The Carob nut


Looking in a light green ocean
Aug 15, 2007
My house
Where the heck can I find the monster Vlarkdos? My strategy guide tells me that I have to steal the carob nut from one of them and it also tells me that I can find them in the woods around the Bone Village. I cant find it though anyone know????
I have no clue =/ i thought the Carob nut was an item in FFIX or something O_O

*moved to help booth*
That .... Vlada-thing .... it can be found in the northern continent. Do you remember the Bone Village? Well, walk on the grass next to it for a while and think Vlada-thing will spring up. It's sort of a Dinosaur.
FFVII Carob Nut

Hey can anyone who has succesfully raised a blue or green chocobo tell me where I might find the Valkrydos or whatever, the monster from who i am supposed to steal a carob nut from? My strategy guide says it "lurks the woods near bone village" I have walked around on the world map and
entered the actual Sleeping Forest and I still cant get into ANY battles in either place.... little help???
This should be in the help section. Try the grassy area around the chocobo sage's house. That's where I always run into them.

No need to make a new thread for this since you already made a similur topic asking pretty much the same question. ;)
sorry not real forum savy it was sort of an accident but i did find what I was looking for thanks you can also get it from the wonder square in Gold saucer.... Its the 500 GP prize Kinda found it randomly after I stole one from that monster
Waste of GP.

You will need many more of them before you take on the next(and easiest to get) nut. So stick to stealing them. You can also morph them into elixirs.