Summons vs Dress spheres


Jul 16, 2008
Essex, England
Okay, something i want to know. I used the special dress spheres a couple times, yeah they helped me a few times but i thought they were rubbish compared to using summons or aeons. What would you prefer, the girls to be able to summon aeons in GF style where they make a appearance do 1 attack then go or using the special dress spheres?
For the sake of FFX's story, dress spheres.

The faith were free'd in FFX, so it's basically impossible to summon an aeon after.
I quite liked the dress sphere special thingies

And asDLFlux says there, it wouldn't have made sense if there were summons so I guess they had to think of something new. I did actually quite like them, I liked Yunas floral falal (sp) one it looked nice
Special dresspheres were rubbish, should have just stuck with regular ones. They all had similar attacks, which did not make them all that fun.
I <3'd the dress spheres.

My favorite was Lady Luck so hard to get and so worth it.

But some where just stupid...Like srsly that one where it was like Gunner and Mage mix, that was abit...pointless.
The dress spheres were a pretty good, you could change through jobs with battles to get the maximum advatage against the enemey.
I liked the aeons/summons better, but it wouldn't of made sence if you could use them in X-2
Well, as some one said- the aeons were freed- so it'd be dress spheres. Though, I have never been defeated in that game. Like ever. I try not to use Machina Maw because there is a little system I worked out where it is (pretty much) impossible for me to lose using it.

I thought the special spheres made the game too easy- so I'd go with aens, however, like i said, that wouldn't happen cuz the aeons are gone. :(
For the sake of FFX's story, dress spheres.

The faith were free'd in FFX, so it's basically impossible to summon an aeon after.

and one of the reasons why gamers hate FFX-2 is because aeons were not in the game.
for me Aeons is just a waste of time. Sometimes i didn't enjoy using Aeons, but I like the way Aeons used in FFX.
I did not like the dress spheres. I liked how the aeons could have multiple different attacks in ffx. However i did not like the sphere grid system ffxii system is alot better.
I never used aeons personally, i found them a waste of time when i could just as easily win a fight without summoning them. So i would choose dresspheres. I think it was nice to have something different to summoning in an FF game for a change.
I liked the dresspheres and aeons. I think that aeons were a little strong for my liking, as I prefer my battles to have a bit of substance, but I liked them when there was a huge fight. I like the dresspheres because it gives the characters individuality even when in the same dressphere.
i liked the dresspheres though i will admit some were kinda pointless. and while the aeons were more usefull they didnt fit in the story
i found the special dress spheres to be an extremely sad substitute for the summons. they had abilities that you needed to spend hours and hours searching for to have them at they're max strength, and it was just gay.

i would prefer the 1-stay thing, like FF8's GFs or even the series base for summoning, where they come and do one big attack and leave (materia, summon spells, items, etc).
summons were far better, but in X-2 yuna has given up her summoning due to the eternal calm..
i like the whole aeons, where you could control them in 10.
however it did make it abit easier.
so maybe just stick to having them do one attack at once
I liked the summons from X better than the dress spheres, but it really would make no sense if we could use them in X-2. I think my favorite dress sphere would have to be alchemist :D
The dress spheres are cool and all but if i had a choice got to go with the summons.