Crisis Core Summon D.M.W.

Your Favorite Summon DMW?

  • Tonberry - Murderous Thrust

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cait Sith - Courage Boost

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moogle - Moogle Power

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Magic Pot - Item Mugger

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I have only seen Ifrits so far and when it showed his arm when it's doing hellfre I was like woah...that was awesome, then it showed his face and I was like :gasp: That is one ugly looking Ifrit

I was wel impressed with it though, can;'t wait to see the rest
-Threads Merged-

Whoops, didn't realize a thread already existed. The previous title was a little vague. o.o So I went ahead and merged the two threads with the voting polls included from my other thread.
Of all those I have to say 1000 Needles, hah, Zack "dancing" xD To me that's a good reason enough.
But if I said one of those which have those great demos, I would say Bahamut. In FFVII it anyway was my favorite always so in CC too. It's just so cool!
the summons shud be able to run around the arena like on final fantasy XII because that was awesome
I like Exaflare because it has a cool animation sequence and it was hard to get.
I really liked Odins, it was epic, and zanetzuken is just fabulous anyway

They do go on abit long, but once you have seen them the once, that's what th eX button is for, I think the only one I watched repeatedly before realising you could skip them was Ifrit, so I am sick of the sight of that one -_-
My favourite had to be Phoenix's summon, mainly because of the auto life effect it leaves on you, and it can do quite a bit of damage to your enemies too :elmo:

I also love its CGI, it looks so cool :gasp:
My favorite is definitely Odin. When he unsheathes that sword and jumps down that cliff on his mighty horse, you can see the pain he is about to inflict on those unsuspecting little monsters! SLICE! DICE! SLASH! Goodbye pesky bomb :)
i haven't seen all of the summons because i have completed it once but didn't spend time doing the missions and what not so the only summons i ended up with where Bahamut and Bahamut fury, Odin, ifrit and Chocobo and my favorite was by far Odin's, it was soo cool, but kinda overdoing it when he gets summoned at the end of a battle when the one remaining monster has little health awsum sequence though
i thought the graphics for the summons were amazing they put a lot of effort in to making them even though they arn't part of the main story line my favorite was ifrit it was awsome
Odin's is probably pretty sweet, I imagine, but I haven't had the luck of seeing it in action yet, so I can't vote for it. I guess if I had to choose out of the ones I've actually seen, then the cake goes to the Chocobo Stomp. Who'd think it would do THAT much damage?
I wish you could control which summoning you want :/

but besides that
the cuts are GREAT
ill watch them every time :D
Your DMW Choice?

Who is your choice?
-Ifrit (Hellfire)
-Bahamut (Megaflare)
-Bahamut Fury (Exaflare)
-Phoenix (Rebirth Flare)
-Odin (Zantetsuken)

Mine is Odin. I really love Zantetsuken. It always finish the enemy in one blow.

Whats yours?
If y ou HAD a choice you mean, the randomness really pecked my head ¬.¬

I have to agree with Odin though, it was an awesome attack and zanetzuken is just made of win, other than that Phoenix, free phoenix down status was always gratefully received
i would have to say other then Cissnei i would have to say moogle...his skill is the best...he doesn't do any damage but i think the fact that at least all of you materia is getting lvls....but if it had to be a damage dealing i would have say Bahumant...He has always been my fav!!!
I loved odin's animation. So badass.

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I voted for Odin~ Yeah the graphics were bloody amazing :D Only complaint is that they really didn't do a whole lot of damage :(