Dirge of Cerberus Terrible Music


I'm nothing but a beast
Feb 6, 2007
In my opinion the biggest let down in DoC: FFVII was by far the music, in a game where the action is fast paced and intense you need music of the same type, I personnaly would have used some Heavy Metal type music to help get you pumped for battle...what type of music would you have used?
That would of been alright... like, say, FFX's Otherworld for example... something similar to that on boss fights would of been great. ;D

Tbh, I liked DoC's soundtrack... =]
Heavy Metal in FF? I really don't see how that would work... I felt it was out of place at the beginning of FFX. I haven't played Derge. -shrugs- So what do I know?
I agree the soundtrack was terrible. The WRO headquarters music really bugged me.
xD I could say almost the same thing about people who complain about FFXII music!

I was expecting something more dramatic, a lot more hard hitting - I do like the opening music though, can't remember the name of it.
I understand where you're coming from when you say Heavy Metal music doesn't really have a place in FF games BUT DoC: FFVII isn't really a traditional FF game since it's the first shooter in the series (As far as I know) so it would have been nice to have a change from the norm plus you can't tell me that the Music in the FMV at the beggining of FFX (Where you see Tidus playing Blitzball) didn't work well.
Perhaps its just me but i really dont pay attention to BG music, unless its really annoying (in which case I play some CD's) or amazing (In which case I crank up the volume untill my neighbours hate me).

Bare in mind that most music is a solo artist with technical skills, Sephiroph's them involved a whole orchestra, quality costs.
What? I mean each to their own but, i quite liked the soundtrack, most of it anyway. The various theme around Lucrecia gets annoying sometimes but generally i thought the soundtrack added the game as a whole.
I just thought that the music lacked the sort of power and passion that would get you pumped for battle...anybody who has played Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within knows what I'm talking about.
Lol, i was thinking this just earlier when I was playing it. I felt the music sort of distanced me more from the game.
I surely get what you mean.

FFVII battle would of been so much greater with some type of heavy metal taking part of the actions for its intention. But yeah, honestly I said that since because I'm a heavy metalist in the first place^_^
I was pleasantly surprised by the intro theme music. I've never been a fan of Gackt, but his opening song was quite interesting and catchy. I personally didn't mind the music at all.
i liked how ff7 DoC had Gackt songs in it. i loooooooooooooooooooove Gackt. Longing and Redemption were awesome songs.
lol I absolutely love the DoC soundtrack. I have a whole bunch of tracks from it on my mp3 player. Especially 'Redemption', 'A Proposal', 'Hope of the Future' and 'Girl Named Shelke' I found very nice.

I liked all the heavy music in AC a lot, but tbh, I kinda got sick of it, and wanted something different. I liked the use of more instrumental backgrounds and whatnot.

Plus I'm not a heavy metal fan at all ^^;
i'm in a metal band and we get classic ff song's and add to them
i think really the music exsept Gackt at the end was not shooting game music you can't play game's like that without metal music