Original The Abyss Is Forever

I understand where your coming from mate, but, what your saying is a point of view,

"That's your opinion, and I disagree." That's the argument you're choosing?

Fair enough. I've said my piece. But, if you really want to divide the audience into "some people may like a choice of action, some may not mind, some may not care, and some, (In your case) do not like it. " Then right out of the gate, you lost 1/4 of the audience. Hell, all you did was dodge some bullets and ran up a wall, I'm not sure that's enough to qualify as action.

But, now I'll ask you again, what did you accomplish in that opening scene, that you couldn't do sitting around a room?
@ Ami, I really ain't a hundred percent sure, I might just forget about it overall. It doesn't seem to popular, and I'm really for supply and demand, if people ain't demanding more, then there's no point in supplying, so I might just ditch this and begin working on the FFBB

@ BM, Once again I've answered, I wanted to introduce Filden, that's it really.

1/4? Once again mate, there are tons of different types of audiences out there, that's what you gotta understand, that's why they make different genres, styles, settings, etc. I'm not sure what makes you think that there's a one and only type of audience. and if what your saying about me losing 1/4 of the audience, then fine, cause I know it won't appeal to everyone. I'm not changing my style just to rack in some audience while also risking losing other, if they don't like my style, then there's not much I can do about it, I admit, it wasn't the best thought opening, and I know it can lose me a lot of audience, but I'm gonna be honest, I didn't have much inspiration for the opening, I was mainly considering middle and end.

Edit: If we add each other on MSN, we can discuss this in better detail and live instead of waiting a day or so for each the other's reply.
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That's fine. And Blue Mage, I know what you're trying to do, but ... don't take it too far. Do it via PM if you must or as Sonny suggested: by MSN.
Why? He's taking it very well, unless I'm hurting his feelings by doing this where the rest of the board can see.
No...I want to dicuss this in further detail, and I feel we will be able to do so on MSN, so we won't have to wait for the other's reply. I really want to try and sort out my writting skills, and so, if we discuss this on MSN, it'll basically help.
Why? He's taking it very well, unless I'm hurting his feelings by doing this where the rest of the board can see.
No offence, but you seem so damn persistant. I know that constructive criticism is to help us become better as writers, but pressing and pressing the issue in this thread isn't helping. It's almost as if it looks like spam.