Crisis Core Summon D.M.W.

Your Favorite Summon DMW?

  • Tonberry - Murderous Thrust

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cait Sith - Courage Boost

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moogle - Moogle Power

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Magic Pot - Item Mugger

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


show me your honor
Mar 13, 2008
tx soon to be back to mn
summoning graghics a cut above the rest?

is it just me or are the summonings cgs just as good as the normal cgs
either way its freaking awsem your in a fight and out of nowere bahamut comes to woop some ass. which is your favorite summoning???
Graghics what? :wacky:

I wouldn't say they're the best... far from it. FFX really wins hands down in terms of aeon graphics compared to FFVII, but at the same time, I prefer VII's sequences for some reason.

EDIT: Ooops. I just clicked on the thread, didn't notice it was in Crisis Core and not the original. Sorry, haha.
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The summoning cgs are pretty awesome but honestly, they get annoying after a while and they're too long. I tried pressing random buttons to see if the summoning animation would cut back to the screen.
I enjoy them. Some may be long but it's not like they're ugly, on the contrary they are some very beautiful and well put together scenes. I haven't seen them all so I can't say which is my over all favorite, but I must say that the Tonberry one is rather funny. XD

You can skip through them if you must, from my understanding, after watching it for the first time.
is it just me or are the summonings cgs just as good as the normal cgs
either way its freaking awsem your in a fight and out of nowere bahamut comes to woop some ass. which is your favorite summoning???

no the graphics are better (slightly lmao) there too long for me tho, i like exodas <sorry if miss spelled havent played in like 3 months>
I found the cut scenes to be very nice but after watching them all once they all seemed to long to me. That is why i just skipped them after the one time i watched them. But my favorite was odin seeing his horse with i think i counted six was awesome
so it wasnt just me of course tonberry one was funny the first time i did it i think somehow he did 9999 damage holy crap that knife has gotta be sharp lol i also liked the cait sith on tho im not 100% sure what it does..
i definately thought they were very very impressive looking.
and like ff always is, they are always too long.
so yes my fav is odin because it just looks so cool and pwnage
They were indeed well done and impresive, and by being so long they could be skipped, :) (Just press X) Regarding the other limits, most of them are cool, but when have you seen someone with an umbrella on his back as if it was a sword? :S Anyways, my favourite summon was bahamut fury (I loved watching how the moon was destroyed). By the way the DMW
gets you some nice rewards, after getting all dmw images and after getting all 100%
I personally loved the summons in this game. I thought the graphics looked tremendous as far as summons are concerned. And my favorite summon would probably be either Phoenix or Bahamut.
I love the summons in this game too, and although they're somewhat long, I still get a kick out of just simply watching the scenes. It's great! I don't really get tire of it because really, I rarely see the summons in this game due to the DMV system anyway. So it's definitely a treat, yes.
Well, I've yet to play the game, but will be getting it on August 26th.

I have seen a video though of summons, and Bahamut is by far my favourite, Bahamut Fury being my second favourite. ^_^
I rarely see the summons in this game due to the DMV system anyway.
Same, although when I do get to see them they come at the right times like during boss fights :neomon:

But I love the summoning graphics on Crisis Core, they really are exquisite and the Bahamut summon really caught my eye the most, albeit, I have yet to finish the game all the way through because I need my memory stick back for the PSP.
Those were pretty kick-ass DMV, weren't they? So vote which one is your favorite!

Okay first of all, I didn't get all of the summons. I just finished the game earlier today, but based on what I collected (Ifrit, Bahamut, Odin, Phoenix, Tonberry, Cait Sith, Moogle) my most favorite limit is Odin. I don't even remember Phoenix (I think I only saw the limit once) but I heard it's pretty nifty. Typically I would have picked Bahamut, but for some reason, Odin calls out to me more. The effects were fabulous and he kills the enemies instantly. No worries.

So...I was missing Magic Pot, Chocobo, Cactuar, and Bahamut Fury. >.> Ugh, how could I have missed Bahamut Fury! I'll make sure on my 2nd gameplay that I acquire all the summons.
Out of all of them, my favorite was Odin. The graphics were amazing of course, and it was awesome how he pwned every enemy instantly. His DMW scene was the most impressive imo too. I never got tired of watching his, while the others got boring after seeing them once.

Unfortunately I didn't acquire all of the summons either. You had to do an extra mission to get the Tonberry and Magic pot, and everytime I tried to do it the Tomberries killed me -__-
I've always been partial to Phoenix. I don't know about you guys, but his summon always amazed me whenever it happened. Bahamut's summon was also really awesome, but I just loved watching Phoenix. It always happened very rarely for me as well when it came to DMW allowing me to summon Phoenix.