Tanning Lines - Guys thoughts?

The Witch

I myself am strange and unusual
Oct 30, 2008
Rinoa Heartilly
Squall Leonhart
Tifa Lockhart
All right, a silly conversation sparked this morning. I was talking about tanning lines around the chest area where a bathing suit top would be and where the bikini goes-- do guys get repulsed by them?

By them I mean the whiter areas of a body that normally doesn't see sun exposion, like the breast, certain parts of the booty, etc.
Personally, I wouldn't be repulsed by a few small lines. It's not like it's a monstrosity, and to get repulsed by it is pretty shallow. I can't say I like these tanning lines, but I certainly wouldn't dwell on it.
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It depends. If there's not a whole lot of difference, then I'm not bothered. But if there's quite a difference it's rank. It looks disgusting imo.
its pretty much expected, and if you dont have them its just an added bonus. :) but pretty much girls who fake tan are the only ones without them. or you can just turn off all the lights and bam no lines at all. ;)
Yeah, it's kinda nasty, but you get used to it after a while. If the girl actually is getting tanned to attract men, I'm sure she'll get it evenly done over her whole body. :mokken:

if youre lucky enough to see enough of a lady to see her "lines" you should be grateful :kinky:

it wouldnt really bother me though :hmmm:
Lol, Jimmeh, you're a cool guy. ;))

I don't really think they're "nasty" they're bound to happen unless you spray tan--which are the worse looking tans, if you ask me.

And by tanning lines, I mean just a bit lighter skin, not orange skin then white triangles around the boobs, lol
This is a very core part to everyone's reply so far :wacky:

Don't like them too much but can't do anything/a lot about them so don't worry too much
Yea, that's what I was thinking. But it'd suck for a girl if a guy saw tanning lines and just acted completely grossed out by them. Which is why I'm asking if dudes really mind them there or if they're don't care.

So far Jimmeh and Sullivan0930 are the only men that said they wouldn't mind. Shame on the rest of you. :mokken:
i cant say i like it tbh :wacky:
Not if its really really visible anyway. If your gunna tan get one all over or just stay white :ahmed:
Nothing wrong with being white.
Being repulsed? No thats too strong of word but its not the nicest thing =_=
i cant say i like it tbh :wacky:
Not if its really really visible anyway. If your gunna tan get one all over or just stay white :ahmed:
Nothing wrong with being white.
Being repulsed? No thats too strong of word but its not the nicest thing =_=
Lol, that's my way of thinkin' too. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with porcelain skin. :mokken: Not everyone should be a bright red or orange skin tone... It's so damn annoying to see Kentucky girls walking around with a fake California tan. It's like, girl, you look like an orange.
I wouldn't be repulsed, but I don't find them attractive either. I'd rather the tan be genuine and have to deal with viewing tan lines than to have to deal with orange fake tan.

Like Jimbob, if I was blessed with the opportunity to view such things then I wouldn't really mind at all. The person would still be the same, and I understand that there is an obsession with tanning (now that it is no longer cool to be white), so I see no point in making a fuss over them. I know that girls as a whole do like to tan, and that they are told that doing such makes them more attractive and healthy. Some can overdo it with this though, and there are those that get a really dark tan while have everything else looking very odd and glowing white. It wouldn’t bother me much, but if a girl had tried to get the tan to look good for me (or people in general) then I just find it odd, and I wouldn’t want to feel as if I had indirectly (by my mere relationship with her) somehow forced her to try really hard to get a colour which contrasts greatly with her natural colour.

In the summer I guess it is to be expected as, while I hate the obsession with tans, I understand that most other people love to get them, and tan lines are going to form on girls. I would much prefer the whole body to be roughly the same colour, but that said I wouldn’t want a girl to feel compelled to sunbathe topless on a public beach if she didn’t feel comfortable with it, just to get a tan on her chest.
you cant help but get them sometimes, ive caught the sun on my shoulders being out this week and Ive got strap lines - can't say Im fond of them myself, but for someone to be repulsed by them is abit absurd :8F:

though, i have seen people with maaaaaasive white stripes and are liek either bright red or tanned and it just looks funny, I guess Im just lucky I dont tan very easy and when I do tan, Im on the sunbeds twice a week and naked so no strap marks
If there is a massive contrast, then I would say I don't like that. If it looks like you're wearing a white bikini when you're naked then it looks a little weird IMO.

But even if they were faint, I don't mind. It's temporary so there's nothing to get upset about IMO.

I would just advise tanning nude to get a nice colour all over.

This thread needs pics xD
This thread also has post count.

I wouldn't be repulsed, but I don't find them attractive either. I'd rather the tan be genuine and have to deal with viewing tan lines than to have to deal with orange fake tan.

Like Jimbob, if I was blessed with the opportunity to view such things then I wouldn't really mind at all. The person would still be the same, and I understand that there is an obsession with tanning (now that it is no longer cool to be white), so I see no point in making a fuss over them. I know that girls as a whole do like to tan, and that they are told that doing such makes them more attractive and healthy. Some can overdo it with this though, and there are those that get a really dark tan while have everything else looking very odd and glowing white. It wouldn’t bother me much, but if a girl had tried to get the tan to look good for me (or people in general) then I just find it odd, and I wouldn’t want to feel as if I had indirectly (by my mere relationship with her) somehow forced her to try really hard to get a colour which contrasts greatly with her natural colour.

In the summer I guess it is to be expected as, while I hate the obsession with tans, I understand that most other people love to get them, and tan lines are going to form on girls. I would much prefer the whole body to be roughly the same colour, but that said I wouldn’t want a girl to feel compelled to sunbathe topless on a public beach if she didn’t feel comfortable with it, just to get a tan on her chest.

Good post, my man. And I like having white skin. :mokken:

you cant help but get them sometimes, ive caught the sun on my shoulders being out this week and Ive got strap lines - can't say Im fond of them myself, but for someone to be repulsed by them is abit absurd and look abit stupid :8F:

though, i have seen people with maaaaaasive white stripes and are liek either bright red or tanned and it just looks funny, I guess Im just lucky I dont tan very easy and when I do tan, Im on the sunbeds twice a week and naked so no strap marks
I don't tan easy either. But I agree. if it's like an all red body with white stripes around their chest that is a bit distracting but I wouldn't say it was replusing either.

If there is a massive contrast, then I would say I don't like that. If it looks like you're wearing a white bikini when you're naked then it looks a little weird IMO.

But even if they were faint, I don't mind. It's temporary so there's nothing to get upset about IMO.

I would just advise tanning nude to get a nice colour all over.
It's a little hard to ge an all over tan which a girl could only attain by being nude on a public beach/lake or by going to a deadly tanning bed. :mokken:
So far Jimmeh and Sullivan0930 are the only men that said they wouldn't mind. Shame on the rest of you. :mokken:

Right, because we're supposed to feel bad for having an opinion on what makes a woman attractive or not. As I said earlier- if they want a tan specifically to attract men, they should get it all over. If they don't care or are simply doing it for themselves (as most women do), then they shouldn't worry about whether they get tan lines or not.
I disagree with quite a few comments, from girls and guys alike.

There's nothing wrong with tan lines, they're natural. Would you rather get a girl who gets fake tans or goes to the tanning bed all the time? (also a fake tan, to me). Tanning is quite dangerous, and I only get tan because I'm at the beach so much in the summer (with sunscreen,mind you). So yes, I have tan lines. They aren't extreme, but they aren't faint either. And I'm rather proud of them. During the winter when I'm pasty white, I'm proud of that too. I get that they look a little weird, but unless a girl is in front of you naked, I don't see why it matters. And if a girl is in front of you naked, I doubt you're thinking "man she's got intense tan lines." So I really hope no guys are "repulsed" by them.

I happen to think my tan lines look pretty damn good=)
There's nothing wrong with fat rolls on a guy (they are perfectly "natural"), and they don't matter at all unless he's naked, but I understand that girls still don't find it attractive. Same thing here. I would much rather look at a girl without a tan at all than one that has a bunch of zebra stripes on them. But if you don't care, don't worry about it!

So stop acting like we're supposed to be attracted to anything that moves which could be considered female :p
Natural in that, if you're at the beach and the sun is out, you will get them. Its unnatural to be tan all over, unless of course you're at a nude beach. Which most people don't do...And I totally get that it looks better to be solid all over, but it's just not likely to happen. I bet 85% of girls have tan lines. Since I'm against tanning beds, I'd prefer my private areas to stay white and never see the light of day :lew:
I get tan lines. I try to remember to pull by bikini straps down when i am tanning and to unhook the back of my top. But sometimes I forget. And if I go swimming during the day, I will get them.

I'm not too bothered by them even on other girls or guys. They are natural and I'd rather than than a fake tan.

The only person who will ever see my tan lines is my fiance, and he is not bothered by them. He sometims thinks they are funny because they bring attention to by boobs and... lol. And he would have no room to be repulsed by them because he frequently goes swimming and works out in the yard, so he had them too. His are more obvious than mine.

I have also never heard of a guy repulsed by tanning lines until I read this thread. I just always figured that if they were "getting some", then they wouldn't care about the lines.