The End

Did you ever get "The End" attack?

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Chocobo Breeder
Aug 2, 2007
Did anyone of you ever get Selphie's "The End" Limit Break? I just got it for the first time while replaying the game. If you haven't got it here's a film.

They say it is incredibly hard to get, but that it kills bosses instantly (never tried it against a boss).
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Ugh I have gotten this attack before, but unfortunately, it does not work on bosses, was worthless to me. I think that having a high luck stat helps. I may be wrong though.
I've never gotten this overdrive. I've not even used Selphie much to get it anyways. lol.

It seems like a lame looking special move. =/. That's just my opinion though.
I have never seen it before, I have tried on countless occasions to find it but no such luck. Sometimes I wonder if it really exists.. I guess it must. :P If it doesn't work on bosses then it's pretty worthless to me really. It sounds pretty cool though but I don't think I am going to bother finding it again.
I never got her The End limit break because she was my weakest character. She was like lvl 18 when my standard formation(Rinoa, Squall, Irvine) was lvl 100 each.
Yeah i got it against a couple of Iron Giants and against an Elnoyle that was about it!!!
Nice, it doest seam as rare as they say it is =/

It is pretty rare but i already finished FFVIII a lot of times and only used the The End three times so since i finished the game at least 12 times you can do the math:worried:
The End is very hard Limit to get. I myself have never gotten it, and I play with Selphy all the damn time! It has been driving me nuts! Thanks for the movie.
Yep, I remember getting it once a long time ago… It is pretty comical to watch the first around though, in my opinion.
I honestly have no idea. If I did, I didn't try to get it on purpose. I hardly ever used Selphie and I'm pretty sure she's still at level 12 where I got her. She's just another one of those characters that I found 108% useless the whole game. Sure I couldn't stand most of the characters in the game bar Zell, but even Rinoa and Squall were better fighters than Selphie.
It's easy to get if you have a high luck Stat and it really helps against monsters like Behemeths when you are trying to get the Bahamut GF.

Why would people want to use it on a boss? Bosses are supposed to fun and test your strategy.
I never got Selphie's the end limit >_< i really did want to use it too... it sounded like a pretty good move.
I don't remember to be seems familiar though. I tried to get everyone's limit break when I first played years ago, so if I did get it, then it probably wasn't all that memorable.

It certainly looked cheesy. =/
I've never gotten it, because of the simple fact that i never ever used Selphie =/

Maybe i should use her more...when i actually attempt to play this "game" again.
The End sucked. Plain and simple. By the time you can actually get the damn thing for a limit break choice, youre a high enough level to kill anything that comes around. Seeing how you can't use it on bosses, and you being a high level, you won't really need it to kill any boring monsters. Unless of course you do a duh move and go into a fight with 1k health with blind, poison, and silence haha.
I can't remember, but I think this took out Ultima Weapon for me. All considering that I was just BSing in that battle and didn't expect to win at all.