Summon Scavenger Hunt

  • Thread starter BustaMo
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Summons rock the beast world, just to let you know. With FFXII released now, it's made me think back and realize that this is one of the best ways to obtain the Summons over the gaming series, but I wanted to know which FF game had the best method of obtaining Sumons in your opinion.

There's been a mix of games where you have to either find the certain magicite(FFVI) or materia(FFVII), or summon in a certain location. Other times you have to fight them(FFXII) all or draw them from enemies(FFVIII). Even the method of obtaining them through the Clositer of Trials in FFX was a pretty neat method, but not to challenging in my opinion.

I'd have to go with the current set up in FFXII being my favorite method so far. You have to yourself prove worthy of being able to control one of these beasts, and go through what it feels like to fae them before you unleash them on your foes later in the game. I tell ya, it's definitely a big challenge walking into the waterway to face Cuchilain(sp?) and instantly have your HP sapped the hell out of you constantly... :/ Not to mention he has a crapload of HP.

So what's your favorite way of obtaining Summons/Espers/GF's/Eidolons/Aeons in the Final Fantasy series?
I really enjoyed the methods in FFVI. It really took time in finding the summons (espers), and was something that didn't have to be done if you didn't want to. I thought it was crap that you HAVE to go and do the trials to get them in FFX. I liked FFIX's method too. Equipping them and learning them with AP is cool (and very similiar to FFVI's version).
I'll have to stick with FFXII as well. I love how it's extremely challenging, although they're pretty much useless. I like VIII's as well - kinda similar to XII. You have to fight them first before you can obtain them. And Eden was super-hard to get! >.<

Um, I forgot how it worked in IX...but yeah, I agree that the Cloisters of Trials in X was kinda weak. It bored the heck outta me. As for VII, everything's about materia, lol. I believe red materias are the ones for summoning? You just have to find a circular object and voila, you get a summon! ^_^ Not challenging, but still cool.
I liked the whole Esper set up from FFVI - how they had their own world and everything - and there were tons to get.
I think that FFIX had a nice way of doing it too. Having to learn them from equipped items was fun and occasionally forced you to weaken your charcters in order to make them more powerful.
I haven't played too much of FXII (only have one Esper) so I can't comment on it too much, but so far it's pretty cool. I think having to fight for your summons gives you a feeling that you've earned the right to use them. So I don't particularly have a favourite game for getting summons because there's often more than one way to get them. Fighting the summon to earn them is the best method
I really don't know. I'm not a fan of FFVI's at all. Final Fantasy VII but there wasn't any real mystism around them so it's definitely not my #1. Final Fantasy IX was limited by who could do it and it was only somewhat related to the plot. Final Fantasy X handed you all the summons and in Final Fantasy XII you couldn't find half of them unless you went to GameFAQs. lol So I don't really know.

I would have to say Final Fantasy X just because it included all the mystism about them, even if they were just handed to you.

VIII was the best, i liked the gaurdian force concept. what i did was allocated a certain gaurdian force with a certain character depending on their characteristics. like i gave squall bahamut because he's dark and mysterious like bahamut and i gave rinoa carbuncle because she cute and protective like carbuncle, see.

I didn't really like X's way of just getting them all but the customizing system worked pretty well. I wished they had some variation of that in XII because I hate that when I get later in the game the earlier summons become useless. Kinda like Adramalech, I got him and then a little ways later, he was useless.

VIII's would have to be my favorite though. The GF system was so cool. The animation of the summons in that game were the best for the PS1 too.
I like Final Fantasy XII Espers, they look splendid, their move are fantastic and they have just been introduced to a new system of battling.