The Best Final Fantasy?

I like this game a lot and this is my 3rd favorite FF-game ( VI being first and IX second). Graphics are great obviously but I´m not graphic player, other things matter more ( yep I still think the original NES FFI is the best FFI version) and music is good too.

Gameplay is different from before but it is not a bad thing. I like more random encounters but I have nothing to complain about battle system and Licence board is okay but it is too small. I havent used much since I have forgot it when I play and all my characters have over 1000 licence points and I am at Henne Mines and I´m just playing first time through the game.

Story and characters are good but there should be more cutscenes and character development but story is great. I guess most of you dont like watch any political debates on tv so you cant like political plot. Shame on you.

I give this game 94/100 and it would have same score without Final Fantasy-title. I always wonder would people like the game more without Final Fantasy-title.
I really liked FFXII, i havn't finished it yet as i'm still quite new to the world of FF! but i think i agree with 'Everyone's grudge', i found it hard to get into the story as there arn't enough cutscenes and background info.
There's plenty of cutscenes - if you over indulge on pointless cutscenes/FMV's it'll put you off even more - tis what happened with me.
I think that the best one is FFXIII. Even though I didn't play it I've seen the Trailer, the pics etc. I have the PS3 and I'm ready to buy FFXIII
X is the best IMO, but XII easily has the best fighting system, i find it much more fun leveling up when you can see the enemys instead of random battles.

As a RPG its 10/10, but as a final fantasy RPG its lacking in soul and feeling, thats my oppinion.
I think that the best one is FFXIII. Even though I didn't play it I've seen the Trailer, the pics etc. I have the PS3 and I'm ready to buy FFXIII
But thats just going on graphics, you havent seen the story, how the skills/magics are gained. It could have brilliant graphics but be a crap game.
I was actually really disappointed when I realised that the storyline wasn't going to get much better to be honest, and I'm not even finished it yet!
I know loads of hardcore FF fans who just can't find the motivation to play it, does it get any better?
I'll admit the graphics are amazing but the music doesn't have it's usual spark, the story isn't emotional or have any depth and the characters seem bland really... except from Fran and Balthier <3 :3
I'll give my opinion, this game is certainly not my most favorite Final Fantasy probably around 5th place but it was good. I mean I like that it takes a while to beat the game like most FF games but to be honest I am dissapointed in it in many ways.

1. I didn't like the fact that even if you leveled up all the way to level 99 you wouldn't have you character's HP to 9999. The only way is to use bubble on your characters who have half of that much HP and that is only for a limited time.

2. The battle system, ok I will say that it wasn't that bad it was great but it does have it flaws. For example, the fleeing system really did....suck I mean all you do is press R2 and run away. Even then they enemies still can hit you all they want until they get to a place where they can't procceed further. Which wasn't a short distance of where they were found.

3. The story wasn't so bad as people claim, but there is a lack of character development and well the cutscenes didn't even last that only about 2 or 3 minutes unless it was after a big event.

4. It kind of took long time to level up once you reached around the level of 70-99.

5. The License Board which was a little bit similar to the Sphere Grid in FFX, wasn't certainly as good as the SG. I mean not only do you have to buy the magic, you have to get it in the LB. That certainly wasn't the aspect I really liked about it. I did like though that any character can use any weapon and armor but hated that you needed to get it in the LB.

Well, I guess this is about it.
I was actually really disappointed when I realised that the storyline wasn't going to get much better to be honest, and I'm not even finished it yet!
I know loads of hardcore FF fans who just can't find the motivation to play it, does it get any better?
I'll admit the graphics are amazing but the music doesn't have it's usual spark, the story isn't emotional or have any depth and the characters seem bland really... except from Fran and Balthier <3 :3

People seem to not have heard much of this Sakimoto's music in other games, just give it time and you might like more of his future stuff. It's not poorly composed, it suits the game - the towns etc.

The story does have emotional moments, to say it doesn't really isn't fair. If you want me to list moments, then I will do so gladly. Characters, bland? You have your heroic Basch, the feisty Ashe, the eager young Vaan, the motherly Pennelo - characters personalities, NPC wise, are varied too =3

I'm a hardcore fan, and I love this story because it doesn't drag, it doesn't make me want to switch off the console.

Then again what I am saying, it's just my thoughts, so you can swat them away if you wish x3
People seem to not have heard much of this Sakimoto's music in other games, just give it time and you might like more of his future stuff. It's not poorly composed, it suits the game - the towns etc.

The story does have emotional moments, to say it doesn't really isn't fair. If you want me to list moments, then I will do so gladly. Characters, bland? You have your heroic Basch, the feisty Ashe, the eager young Vaan, the motherly Pennelo - characters personalities, NPC wise, are varied too =3

I'm a hardcore fan, and I love this story because it doesn't drag, it doesn't make me want to switch off the console.

Then again what I am saying, it's just my thoughts, so you can swat them away if you wish x3

Don't get me wrong though I don't dislike ALL of what I mentioned, it just doesn't have the same kick to it, and me being a typical sensitive girl didn't get swept along with the storyline as I would have liked to.

Music wise, yes it does suit the game but it seems to lack Final Fantasy-esque style. Songs such as the opening movie, and "Esper Battle" stand out in my mind compared to a dozen from other games.

The characters have their potential, but we barely get a chance to REALLY get to know them. I played a bit of Final Fantasy X this morning, with it's sometimes 20 minutes long cutscenes, that's what I missed in XII, the emotion, the intensity, feeling ANGRY at a character and such.

What other stuff has Sakimoto done? I'm intrigued :P
I haven't finished all the other FFs except for FF IX and VII. I thought this game carried that Final Fantasy feel to it. It's really not as bad as people think it is. Maybe the storyline needs some work but not everything can be perfect. Sooner or later, Square will run out of great ideas.
Awcht, what's not to like about Final Fantasy XII? You've got your breathtaking orchestral music, your state-of-the-art graphics, your brand new/brilliant battle system, you've got the team of Judges, you've got an anti-hero for a villain. The only thing it lacked was reason for Vaan to even be in the story at all.
From what I have seen of FFXII, it looks like a totally awesome game. The one thing that keeps me from buying it, or even trying it, are the controls for the game. I'm sorry. I like turn-based battling systems, not that, you walk around, find the monster and then destroy it. Too much like a MMORPG IMO. I admit though, the pros double-up and eat the cons for breakfast.
Maybe you should actually rent it you know before completely dissing the controls? Actually get to grips with it, play with it for a while.

FF has needed a battle system change - too long have we sat with random battles, and this was probably a bad thing - once people get used to something like this for too long, we are a bit apprehensive with change, scared that we might not like this new thing.

I've played MMO's before, so I know the system. Sure, it bears similarities, but it's not wholy like an MMO system. So yeah, try before you buy. You may end up kicking yourself if you don't.

Riku - I love you man!
Maybe you should actually rent it you know before completely dissing the controls? Actually get to grips with it, play with it for a while.

FF has needed a battle system change - too long have we sat with random battles, and this was probably a bad thing - once people get used to something like this for too long, we are a bit apprehensive with change, scared that we might not like this new thing.

I've played MMO's before, so I know the system. Sure, it bears similarities, but it's not wholy like an MMO system. So yeah, try before you buy. You may end up kicking yourself if you don't.

Riku - I love you man!

I'll try that. Don't be mistaken. I like MMORPGs as well. I just am not sure about it being mixed with FF. That's all.
a matter of opinion

yea i love this game, i love them all except X-2 it just felt too mission based and girly, i like the fact that this one let go of the poor me backrounds as someone stated on here previously, who needs to hear about how someones dad died and they raised them selves and yada yada yada cuz idc really, i just wana play epic battles and watch killer cut scenes, alot of people like this game and alot dont, so i really could care less about those who dont, all i know is i do, now im loging off cuz the game is calling me right now:P
I wouldnt say its my favourite ff game but it has one of the best, if not the best, battle systems

i know its breaks away from the traditional final fantasy systems but I thought it was great to see a little innovation

My only real problem with the game is Vaan, other than him i really dont see what people have against the story/gameplay etc..

everyone deserves their opinion though
I thought the music was good, the esper battles and gilamesh music is the best in the game.