Thank you, FFF!

Lol that's pretty cool. Congrats. No wonder I haven't seen you guys around. I do remember Fair_Game, actually. But wow, glad to hear it worked out for you guys. ;)
'Tis nice to read a spammy thread that's about something positive for once, and not the usual 'my room smells like poooo' topics. :monster:

Congrats n' all Contra, I'm happy for you. ^_^
Aw, this made me feel all warm and fluffy on the inside ^^

Good for you Contra and Fair_Game!
Fair_Game's been without internet for nearly a month due to moving to a place without any wi-fi, so that's why he hasn't been around.

I've just been busy lately, but, I'm trying to be active enough around here, still. xD I still contribute with my long-winded posts every now and then.

Thanks a lot, guys. I wasn't expecting any sort of congrats out of this, I just found it really funny that on a very basic level, these forums are the reason for me having my boyfriend. xD
xD Thats only when Im over excited, I can actually pass for 12

which reminds me, I got ID'd at the shop an acne riddled teenager >_>