Games aren't just strictly virtual! There's an entire world out there just full of different tabletop/board games! And no, I'm not just talking about common games like Sorry or Candy Land (I don't judge your difficulty levels, ok!)
So, is anyone into or interested (or not interested) in getting into this type of gaming? D&D is just one of the major ones I know of, but there's also Settlers of Catan and Risk that I can name. Of course if you do enjoy yourself a great friendship-ending game of Monopoly that counts as well too
I personally don't know much about the tabletop games & the community other than it is vast. And expensive. My husband has become involved with a nice group of people that are really into the tabletop community & just recently won a copy of Tiny Epic Mechs that should be arriving in the mail soon.
For me... tabletop games are a bit of a challenge. I like going in just being able to mash buttons and figure the game out as I go along. These types of games you have to sit and read the rules. I know it sounds kinda lame but dedicating an hour or two (or more!) just stopping every 5~ minutes to consult the rules is just a huge pain for me. I like to support my husband though and try and play a few. My favorites that I can recall off the top of my head are Pandemic, Forbidden Island & Boss Monster. We also picked up a starter set for D&D but we haven't played much with it. I'd love to hear from anyone who is into it though!
Additionally... if Pokemon counts, I was really into the card game when we were kids. I didn't participate in any tournaments but my brother did and I have vivid memories of it. Collected a lot of cards and had fun just having Pokemon battles with my siblings. I wasn't into any other card games though!
Here's a short list of what we own:
Anyway, would love to hear from you guys even if you aren't interested or just have a funny relevant story to share.
So, is anyone into or interested (or not interested) in getting into this type of gaming? D&D is just one of the major ones I know of, but there's also Settlers of Catan and Risk that I can name. Of course if you do enjoy yourself a great friendship-ending game of Monopoly that counts as well too

I personally don't know much about the tabletop games & the community other than it is vast. And expensive. My husband has become involved with a nice group of people that are really into the tabletop community & just recently won a copy of Tiny Epic Mechs that should be arriving in the mail soon.
For me... tabletop games are a bit of a challenge. I like going in just being able to mash buttons and figure the game out as I go along. These types of games you have to sit and read the rules. I know it sounds kinda lame but dedicating an hour or two (or more!) just stopping every 5~ minutes to consult the rules is just a huge pain for me. I like to support my husband though and try and play a few. My favorites that I can recall off the top of my head are Pandemic, Forbidden Island & Boss Monster. We also picked up a starter set for D&D but we haven't played much with it. I'd love to hear from anyone who is into it though!
Additionally... if Pokemon counts, I was really into the card game when we were kids. I didn't participate in any tournaments but my brother did and I have vivid memories of it. Collected a lot of cards and had fun just having Pokemon battles with my siblings. I wasn't into any other card games though!
Here's a short list of what we own:
Forbidden Island
Boss Monster
Hero Realms
Lord of the Rings: LCG
Star Realms
Dark Souls The Card Game
Forbidden Island
Boss Monster
Hero Realms
Lord of the Rings: LCG
Star Realms
Dark Souls The Card Game
Anyway, would love to hear from you guys even if you aren't interested or just have a funny relevant story to share.