[TGS'09] Final Fantasy XIII Trailer Revealed!

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OMFG they had me at Snow and Serah kissing. =0

That was so lovely that kiss amongst the fireworks. <3 They really are the hottest couple since FFX Yuna and Tidus. X-2 Yuna can die. <_<

Anyway, I will kill them if they let Serah die. <_< She better just be tired or something at the end. <_<

OMG Serah is so little compared to Snow! It was so much clearer when they were standing on the dock!

I'm looking forward to this more than Versus now I think. XD
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Gameplay looks confusing but brilliant :awesome: And the scenes seem to promise for a lot of emotion and drama, what with all the characters shouting at each other like it's an episode of Eastenders.

All looks good, mind, well looking forward to this.
Omg, that looked so kewl . Graphics are exceptional, and the story looks really promising, along with the characters as well. Lot's stuff going on between different characters beyond what I initially thought of, as well as a new female character shown too, I think O.O

Gah, I want it, I want it, I want it! :mark:
Ha ha. That kid knows how to throw a tantrum. Having a go at Snow and then "aaargghh!" *BOOM*!

I'm sure that isn't going to be how it looked on the trailer, but still funny. :D
That was definitely the best trailer I have ever seen from SE. The actual emotion in the Japanese voice acting is what separates it from the English attempt. FFXIII is definitely one to look out for. It has what FFXII didn't- an actual love story and conflict within the party. There's no more of this "get along nicely to save the world" thing. It should be much darker.

If only you can see the face of delight I made when I saw Serah and Snow kissing. Half of me thought: "No, don't show that yet- I want to experience that in the game", but half of me thought: "That was beautiful- I feel so bubbly after seeing that!"

OMFG I saw this in Media class and I was like holy fucking shit this is going to be the best fucking game ever! Truly I was fucking blown away!!! OMFG Serah is HOT and the kiss was beautiful. This game will make me cry and it looks so sad too. If Serah died I will punch someone!! Also Sazh has his gun on Oerba OMFG NO!
That trailer made me so happy! I'm excited about the new woman with the tattoo. I'm excited about the battle system. I'm excited about the drama between the characters. I'm excited about... pretty much everything.

TGS was GOOD this year.
OMFG *name change* :wacky: Serah is soooo beautiful and she and Snow...omg their kiss was just so touching. I swear Serah had better NOT DIE. ;___; This trailer looked incredible! I just wish so much it at least had subtitles so we could at least understand what all was being said. The emotion in the character's faces and eyes and the deliverance in their voices and words was just amazing. Incredible! This game is going to be AMAZING. March can't come quick enough! :mark:
Awesome new stuff there. I still don't know what to make of Serah for some reason though. =x She just doesn't excite me as the rest of you guys do, but I do look forward to actually get to know her character more. I'm really impressed with the character interactions here - that's the way to do it. :) I can already tell the effectiveness just by looking at that trailer and the impact it will have on the storyline.
i was emotionally moved by a trailer. i believe that says it all...
I'm still iffy about Serah. Not sure if I'm 100% thrilled with her design. I'm sure she'll be nice and all, probably likable, but I don't know. I think he outfit is kind of a mess. :/

That said, I did like this trailer. Lightning seems very protective of her little sister. Very cute. I wish this was subtitled.

HOWEVER, and this has bothered me from the beginning, Serah looks like a minor, and Snow looks almost thirty. I'm sorry but that kind of creeps me out. XD

Now maybe she's older than she looks, but still. She looks way too young for him.
OMG!!!! This game looks so freakin sweet. From the beginning to the end I was just amazed, astounded, and downright ecstatic. The 'movie' portions of the video were just stunning, they looked extremely fluent and not choppy or toned down one bit. And the battle system?!?! Oh dont get me started, it looks so awesome. And somewhat fast paced.

On another note, I like Sachs even more now. He has an hilarious walk about him, for those 10 seconds that they showed him walking in that casino looking place I was rolling. I cannot wait for this game. -sits by the calendar hoping that it becomes next year soon-
Edit: Need to read thread first, someone already posted teh translated one. xD

It looks great, characters look stunning, really cannot wait for this game, been looking forward to it for so long.
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OMG!!! the main hero has facial hair!!!!!!111!!!11

You mean Snow? I guess he might be the main hero, but not the main character.

Unless you mean Lightning is a bearded lady. :gasp:

Also, I'm liking the translations. Getting to hear what Sazh is so upset about as well. It was rumoured his son was turned into a crystal, and now it appears from that that he was after all. :sad2:
I can't help but think a lot of story elements are being revealed so easily, even before the game will come out >_>

Lightening and Snow's motives, Sazh's motives, Oerba's guilt for some reason, and Hope's somewhat surprising hidden power that will likely be a major plot device.

I mean, I like all the info we're getting, but then what's gonna be left in the actual game? :ness:
I can't help but think a lot of story elements are being revealed so easily, even before the game will come out >_>

Lightening and Snow's motives, Sazh's motives, Oerba's guilt for some reason, and Hope's somewhat surprising hidden power that will likely be a major plot device.

I mean, I like all the info we're getting, but then what's gonna be left in the actual game? :ness:

:gonk: She's right!

How about we all make a pact to not watch any more of the videos?
yea, like that'll happen...
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