Tanning Lines - Guys thoughts?

I don't mind them at all. Although I think it's more subconsciously related to experience, as one of my favorite times to rehearse pro-creation techniques is after a day out in the sun at the pool/ocean, so it comes with the season.

I don't like too much of a tan - it looks ridiculous after a point.
Personally, I don't put any stock in skin color in general. Some girls are pale white, and some aren't, and it doesn't matter to me which end of the spectrum they are. So tans in general don't phase me, whether a girl is or not.

As for tan lines? :hmmm: I do find something arrousing about tan lines actually. I guess it's because in most terms, the tan line is the border to the more intimate areas. So if you see a tan line, it can drive you a little wild (or for me it does anyways). I've never gone out of my way to look for women with tanlines, but occasionally I will see it, and in a lot of instances, it was a turn on.

I suppose I can't really elaborate any more than that for this thread. :lew:
Just think of it as mother nature highlighting the good bits.

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Ummm.....is there a minimum number of words required to make a thoughtful post on fucking tan lines? Seriously?
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I would honestly be surprised if a guy was completely repulsed by a naked girl because of her tan lines as probably 80%-85% of girls will have them
I would honestly be surprised if a guy was completely repulsed by a naked girl because of her tan lines as probably 80%-85% of girls will have them

Not what I see. They could easily just spend more time indoors if it's bugging them, who really needs to spend all their time outside these days anyways (unless it's part of a job of course)?
A tan line is not hot. A light line is fine but if you are out to get a tan then you (woman) need to get the areas that dont see the light of day. If you are out working in the sun it happens.
Off the topic but if you get your tan from a spray bottle, that's a no go.

I would like to hear from the girls. I'm sure it wont be much different.
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I think most guys would prefer no tan lines, but like so and so said, it isn't always worth it to go out of your way to get a perfect tan. So if she takes off her clothes and they're there, so be it. Maybe this is why Egyptians and Asians try to be white . . . they don't like tan lines either eh? 8D
Well even though this posts says guys thoughts i just thought since Veritas suggested it i'd give my opion and that is........Tan lines are not sexy, theyre not ugly mind you, but i dont see anything sexy about them, but guys most of you will prolly just have to suck it up. Girls and theyre tan lines arent gonna kill you theyre not to horrible but some can be lol. Lucky for me whenever i've gotten tan i've never had that bad of tan lines but thats prolly b/c as soon as i stop tanning i start to go white again lol. But don't think us girls like guys with tan lines, y'all can be alot worse sometimes lol. But we still love you! :x3:
I saw some awesome tanlines while watching porn with my boyfriend. This asian guy had a straight cut off short short tan line that made him so incredibly white I couldn't believe he was azn... Then it made me realize azn people are the same as us whities, just tanned darker. :monster:
I don't really get tan lines per se the Sun just fries my skin making it darker. Yay. That's why I stay out of it the majority of the time unless I'm like on an island or some shit. Anyway I don't care about tan lines or lack thereof. I don't find them arousing, I don't find them ugly, I don't find them to be anything. They are tan lines, they're there because you stayed in the sun too long and your skin didn't tan evenly thus creating a white line of tanness. But yeah I don't care if it's there, it's there. If it's not, it's not. I mean, yeah. I've seen my cousin and my mom with tan lines and I was just like, "Wow you guys look funny" then I laughed and then I got over it. Eh. Personally, I just don't see the reason for being concerned about a pale line due to extreme heat exposure. Like, seriously. But that's just me.
I can't stand tan lines.

If you intend to get a tan you should get tanned all over. It looks so gross when you see a white bum. :sick:

I am currently sunburnt and very much hating the disgusting lines I have. Even if it was a tan, I would prefer to be white all over than partially tanned.