Thank you, FFF!

As is James, that song is made of win, wait il you get the rest :monster:

I had to do it. XD!

Thanks to the new posters. My apologies to Nami and Cavallone, I've been really sick on top of everything else, so my forum activity has been further cut as a result.
Thanks to the new posters. My apologies to Nami and Cavallone, I've been really sick on top of everything else, so my forum activity has been further cut as a result.
LOL, it's all good... as long as you live happily ever after, damnit.

I'm a romantic.

I hope you get well soon!
That is so awesome... (hmm how do i say this w.o sounding desperate... got it)
some one please make a FFF dating service thread.. not like i need it.
hahaha that worked out well
Go make yar own, if you want one.

Quite a good idea, actually. But don't expect many success stories. I've had two online "relationships" before, which both ended, obviously. Only really interested in some form of online relationship if there is ever a realistic chance of meeting up. It's better to strive for a real life relationship in the first place. Still, the internet is good for an initial meet-up, but don't be too upset if it ends in a bitter break-up after 3-6 months.
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Well, I wasn't expecting this thread to get bumped. xD

I guess it's time for an update:
Fair_Game [Chris], moved in with me several months ago, and we've been doing great. He recently got himself a laptop, so he gets to busy himself on that while I'm on my computer. Things are still going strong. =)
Ok, 12 pages, im going to skip 9 of them.
AKA; I only read the first 3. and CF's last comment.

Im glad for you, and sorta now I understand why F_G said "Contra says Hi" over MSN.

Well, I can say it now, Im jealous like hell. And if it is not already done.
I hereby give you 2 the title of the official FFF couple ^^