The End of the World

Braelyn Soulheart

The World is a Mess
Aug 30, 2008
Deep of the World
Well, as you now...the world is in a tottal mess..the polution has reach an enormous pic....even if we stop now...nothing can be done.... the world has reach a point of one can help now.... sooner or later everything will disappear...

It's sad..but is the truth...all of this is happening because a lot of gorillas just think about money.... it's fucking (*sorry for the word) retard to think that because of them we are all paying the price.....but after all...maybe we are building our own grave....we need oil to eat....

But...I found on a research that they found a new away to feed our's more viable....less expensive...and hardly pollutes.....

Now you ask...

So why don't we use Etanol?

That's hell obvious....Oil Managers....If we don't use oil they won't have money...

Scientists have died because they were researching on this new away of production.....hell's know why..right?? Who could be....I don't need to say...

Now for the more disturbing thing...we can't do a damn's done... it can't go's living a way down from now on....

Companies still produce and produce because they know ther's nothing to be done now...Now look at they'r inteligence...."If nothing can be done why we should worry? Let's bring the planet down".

Idiots....that way to think it's so damn idiot... I hate them so much...because of them we will lose somebody important...we will lose our lifes.....and the effects are already appearing....

Another thing that completly dissapoints me is that governs are more interested to stop the illegal copies of musics and movies and less care about reallly important things like the's so incredible bad...

It's painfull but is true....We have the days counted....
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Some of what you say is true...

However, the other part is wrong, quite frankly.

The reason we shouldn't use Ethanol, is that it's driving up food prices, as it's taking up land that was formerly used for farming. It's actually making the situation worse in the third world, and contributing to deforestation.
The only way that Biofuels can viable is if they are very intensively produced in laboratories or factories. Otherwise, you'll make the problem worse well before you solve it. That, and Biofuels also release greenhouse gases themselves.

The smart oil companies are investing in this bad industry, sadly. The truth about biofuels has got to get out.

Fossil fuels are, in fact, alot less indirectly harmful, when it comes to deforestation and food supplies at least.

Whilst some companies will get in the way, the best way forward is greater fuel efficiency, nuclear power, and hydrogen fuel cells later along the line. Most renewable methods aren't all that reliable. It has been suggested that Britain turns to indigenous coal for its power needs, as most of the pollution from coal can be scrubbed up before it pollutes, using modern technology, and it is cheap if produced here.
Oh, and CO2 is not a pollutant. It is just harmful if there is too much of it in the atmosphere.

As for climate change, it isn't the worst issue. More troubling is the toxic chemicals all around us, which cause all sorts of health problems. Hopefully the EU will have all those chemicals tested and/or banned.
Climate change won't destroy humanity, it'll just make living very difficult in already warm or low-lying areas.
There is no problem with pollution or global warming. The Earth has cycles, much like eveything else. It goes from cold to hot to cold. Technically we are still in an ice age.
The Earth did just fine before we were around and will do afterwards, humanity has only existed for such a short period of time, that we cannot have had any lasting effect.

Also governments don't care more about illegal downloading than famine. All most all countries try to donate about 0.7% of their GDP in aid to Africa.
We can't blame ourselves for the famine in Africa. Some of their poor leaders, eg Mugabe, Mbeki etc can be.
Also lets not forget that not all of Africa is suitable for producing food. Without the necessary input of absolutely huge sums of capital, some of Africa will just be a place to live. No country or company is going to pour money into areas with epic levels of corruption, disease and a whole lot more. No one is that altruistic.

Like Cancer man says, Ethanol is not viable.
Europe and America could easily produce the ethanol needed. But farmers are subsidised not to. This over production would lead to the grain prices ( this is how the farmers make their living) drop. So therefore farmers can't do it.
Oil is very much the easiet and probably cheapest form of power. Using oil now instead of ethanol or any over new form of power, will lead to the development of new power sources. The oil companies aren't reinvesting in oil. They're researching hydrogen, ethanol and other things.
Basically the world truly is a mess. Economy is hay wired, pollution is extremely high and I agree that we don't use ethanol because of the counter campaigns that the oil and petroleum companies use. They do this because their sales would go down and their empire would collapse. Not only that they've also made the world dependent on them, not giving the world the chance to use other fuel/power sources. This world is at its final Judgment, we need to smarten up and come up for new power sources and ways to reduce pollution to save the Planet.
The world wont come at an end at 2012 because i learned in Science class that the Earth is ran by Uranium and eventually in the next billion years the uranium will stop moving the center of the Earth and they whole Earth will become a baring wasteland.
Absurd. :wacky:

You may want to research this particular matter further, impartially from your current environment and, in the process, attempt to solidify those claims with appropriate evidence.
I'm with Horatio on this one.

I doubt the world will end in our life time, not unless the world falls into a state of nucler war then you will all have to worry but since the chances of that happening are pretty silm i'd fear not.

Or the other option is that due to all the pollution the world is emmiting the could all gather creating a blob of compressed gasses which then form into a giant monster that will inevitably devour the world.....ever thought of that?
I'm with Horatio on this one.

I doubt the world will end in our life time, not unless the world falls into a state of nucler war then you will all have to worry but since the chances of that happening are pretty silm i'd fear not.

Or the other option is that due to all the pollution the world is emmiting the could all gather creating a blob of compressed gasses which then form into a giant monster that will inevitably devour the world.....ever thought of that?
Gasses compressed by what exactly?
The only way this absurd theory of Global Warming/Greenhouse Gasses will hurt us if, we start getting better tans because of the so called increased heat and we all die from skin Cancer.
Nuclear War is also unlikely. There's MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) which means no one is going to fire Nuclear weapons because they know that the opposittion has nuclear weapons and they'd both be fucked.
Also there's the US' SDI aka Star Wars defence system, which may or may not work.

The only way in which life will end is if a giant meteor smashes into the planet. Curious, just google Lembit Opik
The world is screwed, but we'll get over it... eventually. Humans are resilient. Also, we're technically still in the Holocene ICE age because of the Greenland and Antarctic glaciers. However, the ice age peaked some several 20,000 years ago. We are in an interglacial between the glacial period of the current ice age and presumably another glacial period. And yes, the earth does have its cycles, but we are pretty much throwing a wrench in the natural cycle and destabilizing it.

As for ethanol... The US has no where near enough farmland to support it, that is if all petroleum-based combustion engines are to be switched away from gas. Ethanol is also bad for the envirnment. It still releases greenhouse gases, and the ethanol from corn is one of the worst kinds, as it is tough on engines. Corn also requires lots of nutrients. And lots of land. It takes a lot of corn to create a relatively small amount of ethanol.

Also, we won't be able to use hydrogen fuel because it would take a LONG time to develop the required infrastructure, and we still have to get the power to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen anyway.
Nuclear Fission would be a very short term fix because it is not a renewable energy source.
We don't have the technology to make Fusion efficient yet.
We do have wind, solar, and hydroelectric though. We could use some geothermal, but really, Solar Energy is our best bet.
Once we solve the energy crisis, our best option would be to use electric cars.

But, all in all, the world has kinda screwed itself over. It'll take a long time to recover from all of this...

Sorry I kinda started to ramble.
I heard etanol takes more energy to make then petrolium, and that's why we don't use it, i've also heard the petrolieum is more powerfull too, but personally i think it's because the world can't stop using petrolium
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After the oil crash, we're screwed, well, everyone.

Life will go on, there'll probably be a big, BIG tumult, people going "god, there's no oil anymore", but a few years later we'll probably get used to it, maybe find a new energy resource.

Except, if we find that energy resource before the oil crash...

Another possibility is, that a new world war starts short before the oil crash, 'cause all want the remaining oil.

Probably all just a matter of time, but the true end of the world will be in a long time, when the sun has grown so much that it just melts and "sucks up" the earth.
After the oil crash, we're screwed, well, everyone.

Life will go on, there'll probably be a big, BIG tumult, people going "god, there's no oil anymore", but a few years later we'll probably get used to it, maybe find a new energy resource.

Except, if we find that energy resource before the oil crash...
There are alternatives to oil. We use oil because it's cheaper and is better.

Another possibility is, that a new world war starts short before the oil crash, 'cause all want the remaining oil.
No, there won't be.
That's a ridiculous statement with no evidence at all to back it up.

Probably all just a matter of time, but the true end of the world will be in a long time, when the sun has grown so much that it just melts and "sucks up" the earth.
The sun melts?
I gas cannot melt. Ergo, the sun cannot melt.
The sun melts?
I gas cannot melt. Ergo, the sun cannot melt

I think CharrX was refering to the earth melting. More like the earth being destroyed when the sun expands and engulfs the earth.

No, there won't be.
That's a ridiculous statement with no evidence at all to back it up.

Thats why CharrX stated it only as a possibility. Nothing for definate. But I'm sure lots of people have imagined wars brought about by nations wanting control of the last remaining drops of oil... So it's not too much of a silly statement!

Over time the world will die, we can't deny this. The question is will humans still be around when it does? Will they perish with it? Or will they have been long gone?

I don't think the planet is in immediate danger right now, but I'm pretty sure that our continuous burning of greenhouse gasses / dumping of litter, chewing gum (that stuff never leaves places!), plastic bottles etc in the streets, and random places can't be helping the earths survival. But I don't think that we're in immediate danger with all of that. The planet isn't going to go boom, pop, poof. Temperatures may change, but such happens naturally anyway over different times.

Human causes for earths destruction? Sure Nuclear war will hopefully never happen. Everyone is too scared to press the button as it WILL mean the end of large scale civilisation in most of the world, as missiles will apparantly fly everywhere and kill everybody.. Even those not involved in the initial conflict will apparantly press their buttons to wipe out random countries etc. It's a bit like a pub brawl apparantly (nudge one person, make him spill his drink over the next person, who hits the guy on his right, so the guy on his right punches the guy behind him who he thought had hit him, and before you know it the whole room is full of drunken fools fighting for reasons everybody has forgotten, or never knew)... Thats the fiction of what will happen in a nuclear war. Thats what animations and parodies of these events tell us.

Will it be this hectic? I think people have probably thought through situations like this quite a bit. There is little point to randomly firing missiles. If people were ever silly enough to fire their missiles at someone, then they're sentencing theirselves to death anyway, and I'm pretty sure most other countries will just stay out of it for their own survival... Besides, there will be other humans that will survive (though in smaller number, and obviously not able to visit large portions of the world).... But yeah a nuclear war would destroy much of the planet when you think about the poisoning of the landscape as well.
The earth won't die after many years or so, yet the living things on earth may die a few years from now if the release of greenhouse gases and the effects of human activities continue. Combustion of fossil fuels can cause global warming which will then cause climate change that may cause the extinction of the living things on this planet.

well, that's what i think..
Well, as you now...the world is in a tottal mess..the polution has reach an enormous pic....even if we stop now...nothing can be done.... the world has reach a point of one can help now.... sooner or later everything will disappear...

It's sad..but is the truth...all of this is happening because a lot of gorillas just think about money.... it's fucking (*sorry for the word) retard to think that because of them we are all paying the price.....but after all...maybe we are building our own grave....we need oil to eat....

But...I found on a research that they found a new away to feed our's more viable....less expensive...and hardly pollutes.....

Now you ask...

So why don't we use Etanol?

That's hell obvious....Oil Managers....If we don't use oil they won't have money...

Scientists have died because they were researching on this new away of production.....hell's know why..right?? Who could be....I don't need to say...

Now for the more disturbing thing...we can't do a damn's done... it can't go's living a way down from now on....

Companies still produce and produce because they know ther's nothing to be done now...Now look at they'r inteligence...."If nothing can be done why we should worry? Let's bring the planet down".

Idiots....that way to think it's so damn idiot... I hate them so much...because of them we will lose somebody important...we will lose our lifes.....and the effects are already appearing....

Another thing that completly dissapoints me is that governs are more interested to stop the illegal copies of musics and movies and less care about reallly important things like the's so incredible bad...

It's painfull but is true....We have the days counted....

Ok first thing, it isnt just the suits who make money off oil, the industry is massive. Starting with the companies who provide the steel used to make the plate and pipe structures. Then the fabricators who build it, after which it gets shot blasted, painted, tested etc. Then the fabricators off shore who fit everything together and top of that you have welders, riggers, scaffolders, electricians, labourers, all who make a living by working on an oil rig. The industry gives hundreds of millions of people all over the world a good steady income.

The Earth has been around for a good few years and survived all the natural disasters so far, it will not die just because we are using more harmul gasses.

Every few years it seems like some crackpot scientist tries and invents a way of scaring the shit out of everyone by saying wer all gonna die in some horrible way and itl be our own fault. As technology advances scientists will find other fuel sources which we can use, some might be greener some maybe not, what i do know is that when they do invent it il be long dead.
Unlikely. Useable comercial oil will be done before you die, unless you plan on dying in the next 40 years =P

you'll live to see the "next big thing" in oil.

I recommend the TS reads "Failed States" by Noam Chomsky, to give him a deeper and more educated understanding of the ways in which corporations, oil companies and governments work together to control the use and supply of oil =)

See thats debateable there are many who say that oil will only last us another 20 - 40 so years, however they are findin new oil holes every day. With many researchers sayin that it wont run out for another 70+ years which is beyond my lifetime. 89 is too old:P
Theres a difference bnetween there being oil, and useable commercial oil though haha. They'll start looking for alternatives as soon as it becomes difficult to make a good profit from it.

Well obviously. Im not reffering to food oils.
Although i hear u can run a tractor a few metres by burning pig fat ;)
Good enough for all the scottish farmers
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