The Cutting of the hair. (Spoilers)


Cigarette Mage
Feb 18, 2007
What did it mean when Garnet cut her hair?

Also, if I may add one more thing.
This scene was clearly stolen from Wild Arms 1 when the Princess Cecilia Cut her hair to prove she was no longer royalty.
I dunno.
I was wondering that as well.
It was just too random an event for me.
Mind you, I haven't played in a while.
garnet was saying how she needed to look more like a queen just before she borrows zidanes dagger so that could mean her way of looking more queenly
I don't think cutting her hair off made her look any more queenly. lol.
I liked her long hair better.

I think her cutting her hair was symbolic of leaving her sorrows behind her...because it was right after her mother's death and all...
it could be but she also says about her promise to zidane but what is the promise because i havent played ff9 in a while
Am i the only one who found that part of the game completely pathetic?

Sure enough she did it to probably get away from the insecure little twirp that was Garnet and start portraying the role of a secure queen leader of Alexandria!

But still...that was pretty stupid to me.
It's psychological. When you're confronted with several issues all at once, we can all tend to be overwhelmed; the problems seem bigger than us. Because we are unable to process these things psychologically, it manifests physically. I suppose we figure if we can't change things inwardly, then the least we can do is change things outwardly.
I found it to be symbolic to her changing. She'd already altered her speech, and she felt her old identity wasn't strong enough to rule an entire Kingdom, and as such desired a change.

Didn't see it standing for anything greater or less than that.
She also needed to change the way she looked so that the common people couldn't tell who she was. How making your hair shorter does that? I don't really know. I think what is stupider than her cutting her hair is that she wanted to change her name to Dagger.
Right before she did it she made a little speech about "all I ever wanted to do was be a perfect princess, and when my mother died that didn't change, all I wanted to be was the perfect queen." Now her life has changed and she DOESN'T care about that anymore. She wants to be Dagger. She wants to be the archetypal warrior woman. It's a Japanese thing (come on, at least you've seen Mulan?!) that a woman will cut her hair with a sword before a life change and going into battle.
i thought that the cutting of the hair meant that she was leaving her old life behind - as the scared princess - behind and starting her new life as a confident and powerful queen ^_^

Its a beautiful scene though
Mulan is a Chinese story, not a Japanese one. I don't recall there being a Great Wall in Japan. ;)

But as for the "won't recognize her" remark...I've had my hair cut short enough so it only goes down to my chin once. I wandered around school and no one I knew really recognized it was me 'til the day was halfway over. XD
I think it was her way of seperating herself from Princess to Queen. Fresh start and all that.
Lots of interesting answers here. Well like most everyone here, I agree that it means a change on Garnet's part. She wanted to be different from her old self and do things her way, as if she wanted to explore more about her individuality.

My reaction to that scene was, "No...don't do it! Damn..." I really loved her long hair. Needless to say, I was happy when her hair grew back in the ending.

So then, the question is...what did it mean to have her hair back to its normal way? xD That she changed back to her old ways? Or maybe she fulfilled her duty as a queen and...yeah, I think I'm looking more into this than really necessary. Nevermind.
id have to say that it had something to do with her wanting to put the past behind and start looking toward the future and becoming who she needs to become. i liked it.
To me Garnet cutting her hair was her way of cutting off her childhood ties and becoming a woman and a Queen.

You cant say they copied from another game as everyone cuts their hair, doesnt mean everyone is suddnely copying everyone else. Its a nautral thing!