Teleport Stones


Nov 26, 2008
Does anybody know the best place to hunt for Teleport Stones? I'm stuck in Rabinastr, where I thought the Strategy Guide said the Muthra Bazaar merchant sold them but all he has to offer me are some greens! Are there any monsters around the Easter/Wester/Giza Plains who tend to drop them?

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Hmm, I don't remember about any monsters dropping them in that area, but check the Muthru Bazaar or you can buy them at the Leisure Ship from the shop assistants there.
The Muthra Bazaar is supposed to have them but for some reason all he's offering me are some kind of greens. Have I not sold something to them that would open the rest of the items wares maybe?
I think teleport stones are kind of hard to find because I found 2 and now there gone and I do not know where to find them. Maybe you get them at the bazzar shop section.
Oh wait, I think you have to be a Vanguard rank (8 marks and 20000 cp) in order to buy some at the Muthru Bazaar. In Balfonheim, you can buy them from a merchant called Dyce who rides a chocobo. That's where I got mine, I do believe.
Okay, that makes sense. My Clan Rank is too low to buy them in Muthra! I'm not even sure I have traveled to Balfonheim yet. I'm roughly halfway through the storyline and that location doesn't sound familiar. I think perhaps I need to do some additional Hunts and get my CP up. Thanks very much!
The easiest way is to buy them at any ship route. They're 200 gil each I think.
Yeah, go to the aerodome and buy a ticket - not the private one, the luxury craft or something. When you appear on the ship, walk forward and go to the booth on the right. They sell teleport stones and garshyll greens there.
You should be 'stuck' anywhere - it's possible to trek to every single part of Ivalice, save for the Ridorana Cataract and Bahamut.

You obtain a number of Teleport Stones from Montblanc after defeating various marks or bosses; you can then buy stones from the Bazaar upon reaching Vanguard status.

If you want to move around Ivalice more quickly, I'd suggest using the airships at the Aerodromes. Where are you, in the story?
Your clan rank has to be higher if he's not selling them in the Muthru Bazaar.

You can get teleport stones from wolves if I remember rightly, if you chain them high enough. Dustia in the Westersand drops them too.

They are also sold on Airships.
Vayne said:
You should be 'stuck' anywhere - it's possible to trek to every single part of Ivalice, save for the Ridorana Cataract and Bahamut.

You can't get to Bujerba either. Anyway it's really long and pointless to go trekking. What level are you, Amy and where do you want to go?
Vayne said:

You can't get to Bujerba either. Anyway it's really long and pointless to go trekking. What level are you, Amy and where do you want to go?

Bhjuerba is accessible via Aerodome, just get take an airship. So what he's saying it right, only two places you can't get to (unless you take the Strahl) are the Ridorana Cataract and Bahamut.

Everywhere else you are able to get to by foot or using the Aerodome to take a ship.
Thanks for all the feedback folks! I had actually completely forgotten about the aerodome. Doh! I finally remembered it after reviewing maps. I was actually trying to get to the StillShrine of Mirim. I teleported out to do some Side Quests and then realized I was out of Teleport Stones and really didn't want to take the time to trek all the way back there. I had enough trouble battling my way through the Golomore Jungle once to begin with. :)

After playing nearly all day yesterday I now have Vaan at level 28, Basch at 25 and everybody else somewhere between 21 and 23. I just beat Judge Ghis and am about to begin the journey to Nalbina. But first I'm going to finish some more Hunts and do some grinding.

And I have a final exam on Thursday so I need to stay out of Ivalice for a few days or I'm going to fail. lol.
Bhjuerba is accessible via Aerodome, just get take an airship. So what he's saying it right, only two places you can't get to (unless you take the Strahl) are the Ridorana Cataract and Bahamut.

Oops... too right... dumbbum moment!!!:P

The stillshrine?

Was that before or after Golomore jungle?

I think that it was after. You should probably level up a bit.;))
Yes, it was right after Golomore Jungle. And I set one foot into the next area last night and got my butt handed to me by four level 30 beasts, including some little fox on fire who took Penelo and her bangs out in like two hits.

Time to go level up. I was actually thinking Golomore Jungle might be just the place to do it. And maybe some new Hunts. And now that I have figured out how to use the aerodome and replenished my Teleport Stone supply, I can move a bit easier. :)