Temporius Alacer: A Quick Fantasy


Ego Et In Arcadia........
Nov 19, 2007
Surf Coast, Australia
Does any one time how long it takes them to finish a FF game?
Is the amount of time taken a measure of success or failure?
IMO it does'nt matter how long you play as long as have fun and enjoy the story......now I ai'nt sayin that to measure is bad thing or that it shouldnt be done I'm just interested in what my FF bretheren think???
The amount of time it takes to finish really doesn't matter when it comes to Final Fantasy games. None of them(to my knowledge) reward a gamer for finishing it in an set amount of time.

I've already blown 15 hours in Final Fantasy V, and I'm just barely past the halfway point. Much of my time has been spent hunting down optional summons and building up the various jobs.

All RPGs take time to complete, so I have never considered the time it takes to finish one a negative thing. Hell, Dragon Quest VII is a fine example of an RPG that can consume hours of your life even when you're just following the main storyline.
I don't think it really matter how long it takes you to beat a game, unless there are specific achivements then developers don't care. Same goes for Final Fantasy, as an RPG you're expected to level grind and such like and take around 80+ hours to complete it (console titles). So I wouldn't say a specific amount of time matters unless you're going for a speedrun through the game.
The amount of time it takes to finish really doesn't matter when it comes to Final Fantasy games. None of them(to my knowledge) reward a gamer for finishing it in an set amount of time.

IX rewards you with the Excalibur II, if you make it to the final dungeon in 12 hours. That's the only one I know of.

The longest I've spent on an FF is one save of X that has near 90 hours on it, that's with accomplishing nearly everything in the game, all celestial weapons and seals, etc. XII also came close, I didn't get nearly as much, but it had 70 or so hours on it. The shortest was II or III. I think I completed each of them in a little over 20 hours.

RPGs just take time. Sure, you could rush through them for some kind of bragging rights, but wandering around and getting a feel for the universe is a lot of what makes them fun for me. Rushing would ruin it, even on a replay.
Ah, the old timer debate. One me and my friends constanly hound eachother over. I, personally, don't think it matters either way but I do feel a weird, and possibly misplaced, sense of pride when I see my FF7 timer counter maxed out at 99:99:99 but maybe that's just me :D either way, taking your time and enjoying the game is the purpose of playing so have at it and max out those timers XD
I think one of the greatest things about an RPG is the fact that you can spend hours upon hours in a world and completley immerse yourself in the story and characters. I see no point in rushing through a game, mainly because personally I find I enjoy the whole experience less if I rush. So I mainly take my time no matter how long that might be