The Dreaded Toilet Seat! :D


I think women shouldn't be so damn lazy as to check the toilet seat before they sit down. =/. They have hands...why not use them, eh? What if there was piss on the seat? They would've sat in it. lmao.

On the other hand, when guys lift up the toilet seat to go piss they coulddd put it back down for the women in the house. Orrrr they could just leave it down and piss and then just wipe the seat when done.

Either way both sexes are too lazy to accompany the other. lol.
I just thought of a better solution.

Why not just put uninals in houses? See problem solved. :D

And they're fun to flush because they look like foutains.
Lmao. Have home builders build a toilet and a urinal in houses. Good idea, actually. haha.

That way men don't have to put anything up or down and Women don't fall in anything. haha. Solved, it seems.
Guys need the toilet seat up, girls need it down. If you need it up, put it up. If you need it down, put it down. I don't know why that guy puts up with a girl who throws a fit about that lol....