits, Rhodesia, opened her own and busted into the outpost. The soldiers inside were shocked to see some robot enter and opened fire. Thankfully to her robotic body, Rhodesia managed to make it to the outpost without a suit and survive the barrage. In a frenzy, the vengeful woman slaughtered the squad until the remaining two surrendered. Like Maddie and Ben, she stripped the first before booting him out of the airlock, watching is body spin as it gasped for air before beating the daylights out of the second and throwing him out as well. As per order, Rhodesia was to leave captured agents alive for information. So she left the new pilot of the trio for interrogation and went to work with her old "firends". Her treatment could only be said to be brutal, as when she returned to base, her frame was drenched in blood. A large weight was lifted from her chest and although she new felt a bit empty, Rhodesia felt she has paid her dues to her friends and began to try and enjoy her "life" once more. She lived an undead life throughout the years, her body and her MS subsequently got replaced numerous times. It was hard to revert back to normal, particularly due to her inhuman state and the burning determination she had before, but she tries. When her 15 years were up, Rhodesia felt like there has yet to be a new avenue for her to go to. Her doctors have been nice to her, so she stayed until a year later in EY 207, she was contacted by several people in founding a new organisation not unlike the old Raven's Nest. Rhodesia thought to herself that perhaps, it was time to leave. With Zio Matrix' blessing after long talks, Rhodesia left to start a new, less dark life in Nerve Concord.

Even throughout the time at Nerve Concord, the R&D department and doctors at Zio Matrix kept her up to date with advancements in robotics and medical science. Several times, they have upgraded her body numerous time, though her last complete form transition was in EY 217 with minor changes made to make her current form. Her current MS was of her own design, however. Even in Nerve Concord, Rhodesia finds it still difficult to reintegrate easily with normal people. Her rather inhuman form does throw off people and her terse manner of speaking makes her seem hard to approach. However, she is trying. Like "Strung", she has an impressively high ranking, with her best being 4th, though she fluctuates between 5 - 11.

Gundam/Mobile Suit:

MSN - 06S Sinanju




While Sinanju has a very high number of powerful verniers and thrusters, its weapon systems weigh it down. It is the reason it needs the number it has. Otherwise, when lightly armed, Sinanju is deceptively fast and maneuverable. When weighed down, she depends on the suit's thicker armour and angling to survive, essentially being a tank. Even when lightened, her thick armour does make her slower than the featherweights.

Armament and Additional Equipment:

60mm multi-barrel CIWS x 2: Head mounted

Short Beam Rifle: A smaller, more compact beam rifle, used in Sinanju's right hand and clipped to the rear of the waist. Has shorter range as well as lower damage in exchange for higher rate of fire, weight and size. Only useable when one of the FWS is dropped or excluded in initial loadout

Full Weapon System x 2:
Has several systems incorporated into one weapon platform.

90mm Twin Chain Gun:Mounted on the underside of the shield in the middle. One of them uses ballistic rounds while the other uses beam rounds.

Underslung Rocket Launcher/ Beam Cannon: Mounted in front and inbetween the twin chain gun is a shortened Rocket Launcher/ Beam Cannon. The left FWS has the Rocket Launcher whilst the right has the Beam Cannon.

Beam Hawks x 2: Each shield has two beam hawkss attached to the bottom in which it can be activated to form a double sided blade (shield underside). This allows CQC even when using the full FWS, but will be unwieldy. Speed and efficiency greatly improves should she jettisons parts or all of the system. In fact, both hawks can be removed from the shield and used either in both hands seperately, or combined to form one double ended saber.

Full sized Beam Rifle x 2:
A full sized beam rifle to match those carried by every other Gundam. Stowed on the back on mounts. To use both, Rhodesia must drop the shield.

Shotgun x 2: Can be mounted on the same mount as the beam rifle on Sinanju's back. In fact, it is possible to mount one beam rifle, one shotgun and a shotgun or rifle in hand. However, it becomes difficult to quick change weapons, particularly when a shield is equipped. Therefore, Rhodesia avoids doing so unless she plans to abandon it, which she then does. The stock is also removeable for the shotgun.

Ballistic Machine Gun: Another mountable weapon. Takes up both mount space on Sinanju's back. The ballistic equivalent to her beam rifle with more focus on heavy fire.

Full sized Bazooka: A full sized dedicated bazooka that allows more accurate firing as well as better damage and ammunition range. Mounted on waist

2 x Standard Beam Saber: Appears as standard beam sabers. Mounted in the forearm of both arms

The more armaments she carry, the heavier she is and vice versa

Loadout One (Light Weight. Default): 1 x basic shield (not FWS. Left arm). 1 x Beam Rifle. 1 x Shotgun. 1 x Beam Saber (left arm)

Loadout Two (Feather Weight): 1 x Shotgun. 1 x Short Beam Rifle. 1 x Beam Hawk. 1 x Beam Saber

Loadout Three (Normal Weight): 2 x mix of shotgun or beam rifle. 1 x Rocket Launcher. 2 x Beam Saber.

Loadout Four (Heavy Weight): 2 x FWS. 1 x Short Beam Rifle

Loadout Five (Heavy Weight): 1 x machine gun. 2 x mix of shotgun or beam rifle (mounted). 1 x Rocket Launcher. 2 x Beam Hawks (waist mounted).

Loadout Six (Ultra Heavy Weight): 2 x FWS. 1 x machine gun (disposeable sling). 2 x shotgun or beam rifle (mounted). 1 x Short Beam Rifle (Right hip mounted). 1 x Rocket Launcher (waist mounted). 2 x Beam sabers (arm mounted)


@Meteora, there are quite a few holes tht you would need to fix with your History, namely the place of Birth (which I do allow you leeway in making up the name of your own little city when it comes to that, and also what happened to Christopher's parents. You kinda left it open ended.
@Tipsynaruto Now we have our number 8. I must admit, her desire for revenge will be sated soon enough in the RP, I assure you that. (y)
Yu Narukami & Ironman I have issued your official rankings. I'd rank you higher, but I feel I don't want any player characters with rankings beyond Rank 30.
Oh, her revenge is relatively sated, though old wounds in the form of mild PTSD do open up.
And... I picked off the points you selected out. His relations with his parents have been cleared.

I'd put in (United Kingdom) because I wasn't sure of the settlement in London and its name in the roleplay.
Noblesse Oblige Just a question based on your post do we need to make our own "Missions" for Combat by ourselves?

I was going to start off doing a mission but I honestly forgot like 100% of the ACII mission details
NPC - Light Seeker

I'll make the missions, I remember them because I have access to the Armored Core Wiki. :P


But in all seriousness, some of the missions I will make up because of AC's lack of actual space missions (justified in that Armored Core are not vacuum sealed and thus the pilot will turn to goo in their cockpits in deep space.)
@Meteora: Your bio is accepted, welcome to the RP. Though now I'll have to set up a different entrance exam for you.

Baldur "Light Seeker" Schwangau




Baldur is a man with short blonde hair and light blue eyes. He stands at 5'11" and weighs roughly 165 lbs. He is of moderate build, with a pale complexion.

His flightsuit shares the colors of his mobile suit, white with light blue stripes crossing around his chest and light blue on his arms from the elbows down.

Baldur is an idealist, believing strongly that he would one day climb the ranks and become a Ninebreaker. He has a strong moral compass, believing more in white and black morality, and because of it, usually works in low paying jobs in that regard. Baldur is quite confidant in his abilities, despite his very low rank. It is because of his confidence that he earned himself quite a fair number of supporters on the Arena circuit.

Baldur was born in the Space Colonies of Zio Satellite City ZSC-122, located in Earth Orbit, on March 6, 203 EY. Baldur grew up in the slums of the Satellite City, a family who found it hard to make ends meet. But they managed to get by. Baldur was fascinated about piloting Mobile Suits, and as such, wanted to learn more and greatly about it. He attended public school, and while the quality of education was not great, he always made prominant marks in his class.

Some time later, his father passed away, and living the lifestyle that his family would have wanted would not have been possible. It was for this reason that he applied to become a Raven, and successfully passed their entrance exam in 221 EY. However his road to fame and wealth hit a snag, due to him being perennially in the bottom ranks (between 47-50). Despite humiliating defeats, he still continues to strive to become a top Raven in the Arena.

Gundam/Mobile Suit Template:

RX-78-3 Gundam (RJ Model)

(The Unit looks the same as the model shown in the picture. However the unit uses a Reverse-Joint (aka Chicken) Leg Model for improved jumping capability an aerial maneuverability at the cost of low ground maneuverability and a lighter and weaker frame overall.

1x 56-mm Designated Marksman Rifle
2x Beam Sabers

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An announcement: All RP's will be put on pause for the Christmas holidays, and will resume as usual on December 27.
hey guys, sorry i have been away alot as of late, been working alot so haven't really had time to get on and post much, but im going to make a more concerted effort to make a regular post, so all i really need is an update as to what has been going down in my absence, i need an update as of late.
Nell Aulter



N/A (Concord Corporation Operator)

Nell stands at 5'5" and weighs roughly 100 lbs. She has short black hair extending to her shoulders and blue eyes. She is of slightly tanned skin, and is of a skinny build for her size. She wears the standard Concord Corporation's attire, a Grey Military Uniform with black leather pauldrons on the shoulders. On her left shoulder is the Nerves Concord Emblem, along with her position and clearances on them as well. She wears a matching grey suit pants as well to go with it, held up by a black leather belt. underneath Nell's Grey Jacket is a white collared shirt. All in all her dress matches Nerves Concord Protocol.

Nell is described as a serious, knowledgeable character. She acts in a professional manner some of the time, but is often seen as relaxed, calm in the face of danger to the Raven she is often paired with. As a result, Nell is often seen as cold, despite her relaxed demeanor.

She also seems to enjoy giving her Raven's a challenge. It's not unheard of for her, if she is paired up with a partner for more than three months, longer than the average life expectancy for a Raven ranked in the bottom 10 (41-50), she usually treats them with a date, and is something new recruits using her support aspire to, but it is a daunting task, with only about three in a hundred Raven's actually making it. Nell also enjoys being a tease sometimes, flirting with and making her partners fluster sometimes, though she does not do that while on mission.

Nell Aulter was born in Etal City on Mars on November 2, EY 198. As a young woman, she had a promising future, her parents were liaison officers for the Emurade Corporation, and it seemed that she was going to be following in her parents footsteps into Emurade as well. Instead, she decided to work for the Nerves Concord Corporation after graduating college at EY 219.

During her 4 years of service working for Concord Corporation, she has worked with dozens upon dozens of Ravens, some of whom are still active, the highest ranking being a Rank 11 Raven. So the prospect of getting another prospective pilot did not seem to bother her any. In fact, she was quite interested in seeing just what he is capable of.
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Amelie Tenkawa



Concord Corporation Operator



Weight: 49 kg
168 cm
Skin Tone:Caucasian White
Eye Color:Amelie's eyes are odd. It has a cat eye like pupil with the iris being somewhat luminescent. In normal lighting, it is gold, but in low light situation, it is somewhat fluorescent, taking in any available light and making her iris seem like it is giving off dim lighting. It gives people an unsettling feeling
Hair Color and Style:
Amelie's hair is ivory blonde with golden blonde streaks here and there, giving it slight highlights. It is rather long. tied up or let down.

Amelie wear a variant of the Nerves Concord dress uniform. It is a one piece gray dress that reaches down to he knees with the sleeves up to her elbow. Two black shoulder pauldron patches which designate Nerves Concord logo, her position and clearance are attached to the shoulder areas. Her collar is done up with a small black ribbon ties up in a small bow around her neck, whilst a black belt is done up around her waist. It can be used to attach things to it, such as her side arm, radio, card reader, knives and the such. The black fingerless gloves reach up to her elbows and meet with the sleeves of her dress while her footwear is a pair of black, knee high, heeled boots that has a small knee and ankle cover.

Amelie's personality is a bit weird. Unlike the unifroms she wears, Amelie isnt as straight laced as her fellow officiers, nor as professional. To the uninitiated, they see a careless person who puts her actual job as a side thought. While she really may seem like it, her mind is sharp and she gets what she needs to do done, despite her personality. In addition to her apparent lack of dedication, Amelie is very eccentric. She can become attached easily to people she likes and have them spoil her, which many in Nerves do.

She is also quite volatile and can change from being cheery and giving joking threats to being deranged with a veil of calm and control certain in reaction to stimulus and situation in seconds, usually still with a smile. A slasher smile, but a smile nonetheless. Calm, physical threats to her affectionate target or third party can occur, but Amelie can revert as quickly a she snapped as if nothing has happened if things has been diffused. However, her turning actually volatile with the actual intention of following through with violence is rather rare. While she jokes with physical violence quite a lot, many Nerves employee know of her "condition" and usually play it smart as a precautionary measure.

Combat knife:
A sharp, laser sharpened blade in which she carries with her pistol on her belt. She has a tendency to play with it absentmindedly as a habit, which may at times be dangerous as she can forget about it and gesture with her hands with the knife.


The SIW7 Black Widow she carries holstered on her right waist. Although hardly seen using it, Amelie is quite proficient in its use.

Amelie has always been a talented individual. Whether that be in sports, academic or anything she does, Amelie is able to excel in whatever she does. Despite being incredibly resourceful and talented, those around her are exasperated by her lack of enthusiasm and effort in the things she do. Everything she participates in, Amelie quickly masters and then becomes bored with it, which she then swiftly drops. This often makes those that know her exasperated at the loss of potential as well as garner some less-than-friendly feeling with her peers in these "hobbies". It isn't rare that she earn the ire of others with her nonchalant attitude which result in physical altercation. unfortunately, Amelie's talent also bleed into physicality. In addition to her personality, Amelie fend off these attack with ease and eventually built up a reputation as someone to avoid confronting directly.

With nothing really challenging her out there, Amelie wiled away her days doing absolutely nothing, lazing about, surfing the net and generally, doing nothing productive. In order to not let her daughter go to waste, her father had her apply to Nerves Corporation as an officer, a position he told her that would be challenging and different. Amelie couldn't see how it would be, short of her becoming a pilot herself, but she was fond of her family and followed along with his suggestion. To her father's dismay, Amelie 'sprediction was quite true. It wasn't anything overly too different. Sure the setting and importance was different, but it wasn't as refreshing as she wanted it to be. Still, it was the best out of everything she had done till this point.

There were a fair amount of unique individuals that were employed at Nerves, so Amelie managed to fit in somehow. Many picked up on telltale signs of her personality and were quick on their feet enough to know how to manage her. As a result, she has a good relationship with most of the staff. While she still retains an air and appearance of laziness, the fact that she gets all her tasks done on time and impeccably, Nerves has given her leeway in terms of discipline and how to act. Cheek and pranks are usually overlooked without true reprimand and while Amelie does push the boundary from time to time, she has yet to cause a big enough stir to force the higher ecehlon to act.

Recently, several newer recruits has been initiated into Nerves Concord. One of them has been assigned to Amelie and a quick run through of the candidate's profile made her irrationally enamoured over the young girl.
For those of you who are making your operators, I will have them listed seperate from the pilots but will not be considered NPC's. Because of this, I will not be overly strict on Operator bios. Speaking of which, Tipsy's own is accepted.
Bio Profile: Operator profile(TBC)

Name: Roman Zeikaiview (See-kai-view)

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: (a picture and some words to describe in case of image failure)

6'2", 220 pounds, Stocky Build. Dark hair.

Personality: Gruff, angry,

History: Born in (Insert Eastern European Underground city).