[Suggestion] Two New Forums.

Would you like to see these two new forums to be implemented?

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I'm sure that, by now, a number of people have noticed how sexually orientated the shoutbox is becoming. It's been noted several times that it must be almost inconcievable for new members to believe such discussions would take place in an RPG-orientated forum, to which one new member from yesterday can attest. xD

After someone left the shoutbox earlier, calling it a "Men's Room", I recalled that a site on which several of the members from here were registered had two forums; one for the men and one for the women. Hopefully, Mandi, Mark and anyone else registered to FFH during its activity will remember of their existence.

That someone being me. :P

Really, I'm not sure about this. I don't think there would be any point in it. What are people going to do, talk about sex-specific things in private? This isn't that kind of forum. The sexbox is lulz, but I doubt it'd be good to have gender segregated forums on here.
I'm not in favor of this idea.

While I don't really enjoy all the sex-themed conversations in the SB, I don't think there should be an area built specifically around it. As several others have mentioned previously: we have younger members, this isn't that kind of forum, and it really wouldn't benefit the forums. Not to mention the fact that moderating that area might be a bit...awkward.

I admit that in theory it sounds like a good idea, and I'm sure to some extent it would work...but I don't want to condone a 'pervert forum.' I think that messengers are the best place for that kind of talk...especially since that kind of discussion should be among friends, anyway. A group of strangers talking about sexually oriented things just strikes me as too weird.

I'm just looking at in a 'how would this benefit the forum?' sort of way, and I've come to the conclusion that the cons outweigh the pros. I don't want FFF to be referred to as 'the forum with the pervert-section.' I also don't think it would attract any more members...if anything, it might attract some of the 'wrong' type of members. To be clear, I'm not saying that everyone in favor of this idea is a 'wrong type of member,' I'm just saying that if we had that area, that it's possible we may get members who join, who are only attracted to the forum because of that area.

I just don't think it's something that FFF really needs.
i'm going along with it, due to the important fact that people are forgetting that there are KIDS on the forum who really don't need to see that kind of stuff.
I'm in favor of this Idea! help the cause! fight the perverted wave that is strangling and corrutping the youth! fight the perverted discussions that bend youths understanding of life to the braking point untill it has shattered and they drowned in the perverted ways of many of the people of this forum!



I mean maybe people dont take into consideration of how many young people are around the forums, I mean half the conversations in the SB are centered around sex. Perhaps instead of making new forums you could just make the SB strictor,perhaps a password to enter it, or censoring? I mean its like like its like a private "sex forum" its just so the pervertedness is more contained and not the first thing you see when you see the shoutbox. From my point of view this would benefit the youth siatuation more than the shoutbox.

Either way I voted yes.

There need to be some changes around here.
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Personally I think that Mandi's idea of having a section for the older members is better than two seperate forums.
It'd would have to be age restricted, I think a password would work would it not?
Also, since the members accessing the section would be mature, I would assume that moderating wouldn't be all that difficult as people wouldn't be going aroung saying "OMGOD SECKS IS BEST IF YOO."
Also I doubt if it would be all that perverted, like you've said people can use messenger for that.
Some of you have said that it would just be like the spam section, as far as I'm aware, those of you that have complained never post in the spam section. Ergo you wouldn't post in the new one, so it in no way affects you. I'm not being rude just logical.

i'm going along with it, due to the important fact that people are forgetting that there are KIDS on the forum who really don't need to see that kind of stuff.
The problem with the concept is how old do members have to be to qualify?
The age of consent is 16 in most countries, but that is a physical thing as well as mental. Maybe 15?
If it were to be implemented, I guess it would be the staff's problem.
I also don't think it would attract any more members...if anything, it might attract some of the 'wrong' type of members. To be clear, I'm not saying that everyone in favor of this idea is a 'wrong type of member,' I'm just saying that if we had that area, that it's possible we may get members who join, who are only attracted to the forum because of that area.
I've thought about this. Why not have restrictions, such as must have 200 posts and been active for at least two months, that would discourage people joining for the sake of the 'mature' section.

I voted yes. If it doesn't work out it could be closed/stopped and no harm done imo.
Well, given the responses in this thread, I'm going to ask that this thread be closed.

I didn't suspect that such negative feedback would be possible and, while these might just be the skeptical or overly-critical posters among us, they're right in what they're saying.

Unless any of the staff have a burning desire to keep this thread going, I hereby terminate my suggestion.

Thanks to those of you who supported the idea, though.
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