The best part of the soundtrack...


Chocobo Breeder
Feb 21, 2009
FFVIII has a great soundtrack overall, with some even considering it the best in the series, but what is the best part? What music connects best to its area?

Mine is currently Ultimecia Castle. I just arrived there, and I love how perfectly the creepy music complements with the design of the dungeon. I never had that feeling anywhere before in the game, at least not so strongly.
Yeh best soundtrack ever!! love it and it just goes with the emotion with the charcter's it just fits in so good but when i hear the music i get trinklle down the back :D lol haha but it goes with the game very well, best one is somewhere i belong, or Ami eye's on me good too
I have always said that I hate everything about Final Fantasy VIII except the soundtrack. The music in the game is really good. Even old classics (like the Chocobo Theme Song) is done really well in Final Fantasy VIII. It and Final Fantasy VI probably rank the highest on my list of favorite FF music. It's very good.
the intro is by far my favorite. it totally captures the desperation, intensity and love story that the game masterfully portrays in the struggles its protagonists have to face.

fithos lusec wecos vinosec
I love the soundtrack to the game (hell, I love everything about the game) - highlights for me are the Opening Theme, the bit where the organ kicks in on The Castle and all 13 wonderful minutes of the Ending Theme, especially the moment Eyes on Me ends and segues into the main Final Fantasy theme (as the credits begin to roll in the game). Still makes me smile even now.
I love Ultimecias castle music, i think it's really fitting for the place, as much as I actually hate it, always getting lost an' all, even WITH the stupid guide, anyway, tahts another topic >_>

I never liked the world map music, I thought that was really pants, but other than that,. there's not much I can fault with the whole thing at all. Eyes on Me is well good, I liked all the different versions you would hear hewre and there, each version fitting the mood

It's all good stuff :neomon:
The soundtracks amazing<3 Love Grows, Fishermans Horizon & Maybe I'm a Lion are my favourite tracks frome the game.
The thing I love so much about the VIII soundtrack is the strings of "eyes on me" that can be heard throughout a lot of the sound track. Such a lovely little tune, over all this would be my favorite sound track. There are a few great tracks and such, and while other soundtracks may have more tracks that I love, this album overall feels better when I look at the whole thing
Fishermans horizon always gets stuck in my head, so I guess that would class it as a great piece of music. The opening sequence music is immense though. Really gets you psyched up for the game!
Truly a great soundtrack (although virtually everything that Uematsu touches is gold). Liberi Fatalli (sp?) is clearly very good, but my personal favorite is The Landing, which plays during the Dollet Mission. I used to listen to it before Track Meets to get myself energized.

Definately the best FF for musical scores imo.
Eyes on me was very fitting song for many of the moments between squall and rinoa. Same goes with laguna, i really love that song. AAlso the dance scene was brilliant aswell i though the music was excellent and very catchy....its actually stuck in my head now:gasp:
Lagunas battle music i enjoyed aswell, especially in esthar, made it sound epic when i was fighing diablos with him.
A very good soundtrack IMO. One of the best opening music piece, Love Liberi Fatali. Somehow the battle theme is stuck inside my head, also the music where you fought Ultimecia. Eyes on me still rates as one of the best game theme songs ever, so yea, pretty much love it.
FFVIII had a really great soundtrack. One of my fave themes was when you're doing that operation with unhooking the trains or something; really kewl =D

And when Balamb Garden begins to float, the whole tension of the missiles coming to hit it and everything.

And, and! The Sorceress battle theme was really good too, including the whole final battle sequence; the music changed like 3-4 times in that battle o_O
VIII definately has one of the best FF soundtracks. Even the damned Overture is bloody awesome :cassy: I wish I could have sex with this game, it's just that amazing.

Obligatory Man with the Machine Gun.

The thing I love so much about the VIII soundtrack is the strings of "eyes on me" that can be heard throughout a lot of the sound track. Such a lovely little tune, over all this would be my favorite sound track. There are a few great tracks and such, and while other soundtracks may have more tracks that I love, this album overall feels better when I look at the whole thing

Eyes on me is the one FF8 song I absolutely deteste. How do you guys do it. I can never listen to the full version without raging for absolutely no reason or while keeping a straight face.
I did enjoy the games soundtrack a lot. But then, from Mr. Uematsu I wouldn't expect any less than a masterpiece. :D

I've always loved Liberi Fatali and The Man with the Machine gun. Also, despite being a remix of the prelude, the game over music was actually quite pleasant. Not that I enjoy game over's mind you, but it was a nice remix.

"A sacrifice" really set the mood for some scenes too.
FF8 is definitely my number 1 for sound tracks. Balamb Garden is really relaxing. And I love Eyes On Me.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links, so I'm sorry if I'm not, and please delete, but here is a link to hear every single FF song from all the games on your PC! I like to have it up (on FF8) when I'm browsing the net!
Eyes on me by Faye Wong played towards during ending scene. Blended perfectly with the mood of the of the game. Its also there throughout the game - its got a great tune. Love it :P

Edit: I know I'm goin off topic, but your sig is funny as f***, noctits. Couldn't stop laughin at it. Where'd you get it???
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Well the best part of the soundtrack fusioned with scenes in the game is in the end of the game, in the ceremony with edea. The name of this music is:
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec

If this music began to play I feel like something dangerous and evil happen and after I saw the face of Edea with this music I knew that this music symbolize Edea in all her hate. Well we all know that Edea wasn't really Edea by herself but I really thought in a 100%-way that Edea is like I wrote.
Moreover I sensed, after this ceremony something changed the world or this is the begin of a new era or a new situation of the world. Well I'm right. :D

MFG Majin_Clodan
Love this soundtrack. The best part's gotta be at the end of the first disc. You know, when Edea comes out from the palace and there's the whole tribal theme to the music (which I believe is Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec), which goes well with the dancing around the float. Absolutely love that part.