The Best & Worst J-Music


Disturbingly Beautiful
Nov 14, 2006
Share your favorite J-Artists and maybe not so favorite artists, for all music genres. Justify your answers. D:< And keep it non-spammy.


Yeah, if you didn't know it already, I love love love LOVE D'espairsRay (also known as D'espa or Dray for short). Hizumi's voice has such a range from deep to high pitches and they're musically so creative. In my opinion, they are far from the average Japanese band. One of the darker bands I really love and really appreciate and the lyrics are really meaningful. I hope to see them live someday. Hopefully if I'm lucky, I'll be able to steal a couple of the band members home with moi.

The worst Japanese bands I can think of... There's just too many to list. Why? Since Japan has had such a rock band overload explode in recent years, a lot of them sound the same like a lot of new Visual Kei bands.

I also hate Gackt. I'm sorry, he may be some pretty boy, but he's cocky. I'm not a fan of his voice either. And he is not a vampire.
Ah, I too like D'espairsray. I got to see them in concert a few years ago :D They're actually really awesome live. Hizumi's voice is amazing. Heh, that was a good night...I got a guitar pick and my friend, Cerridwen, caught a water bottle. XD It was a fantastic night.

As for other J-rock bands....I LOVE Dir en grey. They're one of my favorite bands (Me 'n Cerri got to see them live as well...I thought D'espairs put on a better show). Gackt is okay....I like his harder stuff. I hate all of his fluffy love song crap. He also is starting to look more and more like an alien...and it terrifies me. Malice Mizer is really good. Moi Dix Mois I don't think they're music is that great, but you gotta love Mana :D I like some of Hide's stuff....also *coughmutter*Hyde*coughmutter* as well.
I also hate Gackt. I'm sorry, he may be some pretty boy, but he's cocky. I'm not a fan of his voice either. And he is not a vampire.

Wow, your one of the few people that ever said that. Most girls who are into Japanese stuff are like: "Omg Gackt! He's sooo Kawaii!" I admit, I still like his voice and his music but he's too much of an attention whore. Every year he becomes more ridiculous. The cover of his last album 'Diabolos' is just him looking all dramatic. I do think that Gackt shouldn't have left Malice Mizer. I liked him better off in Malice Mizer anyways. =/

As for best....

Dir en grey - Favorite band for quite a while.

Ah, I too like D'espairsray. I got to see them in concert a few years ago :D They're actually really awesome live. Hizumi's voice is amazing. Heh, that was a good night...I got a guitar pick and my friend, Cerridwen, caught a water bottle. XD It was a fantastic night.
You nailed it. Althought....I thought it was last year....or two years ago....:confused:

Worst - Not sure, I'm a bit on the lazy side when it comes to discovering new bands.
I can't think of any Jmusic i dont like lol.
I like Gackt, Malice Mizer, Moi dix Mois, L'arc en Ciel, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Do As Infinity, Hyde, Arashi, and tons of others i can't think of at the moment.
Gackt is probably my favourite Japanese artist. I don't like most of his slow songs but some of the loud, more rock-ish ones are brilliant. I can't agree/disagree with the whole "cocky" aspect of him as I've never seen anything from him other than music videos and one or two English interviews.
Wow, your one of the few people that ever said that. Most girls who are into Japanese stuff are like: "Omg Gackt! He's sooo Kawaii!" I admit, I still like his voice and his music but he's too much of an attention whore. Every year he becomes more ridiculous. The cover of his last album 'Diabolos' is just him looking all dramatic. I do think that Gackt shouldn't have left Malice Mizer. I liked him better off in Malice Mizer anyways. =/

Gackt's new look is hideous (he looks like a lesbian), his previous looks were better. Either way I still don't care what he looks like because his voice is gorgeous.

My favorites:
Dir en grey
Mika Nakashima
Rentrer en Soi
Luna Sea
Malice Mizer (both Gackt and Klaha eras)

Least Favorites
Alice Nine
Antic Cafe
The GazettE
Ayumi Hamasaki
Moi Dix Mois
Best: Ajikan. Frequently releasing new albums of great music, and the band hardly feels the need to dress up. They want to play a concert in their casual jeans and shirt, they do it. They don't feel a need to impress by dress. Also Plastic Tree and Breakerz.

Worst: Dir En Grey. I like rock, but I don't like screaming rock. I can't even appreciate the English rock some bands scream, like they're possessed or something. I definitely don't like the Japanese heavy songs. Some songs of X Japan, I also hate.
Some songs of X Japan, I also hate.

Some of X Japan song's aren't that hard... =/ Crucify my Love and Forever love are soft... X Japan is legendary amoung J-rock considering they're one of the first Visual Kei bands. I think X Japan has some really beautiful music. I'm not too fond of the singer's voice though.
I never said X Japan's music was hard. I just said some music (also notice the word "some" was in italics for emphasis, meaning I DO like other songs from X Japan.) of theirs, I hate. I love their songs that are classical-based. But there are still quite a few songs that often annoy me.
I never said X Japan's music was hard. I just said some music (also notice the word "some" was in italics for emphasis, meaning I DO like other songs from X Japan.) of theirs, I hate. I love their songs that are classical-based. But there are still quite a few songs that often annoy me.

You said above that you hated Dir en grey because they're too hard, and you don't like heavy songs. So I assume you don't like X Japan because they are heavy/speed metal band.

As for Dir en grey, their song varies. Their heavy/scream are popular so you probably heard them and assume that about that about the band...Saku, Obscure, Child prey, Increase Blue, Pink Killer, Merciless cult, etc. Besides those songs Dir en grey have toned songs. Kyo, the leader singer has a really nice voice. More toned songs are Cage, Drain Away, Dead tree, The Pledge and etc.
You said above that you hated Dir en grey because they're too hard, and you don't like heavy songs. So I assume you don't like X Japan because they are heavy/speed metal band.

No, I think you read it wrong. I wasn't classifying X Japan into the same reason I dislike Dir en Grey. I was just putting some of their songs into the "Worst" category. And I didn't realized that X Japan was specifically genred into a heavy metal band, because the band used to spend a long time researching and studying classical musical, so I didn't think they were a definite heavy band.

And I'm sorry my opinion was wrong. I know Dir En Grey has a reason and talent for doing heavy metal music, but I just didn't prefer it. I probably have only listened to their more popular songs, which like you say, are heavy/scream. Next time, I'll be sure to thoroughly research the band and find other songs before I post about them.