The year is 1874, over 150 years since the Thanatos Disaster has devastated the World of Archeron, and rebuilt in the image of the Technocrats. The world, still largely devastated from the disaster is now on the path to recovery and prosperity.
But there are those who seek the destruction of the new way of life, the Luddites, those who spurn technology in favor of the old ways...
Both the Technocrats and the Luddite factions have uncovered artifacts linking towards the Thanatos-era superweapon, the Magitek rail-cannon system, Ceres. Whomever holds the power of this weapon could dominate the world, or in turn spur its destruction on a scale far greater than the Thanatos Disaster.
Using your skills in the fields of science, technology and war? Can you secure the superweapon for yourself or your country? Can you keep it out of the hands of the Luddites who wish for your civilizations end? Can you shape the future that can stand the test of time?
Rules and Regulations:
1. No god-modding
2. No Powerplaying/Metagaming
3. Be respectful to other RPers
4. Limit 3 characters per RPer
National Map:
Bio Template:
Race: (For the first time in an SFR RP, you can choose any of the existing races (on the SFR tab) or create your own, so long as you provide a description for it.)
Faction: Any of the 5 Major factions listed in the Information Log
Skills & Abilities:
Accepted Characters:
-Eindison Scarlet Blaze (Mikasa/Faith)
-Alfred Joseph Hobbs (Izanagi)
-Livith Lancaster (Alyss/Ringo)
-Eile & Levont Weiss (Baseret)
-Heidemarie Heinrike Brodericas von und zu Baden-Wurttemberg (Tipsynaruto)
-Alere Cantigre Thavelle (Exoskeleton/Oliver)
-Frederich Franz von Tann (Noblesse Oblige/Kevin)
-Yin (Kyreaan)
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