The Beatles

All Together Now is a bit repetitive. You'd know it if you heard it, Jerry. Can't say I care for it much, but it ain't bad.
'All Together Now' is this song on the Yellow Submarine album.
The repetition got me hooked, I've gotta say.

I think it's used for football (soccer) games.

*All together now...all together now....*
No xD
It's a 'kid' song, like Submarine.
Reminds me of hop-scotch, or whatever that game's called.

*Black, white, green, red,
can I take my friend to bed,
pink, brown, yellow, orange and blue,
I love you
All togetherr now....all together now...*

Taken directly from the song as I am listening to it right now...
It's quite fun.
A kid song? It says "can I take my friend to bed" and that classifies it as a kiddie song?! God man you are sick. =P

Anyone else like Eleanor Rigby? I thought that song was awesome.
What sick?
Well, yeah I guess the song is... lol
Alright, let me revise that, the melody is kiddie.
Apparently the lyrics aren't so so....
oi, most of their songs' lyrics are kinda sick anyway.

Eleanor Rigby, by the way, I thought was pretty good but sounded a bit depressing at times. I didn't like it as much as the other Rubber Soul ones.
What's that supposed to mean?
Oh, you mean like Ob-La-di Ob-La-Da....
I like the bass on that one.

P.S. I like how this is turning out to be quite a four-member exclusive club. xD
I watched a documentary on John Lennon and he said when they performed the fans were screaming so loud they could screw upa nd no one'd heart it lol. But I do LOVE The Beatles. I really love "I Am The Walrus" tehe >_> Also I have The Beatles #1 CD. It's really good =). I can only say two words to describe them " KICK ASS!!!!!"
Heck yeah!!!!

I basically have all their CDs except for Rubber Soul.
I even have a compilation of 'Beatles songs', by that I mean songs sung by the members after the breakup.
It's awesome!!!

I wish I was a Beatle *sighs*
My parents used to have John Lennon posters all over the place from the sixties and stuff and I was sick of seeing Beatles. But after a while I got to listening to them one day and I can't get enough. The Classics Rock!
Whoa! You're pretty good. No, you're excellent.
My greatest regret is not learning to play guitar.....I'm hoping I get the class over summer though!!

Well, I guess my former post about this being a 4 person exclusive 'club' no longer applies. *cuts ribbon so that more members get in*
Lol, not really a club, but it's scarce picking finding Beatles fans around here :P

Any of you seen the 'Concert for George'?
Just saw it on YouTube last night, and Billy Preston did a great job on 'My Sweet Lord' I think. Too bad he died a couple years ago.

They'll always be legends.
Well thanks. I didn't think there were to many people around these places that liked the Beatles. Of course. I didn't get the chance to see that due to studying but I plan on finding a download of it.
No need to download...just look it up
It's in parts, yes, but it's still worth the watch.

Go Beatles!!
I don't have a poster but I'm sure as heck making all my forum profiles Beatlesque. XP
*revives* So the Seniors did In My Life at Graduation this year which was pretty neat ^-^ my friend (who LOVES the Beatles) got the solo for it and it was awesome!
If only next year's seniors (i.e. us) would do that for next year's ceremony, that would be so sweet. XD

We'd sing Let It Be, or In My Life, 'cause those seem to be the most appropriate ones. ^_^