I'm sure that, by now, a number of people have noticed how sexually orientated the shoutbox is becoming. It's been noted several times that it must be almost inconcievable for new members to believe such discussions would take place in an RPG-orientated forum, to which one new member from yesterday can attest. xD
After someone left the shoutbox earlier, calling it a "Men's Room", I recalled that a site on which several of the members from here were registered had two forums; one for the men and one for the women. Hopefully, Mandi, Mark and anyone else registered to FFH during its activity will remember of their existence.
That someone being me.
Really, I'm not sure about this. I don't think there would be any point in it. What are people going to do, talk about sex-specific things in private? This isn't that kind of forum. The sexbox is lulz, but I doubt it'd be good to have gender segregated forums on here.