The Emerald Weapon

I did he washard for me i was lucky realy i literally had 00:07 seconds on the clock i kept using mimic after using knights of the round it doesnt tale any MP away and i had to skip over the other characters goes
I did he washard for me i was lucky realy i literally had 00:07 seconds on the clock i kept using mimic after using knights of the round it doesnt tale any MP away and i had to skip over the other characters goes
That is freaking awesome. Give me the details over a private message dude. I need to beat that guy and quick.
That technique can be improved, what I did was give Final Attack to Cloud, linked with Pheonix, gave everyone Mime, and Cloud also had W-summon linked with KotR. I entered the battle with ONLY Cloud alive.

I had Cloud in limit break (Omnislash), then I went in the battle and spammed Omnislash like no tomorrow. Finally, Emerald took out Cloud, who then used Pheonix (Remember its linked with Final Attack), to revive everyone. A quick megalixer restored everyone to normal, and then I used W-Summon + KotR + Mime on everyone = teh uber pwnage. I kept spamming that, and if someone died, Cloud would revive the whole party the second he died.

I think I had about 15-10 minutes left on the clock when he fell.

There is also a Barret-Only tactic that involves Ungarmax (I think thats what its called).
I got the underwater matera. Mastered Final Attack and Mimic 2 times and got KotR up to level 3 and then i simply killed him by using KotR every single round by mimicing. If a player died hed insta revive and i'd just recast my KotR so i can keep mimicing.

I also had W-summon so i summoned him twice
You lucky bastard. I tried getting FF8 on my PSP but I got lost, so I figured, "Fuck it, I have it on the PS1. Good enough."
I pwned emerald without the underwater materia. I had my 3 strongest characters (Cloud, Barret, Tifa) fight him and he was no problem at all. The only thing was he used the 8 eyes a few times but other than that, he was easy.
kill the emerald water god

I found it nearly impossible to kill this guy since i never could find the underwater materia that makes it alot easier....but with building up characters i quess anything is possible...I just used the everlasting life materia (I dont remember the name of it) and mimic the Knights of round 3 times so that it was him doing all the work....if i was to use anything else i bet you id never have killed it.....just 20 mins was not enough time. My friend killed it within 4 minutes....what is anyone elses record? My best was 15 minutes to kill the Emerald Weapon.
wow i could also use this info o_O i keep losing to him........ even with KoR on my side. :/ atleast they're(Ruby also) harder to beat than Sephiroth...... >.<
Well you all probably now you can get rid of the time limit by acquiring the Underwater materia right? There are many ways of doing it, but the most failsafe is the use of three master level marteria of knights of the round, and three master level mimic (thats just me being picky). Just mimic it like usual, but then if you break the chain you can easily cast it about 10 times if all your party members have full mana and have the summon. Another way is using the cats bell to get to 7777 HP which is helpful apart from when it ends and leaves your characters with only 1 hp1 megalixir needed (you can obtain 99 by using the W- Item glitch) but yes defeated him amny times!
Sadly, I never defeated him. But then again, I was only 12 when I played. I started playing VII again today for about an hour. (Yes, barely starting.) I will defeat him no matter what. And master all the materia. It should be a cinch since a couple of people gave me pointers on how to beat him and what strategies to use.