
I'm a total indoor person. I'm pale as the palest albino vampire (Ok, slight exaggeration, but you get my point)
I don't tan, because I don't enjoy the sun. I prefer it cold. Spring and Autumn are my favourite seasons. Summer is my absolute all time least favourite season ever in the history of the Universe.
I dont bother. I dont think I suit a tan, Im very pale and sensertive skin. Heck, when I was in Australia only my arms tanned and my head got sunburnt! Nothing else. So nope, no tanning for me.
With my half Puerto Rican lineage, you think I would tan somewhat, but that's not the case. :lew: I have my father's complection, so I burn instead. I basically do tan on my arms, but that's it. My legs would probably burn immediately, considering I haven't worn shorts in almost 10 years. :lew:
My arms tan fairly easily but I've sat outside for an hour or so and that's all it takes to get horrible tanline burns on my back and sometimes legs. I don't burn to the point of peeling or blisters or nothing, just very red for a few days. =/ Other than that, I'm a pale person with mexican arms.
I got a little color sitting in line (in the wheelchair) at Disneyland even though I had SPF 50 sunscreen on. xD I do look a bit darker than I did before I left the shady Pacific Northwest.
I tan quite nicely actually. At the moment, my belly is super tanned, and I have tan lines from my bikini. I've picked up a bit of sunburn on my shoulders, but it's fading quickly, so I'm happy. :D
If I don't get sun for some time, unless it's winter, then I start breaking out. I don't break out bad, but either way it's a bit annoying. So during the summer I usually run without a shirt for a few miles or I play a 2 hour game of soccer with my Asian buddies.

My wife is a manager at a tanning bed, so I agreed to tan every day till the day of our wedding at her work. It was flat out weird, yet I will say those beds are a perk, because I just pass out. I will never do it again though, I just don't see the point for a fella to watch his color.
Do to my blood line i can get a great tan. However i dont bc i think i look better pale and i can get very pale.
When i was younger i was much more active outside, where i would have the tan and the lines it came with. Havent had any of that in years though.

Also my freckles come out!
I really only tan when i "need to"(more lik ant too lol) like if im goin to the beach or swimming with friends in a coule days but the unlucky thing is im naturally kinda pale but not all to pale like ghost pale or anything just white really lol. But it sucks cuz when i tan the one day i stop i start to go back to my natural whiteness really quickly lol it kinda annoys me b/c when i finnaly do go the wherever im not as tan as i hope lol oh well i think i might just stop tanning altogether though to much of a waste of time sometimes lol :x3:
Well I'm dark skinned soooooo when I DO go outside, my skin turns even DARKER. Scary shit I know. I try to avoid the sun even if my melanin content makes me less likely to get melanoma, although still it's pretty damn likely I'll get it 'cause I'm not as dark as say, my stepdad. My stepdad's dark . . . real dark. I'm--well you've all probably seen my face anyway. Point is I burn so I avoid the sun like the plague because I don't need UV rays pumping into my skin and plus my skin peels and dries like a motherlover . . . my skin hates the sun. The sun actually causes my . . .
to break out so that's why I put on tons and tons and tons of suntan lotion.

Now my mom?! Oh god she sunburns, since she's like one or two shades lighter than me. Then again she stays in the sun more than I do. Hers is permanent, been there for weeks now. o_O I might actually sunburn for all I know, I'm not that much darker than her.

Personally, I don't see the point for tanning beds are any sort of artificial tanning spray or lotion. It's chemicals. Pumping into your skin. Fucking with your skin cells. Killing them. Long-term exposure is like injecting tons of radiation into your body. Some people, shouldn't make these things into a habit, it's so bad for your skin, and it can give you melanoma. Bad. Very bad. One of the worst cancers out there. Just tan in moderation, only if you want to you don't necessarily need it, IMHO. That was general btw.
I actually don't tan OR burn. I've been to tanning booths a couple times, but why bother if it barely does anything; it's not good for your skin anyway. My mom does it like EVERY day, everyone tells her it's gonna mess up her skin but she doesn't listen, and then bitches out about having wrinkles. "NO IT'S DA STREZZ CAN'T BE THE TANNING BECAUSE I USE TEH COCOABUTTERZ" is her logic. xD Her original skin tone is nice anyway. She does this with her hair too. >.<

Early in the summer I went back home to NY and went to orchard (horseshit:wacky:) beach with my besty and was in the sun almost all day. I used suntain oil with spf 15, and got decent color but then it just faded in a few days. Meh.
I've tried to tan, but it just hasn't worked out for me. I burn way too easily, even with sunscreen on, so lately, I just don't bother with it. I've never had anyone comment on it to me before, so I'm not too worried about it.
Me and my bf burned pretty badly after being out in the pool for about 4 hours straight and neglecting to put on suntan lotion... we lathered up in aloe vera which prevented us from peeling and now we have a nice dark tan that looks like we've been tanning for a month. xD the tanlines are horrible though...
I tanned on holiday, which I was pretty pleased with. Only went a little bit red on my thighs...
Just over a week after getting back, I'm peeling on my shoulders. I've never peeled before, it's annoying. Now I've got a blotchy tan >_>
All the same, I'm hoping I can keep my tan... not banking on it though, the weather over here hasn't really been sunny enough to top it up at all.
I remember last summer, I tried to sit in my backyard 45 minutes a day. The first day, I fell asleep so I was actually out there for like an hour and a half. I was wearing a sleeveless shirt too so I got this really awkward tan. It lookes horrible. Then, after the redness went away, I tried going out again. I did that for like a week but it didn't do shit. I guess I'm just meant to be pasty white forever. It doesn't really bother me though. The only hard part of it was sitting outside with my shirt off. I just don't like doing that. Even in my own backyard, I still consider it public and I get nervous.
My tan's almost gone already. The darkest of my skin has peeled because obviously I didn't put enough after sun lotion on it... so yeah, I'm nearly completely white again :ffs:

Just for once, I'd like to stay brown for a bit longer than 2 weeks :rage:

I have porcelain very fair skin. When I go outside its to do activities and etc....with my family its never for the exact purpose of getting tan...where I live we get a hot and oppressivley humid summer for 3-4 months and being outside for the most part during the day is absolutely miserable. I work with a lot of women who were tanning bed/laying out addicts for some 10 or 20 years and now they are the ones who are envious because I have 0 wrinkles 0 crows feet and 0 laugh lines and my skin is super soft and has a healthy natural glow.

I also have a friend who is the same age who lived in AZ when she was a child and she has had multiple malignant melanomas removed from her skin and has to go for skin checks at her dermatologist every 6 months to be screened for the possibility of more cancer.

IMO-is the cancer really worth what people think of you for being pale? To me, its not.