The Chocobo Lover Club Returns!

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nope the game with tides in it!
there in the ship!
wow! cool! do you know what rank i am in?
oh and does anybody know how to catch a chocobo in ffx 10 they keep ranning away!!!!
lokok at the 1st post in this thread. and r u sure that ur in 10 not 7? cause in 7 u jus feed it som gyisha greens.
i think am right but you mak me dout!?!
what game is tides in!? there in that one.
just talk to the ultra nice mr.golden chocobbo !!!!!!!!!!!!
ty for that lilly. and yes hydralica u r welcome here. jus talk about chocobos and if u have wuestions about stuff jus post it. ill post ur rank in the first thread.
yes and to all ppl who want to be in a cool RP thing, check out Dygans, it sweet. its the keyblade cult in RP central ^_^
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