Take the lead


Mar 14, 2007
Ok, throughout the franchise, there have been many diverse characters. And in these packs of characters were the leads. Sometimes there were 2 leads. And usually the 2 main characters were a guy and a girl, GASP! Anyways, I dont know what Im getting at here, so I'll just throw out the questions.

A) Do you usually like the lead character/s?
B) Do girls or guys make better lead characters?
C) Who has been the best lead character? I want reasons!
Yes, I usually love the lead characters...well, I'm still having a hard time with Vaan though. =/ I don't know, maybe I'll grow to like him someday.

Hmm, I think guys make better lead characters. Or well, it really depends on how their character's developed. I mean, for instance...Yuna's a great female lead character...in X. =/ Everything about her is likable, in my eyes. I thought she made a better lead than Tidus, actually. Of course, my opinion, so don't attack me. :P So you see, it greatly depends on the character and how you are able to connect with them.

Best lead character would have to be Cloud. Reasons? Hmm, simply because of the way he was developed. Complex traits, past, and the main storyline greatly ties in with him.
A) Do you usually like the lead character/s?
B) Do girls or guys make better lead characters?
C) Who has been the best lead character? I want reasons!

A. I've liked every lead character in the game except for Vaan.
B. I honestly don't care if it's a guy or a girl.
C. I feel that Cloud has been the best lead character. He is a very likeable character. He has weaknesses that the player can relate to (such as saying he's going to be as good as sephiroth but in the end he doesn't even make it into SOLDIER and is too embarassed to tell Tifa).

The only lead i have ever disliked was Vaan. He whined all the time and his look was just terrible in my opinion.
Yes, I usually do like the lead characters. If I didn't, I probably wouldn't finish the game. Usually guys are better leads, since games usually are geared more towards them. But I would have to say that Terra is my favorite lead. She has great development over the game. She starts out scared and confused because she had the slave crown on before. And by the end of the game she's very confident and standing up to Kefka. (Assuming you get her back) And ::spoiler:: She shows a lot of courage when she chooses to face Kefka even though there is the possibility that she will dissapppear after the statues are destroyed.
I also like that while she wanted to learn what love was, she discovered it through taking care of children and not with another man. That way there wasn't any cheesy romance with her.

And unlike X2, it was nice that she was a hero first and a girl second.

Cecil is a very close second to her. He may be first because it is controversal that Terra is the main character of VI.
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I've liked the majority of main characters. There are definitely some that I've really gotten behind (Cloud, Zidane, Tidus), others that I only half care about (Bartz, Vaan), and one that I just loathe (Squall). But for the most part I appreciate all of them for what they're worth.

As far as who I like more, the hero or the heroine, I would probably say the hero. It is close though. There hasn't been any Final Fantasy where I've hated the main female character. Aeris, Rinoa, Garnet, Yuna, and Ashe are all some of my favorite characters. So why didn't I answer the heroine? Because although there is no heroine character that I hate, there is none that I'm madly in love with. They all had some quirk that bothered me.

And favorite main character? Cloud... He's not just a badass and all of that but he's easily the best developed characters in any form of entertainment. He's not just the best FF character ever... or the best RPG character ever... he's better than any other character I've ever known in any book, movie, poem, or videogame.
A) Do you usually like the lead character/s?
B) Do girls or guys make better lead characters?
C) Who has been the best lead character? I want reasons!

A) I do normally like the main Characters - Terra/Celes, Cloud and Zidane rock the world XD

Tidus was just a bit....meh but Yuna (FFX ONLY!!) Made up for him though ^_^

And theres always the main characters i hate - Squall and X-2 Yuna and Tifa (yes she leads the party for a while) - i DESPISE them - Squall was too Emo, X-2 Yuna was too different from X yuna and too pop-star-ish...and Tifa - well most of you know my reasons for disliking tifa ;)

B) while i think that guys do make better leader characters it is nice to see a female in the leadership role every now and again - thats why Ashe is one of my favorites.

C) The best main character is Cloud - he goes through so much, not knowing who he is, losing Aeris, contracting Geostigma, etc, he goes through so much that its hard not to feel sorry for him.