The English Voice-Acting


Jun 6, 2006
I'm just curious if anyone's heard any of the voice-acting in English. Is it awful or incredibly awful? With Square's track record on the non-King Hearts games, in terms of VAing, that seems to be the only two options. Please don't tell me I have to play through another Final Fantasy on mute.
They're actually very good, but we've yet to hear more. If you want a stunning English voice, look no further then Vossler.

If you hear this guy's voice during the trailer, you'll see that's some pretty awesome VA work, and nicely fitting too..
I actually really liked the voices from X, KH and KH2. No idea if voices were in XI, but I wouldn't have changed a thing in any of the three above games (besides Aerith in KH2, and Sephiroth in KH).

I'm really looking forward to another voiced-game. It will just come down you your interperetation and how you think that character should sound.

They sound great! British Voices FTW. Makes me proud to be from England *wipes tear*

I especially like Basch's(is that how you spell his name?) voice. Fits him very nicely.

Aye, I notice you said that the game contained BRITISH voices, but you're proud to be ENGLISH. There's more place to Britain, i.e, SCOTLAND, Ireland and Wales :lol:

Anyway ... this looks amazing.
Aye, I notice you said that the game contained BRITISH voices, but you're proud to be ENGLISH. There's more place to Britain, i.e, SCOTLAND, Ireland and Wales :lol:

Anyway ... this looks amazing.

Yeah i know. I said it as it may not be ALL english voices and some people might get confused and may think that it is still an american voice (as america speaks english, as i'm sure you already know >_>), but i live in England so thats why i said i'm proud to be English.

It was mainly to avoid confusion....but i still failed.
Yeah i know. I said it as it may not be ALL english voices and some people might get confused and may think that it is still an american voice (as america speaks english, as i'm sure you already know >_>), but i live in England so thats why i said i'm proud to be English.

It was mainly to avoid confusion....but i still failed.

What you say there is : Makes me proud to be BRITISH. Sorry, just like to be technical and correct ;)
I think the voice acting so far has been great, my only gripe is that it seems the quality of the recordings could have been a little better. Overall, a small gripe that you easily get used to and forget about.
I think they did a pretty good job. At least the mouthing is more exact than other games and I bet they even altered some of it some to fit the voices more accuratly.

I really like Vaan's and Fran's voices; both are pretty unique and I like 'em.
I have enjoyed the voice acting so far.

I did laugh when I heard that the Empire was English accents. Especially when I started thinking about what the Empire represented with imperialism, domination, etc. and they gave them English accents. I thought it was well done in that aspect. It added a lot to the game.
I like Frans voice acting, very unique. I was actually really impressed this time around with the english voice acting. They did a really good job this time.
I think the voices are all excellent. There were a few voices from minor characters that bugged me, but all in all it was quality.

But Ondore... his VA needs to stick to one accent or the other! It was all over the place--where'd they pick this guy up?