Tales of FFF

I was wondering about him for a while now. Where could he be?

And also, for those who are leaving the castle (Shen, Zeria, FFGuy, Me), there will be a surprise at the entrance that will bring this group more trouble than before.
I need to find Lucius body Shen.

You will see why.


I want to point you guys to a private RP that me, Julius and Shen are doing.


Its how Hejaloki and Archzil (Armageddon) was friends that turned enemies.
This is the reason to why they hate each other. Also how Archzil becomes
Here's what has happened up to this point in the rp:

1. Zeria is at the roof where Julius used to be at.

2. Julius's body and soul was carried away by hejaloki.

3. Arthvader, FFGuy, and Shenorai made it to the entrance when Ex-Death made a surprise appearance.

4. FFGuy left in search of Zeria by the orders of Arthvader.

5. Vegnya's troops came to support Arthvader during the battle against Ex-Death.

6. Arthvader was sucked in to the null void.

7. The battle continues between Arthvader and Ex-Death.

8. Lucius is in the realm of souls.

9. Hejaloki entered the realm of souls, took Lucius's soul.

10. (Current) Hejaloki headed back to the castle to look for Lucius's body.

Am I correct?
You know, even thought the dimensional warp is closed, everyone at the entrance can see the battle taking place inside the null void from the entrance.
It's collapsed now hasn;t it though? With Lucious gone there was nothing keeping it up anymore (this was what Julius said anyways) So it'd probably hit the ground and take it sweet time falling over
SG, Pardon my little intrusion in your role playing experience, but I was wondering: how is Danny (you) being able to block Ex-Death's attacks (who would be my attacks) and protect Arthvader if Ex-Death and Arthvader were sent to a different dimension? Wouldn't that mean that Ex-Death and Arthvader are beyond everyone's reach without a reasonable excuse?

Would you pleas edit your post? Thank you :)