Talk about: Your Avatar, Username and Signature


I Think... Therefore You Are
Jan 4, 2007
Dominican Republic
The purpose of this thread is to allow others members to understand you better, here you can talk about avatars, usernames and signature and explain why did you chose them to use them here. Basically you’ll tell the others why you are using that particular avatar and username, is very simple actually. I’ll go first

About my Avatar – My avatar is an illustration of a fictional creature of a TCG (trading card game) called Magic: The Gathering (Official site, Wikipedia article), the creature name is Broodstar and this is a full picture of the real card.


I want you to understand all the best that you can so let me explain: Broodstars live in the fictional world of Mirrodin a plane that is made entirely of metal, with a hollow core. This planet has five suns, one for each color of Magic. All creatures on the plane have metal integrated with flesh. This harsh world is covered with many landforms. Plains of sheets of metal cover vast areas, vegetated by razor-sharp steel "grass". The "oceans" of this world are actually liquid mercury, called QuickSilver in the books. Large, twisting silver spires rise from these seas, forming islands.

It is interesting to note that a creature would have to be extremely dense in order to be able to swim in the Quicksilver, Metals even as dense as lead are not dense enough to sink in mercury. Residents of the islands would easily be able to walk to shore without the aid of a boat. Yet in the storyline, there is a thriving ecosystem beneath the rolling, shimmering waves.

Broodstars resemble tadpoles with strange wings and metal parts on their bodies. Although never encountered in the Magic novels, these creatures roam the Quicksilver oceans of Mirrodin devouring constructs and other metals. The Broodstar is a creature whose power and toughness are decided by the amount of artifacts its owner has in play. This means that, given the player has enough artifacts, it can become a very strong creature. It also has flying, and an affinity for artifacts, which make it a powerful card for affinity decks.

So Why is Broodstar my avatar Well, you see, I am a Magic: the Gathering player, the first set of cards I ever bought was a pre-constructed deck named Bait and Bludgeon, this affinity base deck contains cards for start playing the game for beginners, and the card Broodstar was one of the cards contained in the deck and it was by far the best card there, so you could say that I’ve chosen Broodstar as my avatar because of a sentimental link I have with that card (Now that sounded just silly)

About my Username – Now that you understand my avatar you may think that my username (QuickSilverD) has something to do with it, after all I bolded the part where it says that the oceans of Mirrodin are made of the liquid metal quicksilver instead of water, but the story is another.

See, I’m not a native English speaker and for many years I didn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘Quicksilver’ however I liked the sound of that word, quicksilver, Quicksilver, QuickSilver, isn’t it cool, the sound I mean. Now I try to create an E-mail account in hotmail and try to use the word quicksilver, unfortunately somebody else had already taken that name, so I had to change it, but I didn’t want to alter it a lot, after some thinking I decided to add the D at the end, and make it quicksilverd, it worked nobody else thought of that.

Now the D is not just a random letter I put there, no no no, the D stands for Dominican, which is my nationally . and you may wonder why I use the same username that I use for my mail account, the answer for that is simple, I always use the same alias for all my work over the internet

About my Signature – I suck for signatures for making signatures, the one I´m using now was created by a memeber of another forum a my request, I simply wanted something that went along with my name.

Well That’s about it, don’t be shy and add your reasons for using your avatar, username and or signature. I would also appreciate if people here would not do spam posts, if you have nothing to say but ‘this is a good idea’ or ‘I have no intention of raveling my reasons’ please don’t post here.

Sorry for the long read
Well I'm not quite sure If I have the patience to write anything quite that long but....

Avatar-The cover of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, with Link on top and Link Wolf on the bottom.

Signature-It is the 3rd panel from Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, at the beggening when it tells the story of The Hero of Time. The story that goes with this panel is A young boy clothed in green appeared as if from nowhere. Wielding the sword of evil's bane, he sealed the dark one away and gave the land light.

User name-Speaks for itself, It's the name of my all time favorite Hero, Link. The 21 was my hockey number back in High School.

Avatar: Something I've been meaning to change, just a funny pic off my computer.

Sig: 2 animations I made with Jump Superstars sprites.

Username: The first forum name I've had. I thought I would try going back to that name.
all the things connect me to the rave scene...went to lots of parties here in so cal...and i had a tattoo of a spider (my hero is spiderman...the comic not the movies)
Avatar : It's Cloud from Kingdom Hearts. I love his KH's costume over all his others.

Signature : It's from Lady Aerith's fiction. It's a quote that Andri said, just I left Cloud's name out.

Username : From American Gladiators.
My Avatar

My avatar is Davey Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest movie. He is my favorite character. He's a bad ass and totally hot. I love it. And the accent.

That's about it.