The Black Cat's Shop

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[e n d l e s s]
Jan 2, 2007
New York
Well, I decided to open a shop here, I'll take 3 requests at a time, and as my shop on ACF, free. So just request w/e you want, and I'll do my best to make a good signature and/or Avi/





1. Dygan
2. Beanz
3. Free
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Any chance you could make me a full-body Demyx sig, with the ever-wonderful catch-phrase "They sure picked the wrong guy for this one"?
If possible, a dark background with Dygan written somewhere upon it.
In return, I can advertise below the sig.
If you don't know who Demyx is:

One of the NOT home-made ones please.

Okay, I need to you fix that just a bit, firstly, I need an exact stock. Size, I can make it my default, but if you want the full body and that quote I need a better size. please fix your request, and maybe I'll do it because the one you asked for makes no sense at all..
Okay, I need to you fix that just a bit, firstly, I need an exact stock. Size, I can make it my default, but if you want the full body and that quote I need a better size. please fix your request, and maybe I'll do it because the one you asked for makes no sense at all..

How do I get the picture to you?I have a good one to use which is completely black background and should be fairly easy to doctor. If you have an E-Mail I can get the snap to you with then leave it.Sorry for not being specific with the important details, but Me + Computers = "Wha'..."
Just to point out, this is an image that I have edited using paint.
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It's okay, if I can't work with it I'll tell you, just send it.
I'll PM you my email
Ok, so, my last request was incinerated somewhat, as Dalik forgot to PM me wiv his email *glares* so I couldn't get the pic to him... Doesn't matter now cus I am worshipping Luxord now. So, anyway, without furthur ado

I'd like to request an awesome sig, using this main pic:
With a silver-black theme
And some of these cards dotted strategically around
And the wonderful words "Look who's on top of the game"

If you can do this I will advertise your awesomness underneath
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I'll get right on it..
I've been a bit inactive lately though so if I don't get it to right away, don't worry I'll get around to it.
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