FFX-2 Tear to my eye


Dec 3, 2012
New here but on a drunk night at college i stumbled on ff10-2 1000 words on youtube and the memories it brought back are heart touching i rember playing this game my freshman year in high school, im now a senior in college. When did you play this game?
Welcome to the forum DJ! I agree, Thousand Words has got to be one of Square's best pieces and certainly has some tear-jerking cinematics to go with it in-game.

I'm sure I played the game when it was first released, so when I was in the comp at some point. I remember there was a new game shop opening up near me (this never happens in my area) and my cousin said we could go and have a look. So we did. And we enjoyed every minute of the game; revisiting Spira was the best thing since FFX itself :griin:
I played it about a year after it came out. It was my second FF game, after FFVIII, and in a way I am glad I played X-2 first, because it meant that although there were a number of spoilers in X-2 for X, I could enjoy X more when I finally played it...
That's actually one of my favorite scenes in all of Final Fantasy. I have the extended orchestrated version on my iPod. It's such a beautiful song. I first played it when it came out. Kinda funny story, I was kinda young and stupid, and there was a demo disc in a magazine of the game. I wanted to try it so bad but didn't have the money for the magazine so I stole the disc out of it. >.< lol
