Summoner or Guardian

I would be a guardian because I'm always looking after people and giving them advice and guiding them, it's just the type of person I am. Also, I'm one of those people that if I get close to someone, then I'd do whatever it takes to give them what they want. So, I'd be prepared to die for the one I love if I really, really had to, if there was no other way.
I would be a Guardian.

Sure Summoners are cool too but I would not be fit foor that job. I am kind of bad at leading and having other people protect me is not my way.

If I was a Guardian, then yea, I would be the one to protect and not to be the one protected, not that there is something wrong with that. Besides, summoners have weak Limit Breaks [Overdrives] and Guardians like Auron and Tidus have super cool Limit Breaks even though the Aeons will beat the living daylights out of me, I could just kill it with a combined Limit Break of Omnislash, Lionheart, Blitz Ace, and Terror of Zanarkand!!! MWAHAHAHA, I would be undefeatable!!! XD Guardian cool
I prefere the summoner in the game, because Yuna saved my sorry ass a lot during the game thanks to her many Aeons. But then a summoner would be nothing without her guardians to protect her...which is true because for the short moment that you only get Yuna in the game I died >>;;

If I had to choose, I would be a guardian. It seems to me that you would get more of a choice in weapons and in the end wouldn't have to sacrifice yourself (unless you were chosen for the Final Aeon) and you wouldn't have all this responsbilty on your shoulders. I mean, looking after a group is fine, but having the fate of the world on your shoulders would be a little much XP
Being a summoner wouldn't be all bad. For one thing, you'd be adept at magic, so learning some of the black magic wouldn't be hard. Summons are rather powerful, as is known, so why have to use them against Sin? Use them for general purposes of fending off fiends and such. I'd become a summoner, but not fight Sin, only protect people. Maybe start taking dominating, too. Why not? Power's there, may as well use it to the maximum potential. Very Seymour-esqué, I know, but it makes sense. I'd have the power, and not lose it, like all the other summoners. :)
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im definitely a guardian. i'd like the feeling of protecting someone and would feel too guilty if someone ever died protecting me. also, rather than summoning aeons, i'd prefer to do something more hands on. get right in there!
I think that I prefer being a summoner so that I can summon Aeons which are strong. Besides, that's will help me have a lot of guardians who care for me and always protects me...I even might have a guardian who I love..
The Sephiroth Gene said:
I was POSITIVE that I posted here before.....

I would be a summoner. Why does each summoner compete against the others> Why not team up? Imagine Isaaru, Donna and Yuna teaming up and summong one of each: Yojimbo, Anima and The Magus Sisters.

Or even 3 sets of sisters.... Sin wouldn't stand a chance.

So yeah, summoner.
thats a really good idea they all wanted to defeat sin right so wat does it matter who gets there first so if they just worked together they would have never needed the final aeon in the first place. nice job TSG
I saw that many of girls would like to be a summoner, and many of boys would like to be a guardian. I don't think I could be a summoner, I have always been somebody who prefer protect others before me, so: I am a guardian.
Ok first off when people say they would be a guardian not to die what would you do rather become yu yevons sin slave. I mean if you are a guardian you have a chance to become the finnal aeon yourself, and thus become sin.

Also to The Sepheroth Gene comment. While summoning three sets of the magus sisters would be rather awsome if not overkill that would be imposible. The faith can only be called upon by one summoner at a time (why you cant summon the same aeon to fight itself in summoner battles. and no im not trying to bash on anyone just saying as cool as it sounds it would be imposible unless somehow the faith of the aeon figured a way to in fact clone itself.)

I would personaly be a guardian. Because I dont want to be hailed and praised for going off to die, and for being the symbol of a currupt religion/government. I mean yevon is so flawed and just basturdly. Id rather be the guy fighting to protect the summoner till the end. Maybe help them relize how wrong the religion really is. Come to their sences. Also Even if Summoners are adepts in magic, that others cant learn it either. I think however id also like to be a guardian because you cant rely fully on aeons for batteling. Like those bosses which there are quite a few HARD ONES that have banish and simply cast the summons away and just hit you. So yea id train and hone my skills and become a sweet guardian.
Shinrei said:
I saw that many of girls would like to be a summoner, and many of boys would like to be a guardian. I don't think I could be a summoner, I have always been somebody who prefer protect others before me, so: I am a guardian.
wow i didn't notice that before. its kinda funny
Lobojo321 said:
Also to The Sepheroth Gene comment. While summoning three sets of the magus sisters would be rather awsome if not overkill that would be imposible. The faith can only be called upon by one summoner at a time (why you cant summon the same aeon to fight itself in summoner battles. and no im not trying to bash on anyone just saying as cool as it sounds it would be imposible unless somehow the faith of the aeon figured a way to in fact clone itself.)
thats true, I never really thought about it before, whenever yuna was in a battle with another summoner you couldn't call out the same aeon that they had out.:D
Roxas 101 said:
Originally Posted by Lobojo321
Also to The Sepheroth Gene comment. While summoning three sets of the magus sisters would be rather awsome if not overkill that would be imposible. The faith can only be called upon by one summoner at a time (why you cant summon the same aeon to fight itself in summoner battles. and no im not trying to bash on anyone just saying as cool as it sounds it would be imposible unless somehow the faith of the aeon figured a way to in fact clone itself.)
thats true, I never really thought about it before, whenever yuna was in a battle with another summoner you couldn't call out the same aeon that they had out.

No, its possible, but only when you fight the dark aeons... (which I'm sure have NO connection with the real aeons.)

Anyway, I like to be guardian. Weilding a sword swinging at fiends.....all day....
Lobojo321 said:
Also to The Sepheroth Gene comment. While summoning three sets of the magus sisters would be rather awsome if not overkill that would be imposible. The faith can only be called upon by one summoner at a time (why you cant summon the same aeon to fight itself in summoner battles. and no im not trying to bash on anyone just saying as cool as it sounds it would be imposible unless somehow the faith of the aeon figured a way to in fact clone itself.)

It's fine, it was just a stupid idea from the fan of the sisters :P I never actually considered why you can't summon the same Aeon in a fight with another summoner, your point is valid, if not definite. But still, my idea of a combined attack with the summoners is good, no? Anima, The Magus Sisters, Yojimbo all being summoned at the same time? Still, an awfully good fight, yah?
Lion Heart said:
No, its possible, but only when you fight the dark aeons... (which I'm sure have NO connection with the real aeons.)

Anyway, I like to be guardian. Weilding a sword swinging at fiends.....all day....
That makes me wonder if the dark aeons aren't almost the same as the real aeons what are they